


Apple iPad with Keyboard Hero Image

If you use a keyboard with your iPad, there’s a quick and easy shortcut that will show a 「cheat sheet」 of available keyboard shortcuts while using most Apple apps and some third-party apps. Here’s how to use it.

如果您在iPad上使用鍵盤,則有一個快捷簡便的快捷方式,在使用大多數Apple應用程序和某些第三方應用程序時,將顯示可用鍵盤快捷方式的「備忘單」。 這是使用方法。

With a keyboard connected to your iPad, hold down the Command key for about two seconds and a window will pop up listing the available shortcuts on that screen. For example, on the Home screen, the pop-up looks like this.

將鍵盤連接到iPad時 ,按住Command鍵約兩秒鐘,然後會彈出一個窗口,列出該屏幕上的可用快捷方式。 例如,在主屏幕上,彈出窗口如下所示。

Home Screen command keyboard shortcut pop-up on iPad

This pop-up lists keyboard shortcuts you can use on the Home screen, such as launching Spotlight search with Command+Space or Option+Command+D to show the Dock.

此彈出窗口列出了可以在主屏幕上使用的鍵盤快捷鍵,例如使用Command + Space或Option + Command + D啓動Spotlight搜索以顯示Dock。

Calling up a 「cheat sheet」 of keyboard shortcuts with the Command key works on almost all Apple-made iPad apps. Some third-party apps, such as Twitter, have built-in cheat sheets as well, but it’s not universal. You’ll have to use trial and error to see if your favorite app supports it.

幾乎所有Apple製造的iPad應用程序都可以使用Command鍵調用鍵盤快捷方式的「速查表」。 一些第三方應用程序(例如Twitter)也具有內置的備忘單,但並不通用。 您必須使用反覆試驗來查看您喜歡的應用程序是否支持它。

In Safari, the hold-Command shortcut key reveals three pages of keyboard shortcuts that you can swipe through left or right with your finger. You will need to continue holding down the Command key while swiping between pages.

在Safari中,按住Command的快捷鍵可顯示三頁的鍵盤快捷鍵,您可以用手指向左或向右滑動。 在頁面之間滑動時,您將需要繼續按住Command鍵。

Safari command keyboard shortcut pop-up on iPad

All the shortcuts you might expect (such as Command+T for a new tab) are listed—and you might see some that surprise you, such as Zoom In and Zoom Out with Command + 「+」  and Command + 「-.」

列出了您可能期望的所有快捷方式(例如新選項卡的Command + T),並且您可能會看到一些讓您感到驚訝的快捷方式,例如使用Command +「 +」和Command +「-」進行「放大」和「縮小」。

Holding down Command for two seconds in the Files app reveals a list of powerful shortcuts, such as creating a new document with Command+N or Duplicating a file with Command+D.

在「文件」應用程序中按住Command兩秒鐘,將顯示一系列強大的快捷方式,例如,使用Command + N創建新文檔或使用Command + D複製文件。

Files command keyboard shortcut pop-up on iPad

Even the Apple App Store supports keyboard shortcuts. Holding down Command for two seconds in that app reveals a short list that focuses mostly on switching between sections of the store.

甚至Apple App Store也支持鍵盤快捷鍵。 在該應用程序中按住Command兩秒鐘,將顯示一個簡短列表,該列表主要側重於商店各部分之間的切換。

App Store command keyboard shortcut pop-up on iPad

There are plenty more keyboard shortcuts out there on the iPad to learn. If you’re feeling adventurous, try the Command key cheat sheet in all your favorite apps. You may be surprised at the breadth of keyboard support Apple and other developers have brought to this touch-centric platform.

iPad上還有很多鍵盤快捷鍵可供學習。 如果您喜歡冒險,請嘗試在所有喜歡的應用程序中使用Command鍵備忘單。 您可能會對Apple和其他開發人員爲該觸摸中心平臺帶來的廣泛鍵盤支持感到驚訝。

RELATED: 20 Keyboard Shortcuts Every iPad Owner Should Know

相關: 每個iPad所有者都應該知道的20個鍵盤快捷鍵

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669178/how-to-see-a-hidden-cheat-sheet-of-keyboard-shortcuts-on-the-ipad/
