高斯消去法分爲兩個過程:第一步是前向消元(forward elimination),也就是將係數矩陣轉化成上三角矩陣的過程;第二步是回代(back substitution)過程,自底向上求解方程組的過程。
選擇主元(pivoting),主元(pivot)必定不能爲0.且主元應當儘量大。因此通常狀況下,咱們採起部分選主元(partial pivoting)。選擇主元爲所在各列中絕對值最大的元素(或者非0亦可)。而後將對應的該行與主元行進行交換,而後消元。shell
function x = gausselimination(A,b) ab = [A,b]; [r,c] = size(ab); for k=1:r-1 [rm,im]=max(abs(ab(k:r,k)));//im是最大元素對應的索引 im = im +k-1; if(ab(im,k)~=0) if(im~=k) ab([k im],:)=ab([im k],:); end end for i=k+1:r ab(i,k:c)=ab(i,k:c)-ab(i,k)/ab(k,k)*ab(k,k:c); end end x=zeros(r,1); x(r)=ab(r,c)/ab(r,r); for i=r-1:-1:1 x(i)=(ab(i,c)-ab(i,i+1:r)*x(i+1:r))/ab(i,i); end
>> A = [10 -7 0;-3 2 6;5 -1 5]ide
A =函數
10 -7 0code
-3 2 6orm
5 -1 5索引
>> b = [7;4;6]ip
b =ci
>> gausselimination(A,b)
ans =
In linear algebra, Gaussian elimination (also known as row reduction) is an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. It is usually understood as a sequence of operations performed on the associated matrix of coefficients. This method can also be used to find the rank of a matrix, to calculate the determinant of a matrix, and to calculate the inverse of an invertible square matrix. The method is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855), although it was known to Chinese mathematicians as early as 179 CE (see History section).
The process of row reduction makes use of elementary row operations, and can be divided into two parts. The first part (sometimes called Forward Elimination) reduces a given system to row echelon form, from which one can tell whether there are no solutions, a unique solution, or infinitely many solutions. The second part (sometimes called back substitution) continues to use row operations until the solution is found; in other words, it puts the matrix into reduced row echelon form.
接下來一塊兒看一個小程序,它的目的不過是爲了求解線性方程組Ax+b=x,化簡以後,能夠獲得(I -A)x=b。請注意在MATLAB中的語法是怎樣的。爲此,首先咱們初始化矩陣A和列向量b
>> A=[0.85 0.04;-0.04 0.85]
A =
0.8500 0.0400
-0.0400 0.8500
>> b=[0;1.6]
b =
>> I = eye(2,2) I = 1 0 0 1 >> x=(I-A)\b x = 2.6556 9.9585
\ --「It’s amazing how much numerical linear algebra is contained in that single character」
function x = bslashtx(A,b) % BSLASHTX Solve linear system (backslash) % x = bslashtx(A,b) solves A*x = b [n,n] = size(A); if isequal(triu(A,1),zeros(n,n)) % Lower triangular x = forward(A,b); return elseif isequal(tril(A,-1),zeros(n,n)) % Upper triangular x = backsubs(A,b); return elseif isequal(A,A') [R,fail] = chol(A); if ~fail % Positive definite y = forward(R',b); x = backsubs(R,y); return end end % Triangular factorization [L,U,p] = lutx(A); % Permutation and forward elimination y = forward(L,b(p)); % Back substitution x = backsubs(U,y); % ------------------------------ function x = forward(L,x) % FORWARD. Forward elimination. % For lower triangular L, x = forward(L,b) solves L*x = b. [n,n] = size(L); x(1) = x(1)/L(1,1); for k = 2:n j = 1:k-1; x(k) = (x(k) - L(k,j)*x(j))/L(k,k); end % ------------------------------ function x = backsubs(U,x) % BACKSUBS. Back substitution. % For upper triangular U, x = backsubs(U,b) solves U*x = b. [n,n] = size(U); x(n) = x(n)/U(n,n); for k = n-1:-1:1 j = k+1:n; x(k) = (x(k) - U(k,j)*x(j))/U(k,k); end