Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get
and set
- Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.set(key, value)
- Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.算法
這道題要求設計實現LRU cache的數據結構,實現set和get功能。學習過操做系統的都應該知道,cache做爲緩存能夠幫助快速存取數據,可是肯定是容量較小。這道題要求實現的cache類型是LRU,LRU的基本思想就是「最近用到的數據被重用的機率比較早用到的大的多」,是一種更加高效的cache類型。學習
「爲了可以快速刪除最久沒有訪問的數據項和插入最新的數據項,咱們將雙向鏈表鏈接Cache中的數據項,而且保證鏈表維持數據項從最近訪問到最舊訪問的順序。 每次數據項被查詢到時,都將此數據項移動到鏈表頭部(O(1)的時間複雜度)。這樣,在進行過屢次查找操做後,最近被使用過的內容就向鏈表的頭移動,而沒 有被使用的內容就向鏈表的後面移動。當須要替換時,鏈表最後的位置就是最近最少被使用的數據項,咱們只須要將最新的數據項放在鏈表頭部,當Cache滿 時,淘汰鏈表最後的位置就是了。 」spa
「注: 對於雙向鏈表的使用,基於兩個考慮。操作系統
get(key): 若是cache中不存在要get的值,返回-1;若是cache中存在要找的值,返回其值並將其在原鏈表中刪除,而後將其做爲頭結點。
set(key,value):當要set的key值已經存在,就更新其value, 將其在原鏈表中刪除,而後將其做爲頭結點;當藥set的key值不存在,就新建一個node,若是當前len<capacity,就將其加入hashmap中,並將其做爲頭結點,更新len長度,不然,刪除鏈表最後一個node,再將其放入hashmap並做爲頭結點,但len不更新。
class DoubleLinkedListNode { public int val; public int key; public DoubleLinkedListNode pre; public DoubleLinkedListNode next; public DoubleLinkedListNode(int key, int value) { val = value; this.key = key; } } public class LRUCache { private HashMap<Integer, DoubleLinkedListNode> map = new HashMap<Integer, DoubleLinkedListNode>(); private DoubleLinkedListNode head; private DoubleLinkedListNode end; private int capacity; private int len; public LRUCache(int capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; len = 0; } public int get(int key) { if(map.containsKey(key)) { DoubleLinkedListNode latest = map.get(key); removeNode(latest); setHead(latest); return latest.val; } else return -1; } public void set(int key, int value) { if(map.containsKey(key)) { DoubleLinkedListNode oldNode = map.get(key); oldNode.val = value; removeNode(oldNode); setHead(oldNode); } else { DoubleLinkedListNode newNode = new DoubleLinkedListNode(key, value); if(len<capacity) { setHead(newNode); map.put(key,newNode); len++; } else { map.remove(end.key); end = end.pre; if (end != null) { end.next = null; } setHead(newNode); map.put(key,newNode); } } } public void removeNode(DoubleLinkedListNode node) { DoubleLinkedListNode cur = node; DoubleLinkedListNode pre = node.pre; DoubleLinkedListNode next = node.next; if(pre!=null) { pre.next = next; // next.pre = pre; next may be NULL! } else { head = next; } if(next!=null) { next.pre = pre; // pre.next = next; ? } else { end = pre; } } public void setHead(DoubleLinkedListNode node) { node.next = head; node.pre = null; // head.pre = node; if (head != null) { head.pre = node; //Head may be NULL!empty linkedlist } head = node; if(end==null){ end = node; } } }