PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating
PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating systems which has low TCB and support all standard POSIX APIs.ide
- Enclaves have severely limited capabilities: no native access to system calls and standard OS abstractions.
- Current systems have a large TCB which leads to too much overhead.
- There are security risks in Multi-Enclave applications.
- Using microns (micro-container) keep libc outside the enclave.
- micron is a unit of application logic which runs on the Intel SGX hardware enclaves.

Some Detail
- Evaluation on four real world software (Tor v0.2.5.11 , H2O v2.0.0 , OpenSSL v1.0.1m , FreeTDS v0.95.81 ):
- Expressiveness & Security.
- TCB -> How much TCB reduction achieve over Library OSes
- Performance -> Perform compared to Library OSes