本文以如下需求爲背景,介紹詳細的作法: 需在同一臺服務器同時部署兩個不一樣的 Github 倉庫(對 Bitbucket 等 git 服務一樣適用) root 用戶可在遠程登陸 SSH 後附上預期的 SSH Key 進行 git 命令操做 nginx 用戶進程(如 php-fpm)可在進程內附上預期的 SSH Key 進行 git 命令操做php
以 root 身份登陸服務器,爲 root 用戶和 nginx 用戶分別生成 SSH Key。nginx
倉庫 1:git
$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f "~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1" $ sudo -u nginx ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C "nginx@localhost" -f "/var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1"
倉庫 2:github
$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f "~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2" $ sudo -u nginx ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C "nginx@localhost" -f "/var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2"
此處的 nginx 用戶的主目錄因操做系統不一樣而擁有不一樣的路徑,經測試 CentOS 系的操做系統可能值爲:shell
"/var/lib/nginx" "/var/cache/nginx" "/usr/share/nginx"
sudo -u nginx ssh-keygen
[root@localhost]# sudo -u nginx ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/var/cache/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa): 此處的 nginx 用戶的主目錄爲 "/var/cache/nginx"。
將生成好的 SSH Key 的公鑰部分添加到兩個 Github 倉庫設置的 Deploy Keys(部署密鑰)中。php-fpm
倉庫 1:測試
$ cat "~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1.pub" $ cat "/var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1.pub"
倉庫 2:
$ cat "~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2.pub" $ cat "/var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2.pub"
編輯用戶的 SSH 配置文件,並指定主機的詳細自定義配置。
root 用戶:
$ nano "~/.ssh/config" Host github.com-myrepo1 HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1 Host github.com-myrepo2 HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2
nginx 用戶:
$ nano "/var/lib/nginx/.ssh/config" Host github.com-myrepo1 HostName github.com User git IdentityFile /var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo1 Host github.com-myrepo2 HostName github.com User git IdentityFile /var/lib/nginx/.ssh/id_rsa_github_myrepo2
完成了上述步驟,讀者如今能夠在 root 或 nginx 用戶登陸或以其運行的進程中執行 git 命令,而且會自動附上指定的 SSH Key。例如:
$ git clone git@github.com-myrepo1:tommy/myrepo1.git "/var/www/myrepo1" $ git clone git@github.com-myrepo2:tommy/myrepo2.git "/var/www/myrepo2"
<? header( 'Content-type: text/text' ); exit( shell_exec( 'cd /var/www/myrepo1; git pull origin master 2>&1' ) ); exit( shell_exec( 'cd /var/www/myrepo2; git pull origin master 2>&1' ) );
git remote set-url <name> <newurl> git remote set-url origin git@github.com-myrepo1:tommy/myrepo1.git git remote set-url origin git@github.com-myrepo2:tommy/myrepo2.git
rm -f ~/.ssh/know_hosts ssh -T git@github.com Hi Anonymous! You've successfully authenticated, but Github.com does not provide shell access.
Bad owner or permissions sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config