//seems that single linked list is not enough #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; class Node{ public: int key; int value; Node *next; Node *prev; Node(int k, int v, Node* n, Node *pre):key(k),value(v),next(n), prev(pre){} }; class LRUCache{ public: LRUCache(int capacity) { if(capacity < 0){ printf("error"); exit(-1); } _head = _tail = NULL; _size = 0; _cap = capacity; } ~LRUCache(){ if(_head == NULL) return; Node *p = _head, *q = _head->next; while(q){ delete p; p = q; q = q->next; } delete p; } int get(int key) { auto it = _map.find(key); if(it == _map.end()){ return -1; } else { moveToHead(it->second); return it->second->value; } } void set(int key, int value) { if(_cap == 0) return; if(_cap == 1){ if(_size == 1){ _map.erase(_head->key); _map[key] = _head; _head->key = key; _head->value = value; return; } else {//_size==0 _head = _tail = new Node(key,value,NULL,NULL); _map[key] = _head; _size++; return; } } //_cap >= 2 auto it = _map.find(key); if(it == _map.end()){ if(_size < _cap){ Node *p = new Node(key,value,_head, NULL); if(_head == NULL){ _head = _tail = p; _map[key] = _head; _size++; return; } _head->prev = p; _head = p; _map[key] = p; _size++; } else {//_size >= _cap >= 0, actually, we always ensure that _cap >= _size, so _size must equal to _cap //_size == _cap >= 2 Node *p = _tail; _map.erase(_tail->key); p->key = key; p->value = value; _map[key] = p; moveToHead(p); } } else { it->second->value = value; moveToHead(it->second); } } void moveToHead(Node* p){ if(p==_head) return; p->prev->next = p->next; if(p == _tail){ _tail = p->prev; } else { p->next->prev = p->prev; } p->next = _head; p->prev = NULL; _head->prev = p; _head = p; } private: unordered_map<int,Node*> _map; Node *_head, *_tail; int _size; int _cap; };
編譯要指定C++11(固然,你還要提供一個main函數才行),對於g++來講,添加 -std=c++11c++