download NOOBSjava
install operation system: Raspbianpython
set up: wifi(bad USB wifi adapter)-use wire cablelinux
download openCV- install-waiting - download ALPR- install- waiting---web
cloning barath's sdcard.算法
test alpr: config Raspberry Pi-open Downloads-"F4"- "alpr test.jpg"sql
set up my own Pi2 by following Barath's instructions on report數據庫
help generate sample plates: 100 black/yellow/blue, ratio 18, include every province, save as englishubuntu
generated 66 plates
Bararh left
Dr. Sheng: work on 優化 barath 的算法,幫助debug/ how to send data from rpi to cloud, cloud computing
setup vs2013 and openCV
set up visual studio 2010/2013+openCV---failed
make car back poster:3 feet*4 feet
set up codeblocks + openCV-Succeed
looking for openCV examples to warm up
make high resolusion car back posters
use openCV function to capture video from webcam and store it
review for this week
Brief summury:
had a hard time on seting up system on rpi2 and programming environment on laptop
aquired general ideas about: rpi2 architecture and properties, cloud computing
barely learned deep knowledge.
Plan for next week:
American Government class starts, 8:30-11:20 everyday
look into Barath's code, especially Chinese character library , 修改漢字庫 ,32省份, 增長training sample
keep learning openCV
車牌視頻 http://tv.sohu.com/20150318/n409964541.shtml 00:46
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrbIOEw92vA 2:52
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOIIvan3cYM 0:32
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IohP3Mnl_hk important(HK 車牌識別系統範例)
OpenCV: capture images from webcamera,
shoot video from webcam
start working on multipleObjectTracking
testing Project with video shots/real samples
set up test devices:
rearrange the camera set up(took away the plastic box of rspi 2 & rspicam )
shoot video about basic lab set up
wrote a python code to use Batch method process license plates
screen shot test results and added them into the video
enrich test data using 31 different province plates.
remake the video
review this week
finished the video
meet with Dr. Sheng about what to do in next stage:
work with JIXIN on Rsp2+robot/ set up cloud server for alpr with Chengjie&Yakenu
Plan for next week
get back on studying openCV
start writing an interface for alpr
debug openalpr
UI for alpr, qt? sql?
set alpr on linux,
sever connection,
database for manage license plates
memorial day
watch basic network programming videos on youtube
learned basic technic and commands :socket,bind,listen
got and set up new Rspi 2 and camera
watch videos about machine learning and got a general idea
start and try to configure ChineseALPR on Linux following barath's paper
look into a convinient way to create an UI which can be easily inherited
Think of a easy way to use SAS to build a database( but this technic needs data to be in Excel file?)
keep configuring Chinese ALPR on Linux
encounterde path problem which leads to the failure of calling alpr function
Plan for next week
Keep working on configuring ALPR on Linux
If configure succeed, try to achieve communication between server and client camera
Talk to Chai Jixin and discuss about what project to do, try to invent new ideas
keep configuring openAlpr
looked for online instructions and followed online instructions to install openalpr, still failed
installing openalpr
emailed to Barath about this problem, still failed to solve the problem.
gave up...
study on remote control
archieve to remote control Rspi from Windows 7,
capture image from camera and save on local drive
met with Gixin Chai, she is learning python and opencv by reading the e-book.
I can either learn python with her or keep working on openalpr still don't know what kind of specfic project I am going to do.
archieve to log in Linux operating system(Rspi 2 /computers which have Linux in lab) through my own laptop
looked for interesting projects on youtube
Interests on Time lapse, Motion Detection
Plan for next week
1. copy openalpr old version from Barath's computer and try to configure it again
2. try to develop something from remote control technic
3. look into time lapse motion detection, maybe it can be combined with openalpr to capture images from video
ssh (security shell), log in raspi, all the instructions are running on server, won't lost the informaiton if disconnected.
be able to share file with Rspi through WinSCP
be able to log in Rspi 2 from different platform: PC Ipad or Andriod smart phone
remote log in linux from ipad
troubleshooting openalpr installation
updated CMakeLists (wrong directory)
Finally Succeed install alpr on Ubuntu!!!!
configure Chinese version in openalpr
Problem:"No space left on device"when copy "src" from Chinese openalpr to openalpr
messed up with the Ubuntu root arthorities
fixing Ubuntu system
post online threads looking for help
try to build a VNC server on Win7 and remote log in through VNC Viewer on Ipad/Ipone
Plan for next week
1. reinstall Ye Gu's Linux system √
2. set up time lapse motion detection on Rspi
3. use liveCD backup and save Ye Gu's codes from computer and maybe reinstall the computer√
test and try to find the system partition of the computer, failed
make a bootable ubuntu live USB
failed to configure bootloader
watch tutorial and install Linux 14.04
pulled out one hard drive and successfully configure bootloader
successfully reinstalled Linux 14.04 on Ye Gu's computer
cleaned Ye Gu's desk
set video stream on raspi
configure remote desktop on Ubuntu 14.04
Rspi got compromised cannot reach internet
called IT department
unquarantined Raspi
work on video stream share with Windows folder
Plan for next week
1.try to set up openalpr on Ubuntu 14.04 and probably Chinese version too
2. keep setting up stream video and time lapse motion detection
configure wine on Ubuntu 14.04
share files between Ubuntu, windows, raspi
set up cygwin on Windows to use Linux functionalities and enable ssh
reinstalled Raspberrypi because of sending out spam
set up Openalpr chinese version on Ubuntu 14.04
成功排錯!!!!更改"openalp.conf.in"中 runtime_dir 爲 "runtime_data"的絕對路徑,運行指令由「alpr -c ch --config openalp.conf.in -n 30 -p ch image0.JPG「 改成」alpr -c ch --config openalp.conf.in -n 30 -p ch image0.JPG」
vital features of setting up:
1. use whole folder "openalpr-master" replace "openalpr"
2. delete "./src/build" and then build again
3. configure runtime path in "openalpr.conf" or put runtime_data follow the path of environment variable.
