最簡單的安裝方式是在OSX使用 Homebrew:sql
$ brew install tippecanoe
也能夠直接下載源碼包,而後經過make && make install直接編譯安裝。shell
$ tippecanoe -o file.mbtiles [file.json ...]
tippecanoe提供了衆多選項。大多數時候不須要指定額外的選項參數,只須要經過 -o
指定輸出文件名,或者 -f
若是你不肯定所使用數據的最大級別,可使用 -zg
來自動計算一個基準級別作數據抽稀。若是這種方式對你無效,能夠嘗試使用-r1 --drop-fraction-as-needed
或者 --output=
: 指定輸出文件名稱-e
directory 或者 --output-to-directory
=directory: 將瓦片文件輸出到指定的directory 文件夾,而不是mbtiles-f
或者 --force
: 若是指定的mbtiles已存在,則刪除,不然拋出錯誤-F
或者 --allow-existing
: 忽略元數據或瓦片已存在的狀況,通常不推薦使用-n
name 或者 --name=
text 或者 --attribution=
text:使用瓦片數據時,顯示在地圖上的權屬信息 (HTML格式)-N
description 或者 --description=
description: 瓦片集的描述信息 (默認 file.mbtiles).json
或者 name.geojson
: 讀取指定的文件到一個名爲name的圖層-l
name 或者 --layer=
file.json 或者 --named-layer=
file.json: 爲每個單獨的文件指定一個圖層名-P
或者 --read-parallel
: 使用多線程讀取一個文件的不一樣部分 -s
projection 或者 --projection=
projection:爲輸入的數據指定一個投影。目前僅支持 EPSG:4326
(WGS84, 默認) 和 EPSG:3857
zoom 或者 --maximum-zoom=
或者 --maximum-zoom=g
: 根據要素分佈自動估算最大級別-Z
zoom 或者 --minimum-zoom=
detail 或者 --full-detail=
detail: 在最大級別時的「詳細程度」 (默認 12, 對應的分辨率爲4096)-D
detail 或者 --low-detail=
detail:在最大級別時的「詳細程度」(默認 12, 對應的分辨率爲4096)-m
detail 或者 --minimum-detail=
detail: 「詳細程度」下限,若是在標準「詳細程度」下瓦片太大將會嘗試的最小「詳細程度」 (默認 7,對應的分辨率爲128)All internal math is done in terms of a 32-bit tile coordinate system, so 1/(2^32) of the size of Earth,
or about 1cm, is the smallest distinguishable distance. If maxzoom + detail > 32, no additional
resolution is obtained than by using a smaller maxzoom or detail.
name 或者 --exclude=
name: 剔除的屬性字段-y
name 或者 --include=
name: 包含的屬性字段,其餘字段都將被剔除-X
或者 --exclude-all
: 剔除全部字段,僅僅編碼「geometry」字段-T
type 或者 --attribute-type=
type: 強制將要素的 attribute 屬性類型轉換爲指定的 type 類型。 string
, float
, int
, 或 bool
。 若是是 bool
、 false
、 null
,其它都被轉爲 true
。 若是是 float
或 int
。若是是 int
rate 或者 --drop-rate=
rate: 在基準級別如下的瓦片中被捨棄的點的比例(默認 2.5)。 若是使用 -rg
width 指定一個註記寬度來容許瓦片中保持較少的要素,以適應較大的註記或標記,也可使用-rf
number 來設置瓦片中最多包含的要素數量。-B
zoom 或者 --base-zoom=
zoom:基準級別,基準級別及以上的瓦片將不作點狀數據的抽稀 (默認爲最大級別)。 若是使用了 -Bg
, 將會根據最大要素數50,000估算基準級別。同時也可使用-Bg
或者 --drop-lines
: 讓線要素跟點要素同樣,在低級別作數據抽稀-ap
或者 --drop-polygons
: 讓面要素跟點要素同樣,在低級別作數據抽稀-as
或者 --drop-fraction-as-needed
:從每個級別動態捨棄一部分要素來保持瓦片大小不超過500kb限制。 (相似於-pd
或者 --drop-smallest-as-needed
:從每個級別動態捨棄最小的要素(物理上的最小:最短的線或最小的面)來保持瓦片大小不超過500kb限制。 該選項對點狀要素無效。-pd
或者 --force-feature-limit
: 動態捨棄部分要素來保持瓦片大小不超過500kb限制(該選項與 -ad
gamma 或者 --gamma=_gamma
_:特別密集的點將會被丟棄的比例 (默認 0,不丟棄)。gamma值爲2表示減小小於一個像素的點,直到其數量減小到原始數量的平方根(譯者注:不肯定該翻譯是否準確)。-aG
或者 --increase-gamma-as-needed
增長gamma值來將瓦片大小控制在500kb如下。這個gamma值將會被應用到整個縮放級別,通常狀況下會使用 --drop-densest-as-needed
scale 或者 --simplification=
scale:Multiply the tolerance for line and polygon simplification by scale. The standard tolerance tries to keep -ps
或者 --no-line-simplification
: 禁止簡化線和麪-pS
或者 --simplify-only-low-zooms
: 禁止在最大級別簡化線和麪 (在低級別仍然執行簡化)-pt
或者 --no-tiny-polygon-reduction
: Don’t combine the area of very small polygons into small squares that represent their combined area.-ab
或者 --detect-shared-borders
: In the manner of TopoJSON, detect borders that are shared between multiple polygons and simplify them identically in each polygon. This takes more time and memory than considering each polygon individually.-aL
