


My new startup has data centers on three continents, utilizes global load-balancing, traverses networks with ease, has both an iPhone and Windows application, was written in a simple high level language, and enables an amazing scenario to help people get more done, faster. 我的新公司在全球三大洲設有數據中心,利用全球負載平衡,輕鬆遍歷網絡,同時擁有iPhone和Windows應用程序,並使用簡單的高級語言編寫,並提供了一種令人驚歎的方案來幫助人們完成更多工作,快點。

But the real story - the real mindblower for me - was not the hours and hours of software that my partner and I wrote, it's the years and years of software that we didn't write.


We globally load balanced web sites and services across multiple servers in Europe, Asia, and the US. Windows Azure Traffic Manager handled that.

我們在歐洲,亞洲和美國的多臺服務器上爲全球負載均衡的網站和服務加載負載。 Windows Azure Traffic Manager對此進行了處理。

We sat our communication protocol on top of SignalR, an open source library using ASP.NET that hides the complexities of the real-time Web, handles NAT traversal for us, and basically removed the network for us as an issue. SignalR sits on stop of HTTP and Web Sockets, which sits on top of TCP/IP.

我們將通信協議放在SignalR之上, SignalR是一個使用ASP.NET的開源庫,它隱藏了實時Web的複雜性,爲我們處理了NAT遍歷,並且基本上從我們的角度刪除了網絡。 SignalR位於HTTP和Web套接字的停止位置,後者位於TCP / IP的頂部。

We used RayGun.io for our error management, and get complete stack dumps when a failure occurs in our application, this enables us to upgrade fast and often and give a good experience to our users


We used InnoSetup to install our application, it's truly one of the most amazing applications I've ever used. Give him money.

我們使用InnoSetup來安裝我們的應用程序,它確實是我用過的最神奇的應用程序之一。 給他錢

We used the ZXing QRCode Open source library for creation of QR codes. We didn't worry about the graphics details.

我們使用ZXing QRCode開源庫創建QR碼。 我們不擔心圖形細節。

We used MahApps.Metro UI to make our Windows application look great. Added some controls, and it's lovely.

我們使用MahApps.Metro UI使Windows應用程序看起來很棒。 添加了一些控件,它很可愛。

And it all comes together using C# and the Xamarin set of tools. The iPhone app, the Windows app, and the cloud service, are all C#.

所有這些都使用C#和Xamarin工具集整合在一起。 iPhone應用程序,Windows應用程序和雲服務都是C#。

I've been in the software industry for over 20 years now and I remember when writing C was considered a rather high-level language. I generally understand the full stack from assembler all the way up to managed code and beyond to the cloud. It's fantastic that today we think about managing VM clusters as much as we think about managing bytes.

我從事軟件行業已有20多年了,記得在編寫C時被認爲是一種高級語言。 我通常瞭解從彙編程序到託管代碼,再到雲的整個堆棧。 今天,我們對管理虛擬機羣集的思考與對字節的管理所思考的思考一樣多,這真是太棒了。

Think about the giant shoulders that our application is standing on. Think about the shoulders that your application is standing on. Software abstraction has enabled us to do so much.

考慮一下我們的應用程序所處的巨大肩膀。 考慮一下您的應用程序所處的困境。 軟件抽象使我們能夠做很多事情。

We can marvel at the abstraction layer that is Google. For many, that IS the internet. You type a question into a text box and push a button and the entire world opens up to you and a just a fraction of the planet truly appreciates the orchestration and history that makes it all happen.

我們可以驚歎於Google的抽象層。 對於許多人來說,這就是互聯網。 您在文本框中輸入問題並按一個按鈕,整個世界就會打開,您只有一小部分真正地欣賞了使之成爲現實的編排和歷史。

Do I have a point here? Probably not. It just struck me today. Go listen to my chat with computer science legend Len Bass on this week's podcast to get a feeling for the history and power that we exploit every day.

我在這裏有一點嗎? 可能不是。 今天才讓我震驚。 在本週的播客中收聽我與計算機科學**人物Len Bass的聊天,以瞭解我們每天利用的歷史和力量。

There is value in taking a moment to think about the deep and broad stack that your application sits on. Go thank and support the projects, both open source and not, that your application uses. Revel in the layers of abstraction that others have created and appreciate the ones that you have created. They make all the LEGO pieces you're using just the correct size, and they make snapping them together a lot of fun.

花一點時間考慮一下應用程序所位於的深度和廣泛的堆棧是有價值的。 感謝並支持您的應用程序使用的項目,包括開源項目和非開源項目。 陶醉於其他人創建的抽象層,並欣賞您創建的抽象層。 它們可以使您使用的所有LEGO樂高塊都只有正確的尺寸,並且使它們拼合起來很有趣。

It's a great time to be a programmer. This blog post was dictated with the myEcho application.

現在是成爲程序員的好時機。 該博客文章由myEcho應用程序決定。

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/we-are-abstracting-on-the-shoulders-of-giants
