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Create a examplemysql
The defferent between @RestController and @Controller:web
@Controller could return jsp、html or (add @ResponseBody to return json)jsonredis
@RestController just could return json.spring
@RestController = @Controller +@ResponseBodysql
@EnableAutoConfiguration: aim to tell springboot how to configure spring.json
Main method: to auto starting spring,auto starting the tomcat web server.
When you see that your demo is successful.
@SpringBootApplication on you main class.
Locate you main class above other clasese package.
@SpringBootApplication = @EnableAutoConfiguration +@ComponentScan
Main class demo with use the @SpringBootApplication
@Configuration: load one class
@Import : load one special class
@ComponentScan: load all spring conponent.
@Configuration to configure xml
@Configuration :Recommend this annotations
@EnableAutoConfiguration : use this could auto configuration
@EnableAutoConfiguration : to Ingnore some class
@ComponentScan : find you beans
@Autowired: inject object by constructor.
Structrue codes to use @ComponentScan:
@Repository:always use to annotation the Dao
Default configure file name. application.properties
@SpringBootApplication = @EnableAutoConfiguration + @Configuration + @ComponentScan
Use @EnableAutoConfiguration @Configuration @Import to annotation main class instead of @SpringBootApplication demo.
@Import : point at some specific classes.
@Component: point at all class.
Springboot-devtools: A powerrful dependency!
Disable to cache in default.
If some files be modified ,the springboot- devtool will restart this program auto.
Restart detailed analysis: springboot worked with two classloaders.
Restart logs: you can figure out it by configuring in application.properties.
Eclude some files ,project would not to restart when they are changed
Springboot devtool default to start,you can stop it by modifying the System param.
Trigger a brower refresh. (auto)
Use the configure file name definitied by self. Composed with –spring.config.name=Xxxxxx
Use specific configuration
@EnableConfigurationProperties:all class be annotated by @ConfigurationProperties
Use @Valitaded anotations to validate attributes
Ouput the log fiiles
Springboot support tomcat/jetty ,the default port is 8080
Springboot servlet
Use springboot servlet
Configure springboot servlet in application.properties
Demo in springboot servlet
Modify the port in tomcat
Connect to mysql database;
Tomcat connect pool
Entity Class use @Entity annotations
JOOQ: java object orentied query
Springboot user redis
Connect redis
Springboot provides lots of databases,sql or nosql ,all of those will have XXXTemplate instance to operate.
Springboot cache use demo:
JMS: java message service
JMS-ActionMq:use demo:
JMS send meassages:
Send mesages:
Receive messages:
Use restTemplate by RestTemplateBuilder
Use webClient by WebClientBuilder
Springboot use quartz scheduler