or --grid-low-zooms
: At all zoom levels below maxzoom, snap all lines and polygons to a stairstep grid instead of allowing diagonals. You will also want to specify a tile resolution, probably -D8
. This option provides a way to display continuous parcel, gridded, or binned data at low zooms without overwhelming the tiles with tiny polygons, since features will either get stretched out to the grid unit or lost entirely, depending on how they happened to be aligned in the original data. You probably don’t want to use this.-b
pixels or --buffer=
pixels: Buffer size where features are duplicated from adjacent tiles. Units are 「screen pixels」—1/256th of the tile width or height. (default 5)-pc
or --no-clipping
: Don’t clip features to the size of the tile. If a feature overlaps the tile’s bounds or buffer at all, it is included completely. Be careful: this can produce very large tilesets, especially with large polygons.-pD
or --no-duplication
: As with --no-clipping
, each feature is included intact instead of cut to tile boundaries. In addition, it is included only in a single tile per zoom level rather than potentially in multiple copies. Clients of the tileset must check adjacent tiles (possibly some distance away) to ensure they have all features.-pi
or --preserve-input-order
: Preserve the original input order of features as the drawing order instead of ordering geographically. (This is implemented as a restoration of the original order at the end, so that dot-dropping is still geographic, which means it also undoes -ao
or --reorder
: Reorder features to put ones with the same properties in sequence, to try to get them to coalesce. You probably don’t want to use this.-ac
or --coalesce
: Coalesce adjacent line and polygon features that have the same properties. You probably don’t want to use this.-ar
or --reverse
: Try reversing the directions of lines to make them coalesce and compress better. You probably don’t want to use this.-ag
或者 --calculate-feature-density
:添加一個新屬性, tippecanoe_feature_density
, to each feature, to record how densely features are spaced in that area of the tile. You can use this attribute in the style to produce a glowing effect where points are densely packed. It can range from 0 in the sparsest areas to 255 in the densest.-aw
或者 --detect-longitude-wraparound
: Detect when adjacent points within a feature jump to the other side of the world, and try to fix the geometry.-M
bytes or --maximum-tile-bytes=
bytes: Use the specified number of bytes as the maximum compressed tile size instead of 500K.-pf
or --no-feature-limit
: Don’t limit tiles to 200,000 features-pk
or --no-tile-size-limit
: Don’t limit tiles to 500K bytes-pC
or --no-tile-compression
: Don’t compress the PBF vector tile data.-t
directory or --temporary-directory=
directory: Put the temporary files in directory. /tmp
or --quiet
: Work quietly instead of reporting progressTippecanoe ordinarily uses as many parallel threads as the operating system claims that CPUs are available.
You can override this number by setting the TIPPECANOE_MAX_THREADS
environmental variable.
