1 def test(): 2 print('Hello Word') 3 4 5 print(test) # 打印函數的內存地址 #<function test at 0x100662e18> 6 test() # 調用函數
1 import time 2 def bar(): 3 time.sleep(3) 4 print('in the bar !!') 5 6 def test1(func): 7 start_tiem = time.time() 8 func()# run bar() 9 stop_time = time.time() 10 print('the func run time is %s' %(stop_time-start_tiem)) 11 test1(bar)
1 def fun(): 2 print('in fun ') 3 def bar(): #函數的嵌套 4 print('in the bar ') 5 bar() 6 fun() 7 #--------------------------# 8 name = "Baylor" 9 def change_name(): 10 11 name = "Baylor2" 12 def change_name2(): 13 name = "Baylor3" 14 print("第3層打", name) 15 16 change_name2() # 調用內層函數 17 print("第2層打印", name) 18 19 change_name() 20 print("最外層打印", name)
但每一次都須要重新對 test1 進行函數賦值,咱們只須要經過裝飾器的特殊書寫方式,在須要增長新功能的函數上增長「@裝飾器函數名」就能夠完成裝飾器的使用 緩存
1 def timer(func): 2 def deco():#函數的嵌套 timer(test1) func = test1 3 start_time = time.time() 4 func() #run test1 5 stop_time = time.time() 6 print(' the func time is %s'%(stop_time - start_time)) 7 return deco #高階函數- 返回值中包含函數名 8 9 @timer # test1 = timer(test1) 10 def test1(): 11 time.sleep(3) 12 print('in the test1') 13 @timer 14 def test2(): 15 time.sleep(2) 16 print('in the test2') 17 18 #test1 = timer(test1) 19 test1()# --->deco 20 test2() 21 print(timer(test1)) #打印test1 內存地址
因此咱們說:高階函數+嵌套函數 =>裝飾器 ,咱們經過高階函數+函數嵌套實現了以上的裝飾器,他符合不改變調用方式,爲函數增長新功能。數據結構
1 def w1(func): 2 def inner(arg): 3 # 驗證1 4 # 驗證2 5 # 驗證3 6 return func(arg) 7 return inner 8 9 @w1 10 def f1(arg): 11 print ('f1') 12 13 14 def w1(func): 15 def inner(arg1,arg2,arg3): 16 # 驗證1 17 # 驗證2 18 # 驗證3 19 return func(arg1,arg2,arg3) 20 return inner 21 22 @w1 23 def f1(arg1,arg2,arg3): 24 print ('f1')
1 def w1(func): 2 def inner(*args, **kwargs): 3 # 驗證1 4 # 驗證2 5 # 驗證3 6 print(*args,**kwargs) 7 8 return func(*args, **kwargs) 9 return inner 10 11 @w1 12 def f1(arg1, arg2, arg3): 13 print('f1') 14 15 f1(1,2,3)
1 import time 2 def timer(func): 3 def deco(*args,**kwargs):#函數的嵌套 timer(test1) func = test1 4 start_time = time.time() 5 func(*args,**kwargs) #run test1 6 stop_time = time.time() 7 print(' the func time is %s'%(stop_time - start_time)) 8 return deco #高階函數 9 10 @timer # test1 = timer(test1) 11 def test1(): 12 time.sleep(3) 13 print('in the test1') 14 @timer # test2 = timer(test2) = deco test2(name) = deco(name) 15 def test2(name,arg): 16 time.sleep(2) 17 print('in the test2 %s %s',name,arg) 18 19 test1()# --->deco 20 test2('Baylor',28)