4. update runtime_data
5. put "openalp.conf.in" under the same folder of current directory(which you are running alpr)
installed and configured "motion" which has some problem with B+, cannot turn on the camera after boot or start motion.
learn netcat
used socket successfully to build a socket connection between Ubuntu and raspi
achieve to keep server listening and accept message from pi
Tomorrow: send file from raspi
set up socket server
server.java/ client.java
able to send any file from raspi to Ubuntu server
automatically take picture and send image to server
Plan for next week
make it automatically run openalpr to process the image passed from client and send the result back to server.
testing openalpr on server
pick up time lapse motion detection, try to fix the camera problem
archieved to process pics without typing other commands on openalpr
Ubuntu runs server_auto, raspi runs client_takepic
save the openalpr result locally
use socket.shutdownOutput() archieve half close socket connection to transfer file bi-directionally
adjust client_local: use head parameter "args[]" to get process image which is preparing for bath method later on.
(image has to be named *.JPG) CAPITALIZUED!
configure VM on cloud,
cannot ping to ASCC cloud coz router is not plugged in Lab 304
installed openalpr on cloud
updated java 7 jre/jdk
ran server_suto on cloud
「nohup java server_auto&」 helps server_auto.class child process still carry on running on server after parent process is closed by exiting the console.(immune to hangups)
meet with Dr.Sheng:
1. look into OpenALPR to get better accuration.
2. discuss with JIXIN,可穿戴攝像頭的應用?警方配備,自動人臉識別罪犯?
3.(雲端facial recoginition)
4. 找一種解決架構和實現方案:由車庫入門處拍攝高清照片處理獲得理想結果,記入數據庫中(何種方式實現數據庫?),在車入車位後經過相對低成本的攝像頭獲得照片後與數據庫匹配,實現可經過手機實時查詢車所在位置。
5. Implement applications by "Cloud Computing"
6. What's my own idea and what's the real situation demand
7. About Master,OSU or not, woderful lab.
8. How did yehenew set up the cloud,- Guid.
set up time lapse motion detection on rspi _ can be used for car plate capture, but image doesn't have high resolution
also, pi camera is on all the time which is kind of wasting power
got another chip with camera from Dr.Sheng which is cheaper and easier to expand it's usage
Plan for next week
1. find a manul online for the new small chip I got and set up picture taking and sending on it
2. look into openAlpr and modify the code to get better results
3. look into motion detection and try to upgrade its feature.
met with Dr. Sheng, things to do:
1. look up manul for HI3518E AR0130(深圳華爲海思),set it up as IP camera(to replace rspi)
2. study with GIXIN, implement wearable device computing on cloud together
3. adjust pi-timolo about the capturing delay issue, set up screen to capture image automatically on video and send using HI3518E
4. renew ""runtime_data" look its appearance
5. look into openAlpr source code
look for Software Development Kit ofr HI3518E
read datasheet, download SDK RDSV ofr HI3518E
watch video to set up development environment
是否原有boot? camera型號?
tried to connect to HI3518e using serial output(secureCRT)
tried to configure environment on Ubuntu server
updated runtime_data on server
started looking into openalpr, spotted bug in characteranalysis-"/textdetection/characteranalysis.cpp"
look into openalpr(detection part)
Plan for next week
keep focousing on openalpr
talk to Jixin to see what I can do on her face recognition
meet with JIXIN, Dr.Sheng:
1. don't save on server, directly process image
2. work on face recognition
3.查找谷歌,facebook 人臉識別服務,上傳圖像,匹配人臉,而後下載
4.send back text message on cellphone end
5. implement deep learning on cloud
6. work with JIXIN, train images into CSV file
using OSUSTUDENT wifi on rapberry pi to access to ASCC cloud, test outside
set up wifi on raspberry pi failed, need username & password for WAP2
set up demo: openalpr, motiondetection
prepare presentation on next Thursday: few slides
able to access ipcamera
download softwares to develop hi3518e
download VMware
configure openCV for face recognition on raspi
surveillance camera: Ubuntu view feed: nc -l -p 5001 | mplayer -fps 31 -cache 1024 -
raspi feed: raspivid -t 999999 -o – | nc [insert the IP address of the client] 5001
Plan for next week
1.prepare presentation about what I did during the summer
2.implement face recognition
3.configure ipcamera
4. look into openAlpr
failed to install camcv for face detection( fatal error: can not find EGL/egl.h>)
prepare ppt
prepare ppt
prepare presentation
dig into openalpr source code
download VMware
dig into openalpr source code
Plan for next week
keep diging into openalpr source code
set up wifi on raspi using hot-spot wifi
download Vmware to configure ipcamera
download Ubuntu 10.04 again
able to open vitural machine
configure raspi hot-spot wifi
read material and test ipcamera
read material, test ip camera
Plan for next week
continue on ip camera
try to conbine chengjie's database
look into chengjie's database
get used to it
configured LAMP server