$ tippecanoe -o alameda.mbtiles -l alameda -n "Alameda County from TIGER" -z13 tl_2014_06001_roads.json
$ cat tiger/tl_2014_*_roads.json | tippecanoe -o tiger.mbtiles -l roads -n "All TIGER roads, one zoom" -z12 -Z12 -d14 -x LINEARID -x RTTYP
Tippecanoe defines a GeoJSON extension that you can use to specify the minimum and/or maximum zoom level
at which an individual feature will be included in the vector tileset being produced.
If you have a feature like this:
{ "type" : "Feature", "tippecanoe" : { "maxzoom" : 9, "minzoom" : 4 }, "properties" : { "FULLNAME" : "N Vasco Rd" }, "geometry" : { "type" : "LineString", "coordinates" : [ [ -121.733350, 37.767671 ], [ -121.733600, 37.767483 ], [ -121.733131, 37.766952 ] ] } }
with a tippecanoe
object specifiying a maxzoom
of 9 and a minzoom
of 4, the feature
will only appear in the vector tiles for zoom levels 4 through 9. Note that the tippecanoe
object belongs to the Feature, not to its properties
. If you specify a minzoom
for a feature,
it will be preserved down to that zoom level even if dot-dropping with -r
would otherwise have
dropped it.
You can also specify a layer name in the tippecanoe
object, which will take precedence over
the filename or name specified using --layer
, like this:
{ "type" : "Feature", "tippecanoe" : { "layer" : "streets" }, "properties" : { "FULLNAME" : "N Vasco Rd" }, "geometry" : { "type" : "LineString", "coordinates" : [ [ -121.733350, 37.767671 ], [ -121.733600, 37.767483 ], [ -121.733131, 37.766952 ] ] } }
To provide a consistent density gradient as you zoom, the Mapbox Studio style needs to be
coordinated with the base zoom level and dot-dropping rate. You can use this shell script to
calculate the appropriate marker-width at high zoom levels to match the fraction of dots
that were dropped at low zoom levels.
If you used -B
or -z
to change the base zoom level or -r
to change the
dot-dropping rate, replace them in the basezoom
and rate
awk 'BEGIN { dotsize = 2; # up to you to decide basezoom = 14; # tippecanoe -z 14 rate = 2.5; # tippecanoe -r 2.5 print " marker-line-width: 0;"; print " marker-ignore-placement: true;"; print " marker-allow-overlap: true;"; print " marker-width: " dotsize ";"; for (i = basezoom + 1; i <= 22; i++) { print " [zoom >= " i "] { marker-width: " (dotsize * exp(log(sqrt(rate)) * (i - basezoom))) "; }"; } exit(0); }'
At every zoom level, line and polygon features are subjected to Douglas-Peucker
simplification to the resolution of the tile.
For point features, it drops 1/2.5 of the dots for each zoom level above the
point base zoom (which is normally the same as the -z
max zoom, but can be
a different zoom specified with -B
if you have precise but sparse data).
I don’t know why 2.5 is the appropriate number, but the densities of many different
data sets fall off at about this same rate. You can use -r to specify a different rate.
You can use the gamma option to thin out especially dense clusters of points.
For any area where dots are closer than one pixel together (at whatever zoom level),
a gamma of 3, for example, will reduce these clusters to the cube root of their original density.
For line features, it drops any features that are too small to draw at all.
This still leaves the lower zooms too dark (and too dense for the 500K tile limit,
in some places), so I need to figure out an equitable way to throw features away.
Unless you specify --no-tiny-polygon-reduction
any polygons that are smaller than a minimum area (currently 4 square subpixels) will
have their probability diffused, so that some of them will be drawn as a square of
this minimum size and others will not be drawn at all, preserving the total area that
all of them should have had together.
Features in the same tile that share the same type and attributes are coalesced
together into a single geometry if you use --coalesce
. You are strongly encouraged to use -x to exclude
any unnecessary properties to reduce wasted file size.
If a tile is larger than 500K, it will try encoding that tile at progressively
lower resolutions before failing if it still doesn’t fit.
Requires sqlite3 and zlib (should already be installed on MacOS). Rebuilding the manpage
uses md2man (gem install md2man
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev
Then build:
and perhaps
make install
Tippecanoe now requires features from the 2011 C++ standard. If your compiler is older than
that, you will need to install a newer one. On MacOS, updating to the lastest XCode should
get you a new enough version of clang++
. On Linux, you should be able to upgrade g++
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install -y g++-5 export CXX=g++-5
Check out some examples of maps made with tippecanoe
The name is a joking reference to a 「tiler」 for making map tiles.
Tile-join is a tool for joining new attributes from a CSV file to features that
have already been tiled with tippecanoe. It reads the tiles from an existing .mbtiles
file, matches them against the records of the CSV, and writes out a new tileset.
If you specify multiple source mbtiles files, they are all read and their combined
contents are written to the new mbtiles output. If they define the same layers or
the same tiles, the layers or tiles are merged.
The options are:
out.mbtiles: Write the new tiles to the specified .mbtiles file-f
: Remove out.mbtiles if it already exists-c
: Use match.csv
as the source for new attributes to join to the features. The first line of the file should be the key names; the other lines are values. The first column is the one to match against the existing features; the other columns are the new data to add.-x
key: Remove attributes of type key from the output. You can use this to remove the field you are matching against if you no longer need it after joining, or to remove any other attributes you don’t want.-i
: Only include features that matched the CSV.-pk
: Don’t skip tiles larger than 500K.-l
layer: Include the named layer in the output. You can specify multiple -l
options to keep multiple layers. If you don’t specify, they will all be retained.-L
layer: Remove the named layer from the output. You can specify multiple -L
options to remove multiple layers.Because tile-join just copies the geometries to the new .mbtiles without processing them
(except to rescale the extents if necessary),
it doesn’t have any of tippecanoe’s recourses if the new tiles are bigger than the 500K tile limit.
If a tile is too big and you haven’t specified -pk
, it is just left out of the new tileset.
Imagine you have a tileset of census blocks:
curl -O http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/TABBLOCK/2010/tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.zip unzip tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.zip ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.json tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.shp ./tippecanoe -o tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.mbtiles tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.json
and a CSV of their populations:
curl -O http://www2.census.gov/census_2010/01-Redistricting_File--PL_94-171/California/ca2010.pl.zip unzip -p ca2010.pl.zip cageo2010.pl | awk 'BEGIN { print "GEOID10,population" } (substr($0, 9, 3) == "750") { print "\"" substr($0, 28, 2) substr($0, 30, 3) substr($0, 55, 6) substr($0, 62, 4) "\"," (0 + substr($0, 328, 9)) }' > population.csv
which looks like this:
GEOID10,population "060014277003018",0 "060014283014046",0 "060014284001020",0 ... "060014507501001",202 "060014507501002",119 "060014507501003",193 "060014507501004",85 ...
Then you can join those populations to the geometries and discard the no-longer-needed ID field:
./tile-join -o population.mbtiles -x GEOID10 -c population.csv tl_2010_06001_tabblock10.mbtiles
The tippecanoe-enumerate
utility lists the tiles that an mbtiles
file defines.
Each line of the output lists the name of the mbtiles
file and the zoom, x, and y
coordinates of one of the tiles. It does basically the same thing as
select zoom_level, tile_column, (1 << zoom_level) - 1 - tile_row from tiles;
on the file in sqlite3.
The tippecanoe-decode
utility turns vector mbtiles back to GeoJSON. You can use it either
on an entire file:
tippecanoe-decode file.mbtiles
or on an individual tile:
tippecanoe-decode file.mbtiles zoom x y tippecanoe-decode file.vector.pbf zoom x y
If you decode an entire file, you get a nested FeatureCollection
identifying each
tile and layer separately. Note that the same features generally appear at all zooms,
so the output for the file will have many copies of the same features at different
projection: Specify the projection of the output data. Currently supported are EPSG:4326 (WGS84, the default) and EPSG:3857 (Web Mercator).-z
maxzoom: Specify the highest zoom level to decode from the tileset-Z
minzoom: Specify the lowest zoom level to decode from the tileset-l
layer: Decode only layers with the specified names. (Multiple -l
options can be specified.)