1 import time 2 user,passwd = 'jinyu','abc123' 3 def auth(auth_type): 4 def outer_wrapper(func): 5 print('auth func:',auth_type) 6 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 7 print('------',auth_type) 8 if auth_type =='local': 9 username = input('Username:') 10 password = input('Password') 11 if user == username and passwd == password: 12 13 print('\033[31;1mUser has password authentication\033[0m') 14 # res = func(*args,**kwargs) 15 res = func(*args,**kwargs) #1,2 16 print('-----afte authentication-----',res) 17 res.append(3) 18 print(res) 19 return res,'方法已運行完畢' # 結果 20 else: 21 print('\033[32;1m Invalid username or password\033[0m') 22 elif auth_type =='ldap': 23 print('哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!ldap') 24 return wrapper 25 return outer_wrapper 26 27 def index(): 28 print('welcome to index page!') 29 @auth(auth_type = 'local')#home = wraapper 30 def home(): 31 print('welcome to home page!') 32 return [1,2] 33 @auth(auth_type = 'ldap') 34 def bbs(): 35 print('welcome to bbs page!') 36 37 index() 38 home() 39 # bbs()
三層函數造成了終結裝飾器,經過裝飾器所傳的參數可以進行裝飾器功能判斷,提供了更好的擴展性 測試
1 a = [i*2 for i in range(10)] #列表生成式 3行代碼一行搞定 2 print(a) 3 4 a = [] 5 for i in range(10): 6 a.append(i*2) 7 print(a)
1 a =(i * 2 for i in range(10)) #若是要打印generator中的元素須要藉助next方法 須要循環才能取出 2 # a =[i * 2 for i in range(10)] # list的元素咱們能夠一個個打印出, 3 print(a) #<generator object <genexpr> at 0x10228f2b0> 4 print(next(a)) 5 print(next(a)) 6 print(a.__next__())
7 print(a.__next__())
1 def fib(max): 2 n, a, b = 0, 0, 1 3 while n < max: 4 print(b) 5 a, b = b, a + b # t(b,a+b) a=t[0]-1 b=t[1]-2 a+b等同於 t的下標相加 6 n = n + 1 7 return 'done' # 無用 8 9 10 fib(10) 11 12 # 若是把這個改進成 yield 生成器,經過 __next__調用 只須要 把print(b) 改爲 yield b 便可 13 temp = [] 14 15 16 def fib(max): 17 n, a, b = 0, 0, 1 18 while n < max: 19 yield b 20 a, b = b, a + b # t(b,a+b) a=t[0]-1 b=t[1]-2 a+b等同於 t的下標相加 21 n = n + 1 22 return 'done' # 無用 23 24 x = fib(10) 25 print(x) 26 print(x.__next__()) 27 print(x.__next__()) 28 print(x.__next__()) 29 print(x.__next__())
1 #匿名函數就是不須要顯式的指定函數 2 3 # 這段代碼 4 def calc(n): 5 return n * n 6 7 print(calc(10)) 8 9 # 換成匿名函數 10 calc = lambda n: n * n 11 print(calc(10)) 12 #你也許會說,用上這個東西沒感受有毛方便呀, 。。。。呵呵,若是是這麼用,確實沒毛線改進,不過匿名函數主要是和其它函數搭配使用的呢,以下 13 #x=[1, 5, 7, 4, 8] 14 res = map(lambda x: x * 2, [1, 5, 7, 4, 8]) #map會根據提供的函數對指定序列作映射。 15 for i in res: 16 print(i)
#匿名函數只能處理比較簡單的處理邏輯,只能寫簡單的表達式,不能寫循環 判斷,好比三元運算符
1 import json 2 3 dic = {"name": "niuniu", "age": 18} 4 print(json.dumps(dic)) # 把字典轉成json串 5 fj = open('a.json', 'w') 6 print(json.dump(dic, fj)) # 把字典轉換成的json串寫到一個文件裏面 7 s_json = '{"name":"niuniu","age":20,"status":true}' 8 print(json.loads(s_json)) # 把json串轉換成字典 9 10 # 先建立b.json文件 運行運行此代碼*{"name": "chenjianguo", "age": 18}* 11 fr = open('b.json', 'r') 12 print(json.load(fr)) # 從文件中讀取json數據,而後轉成字
內置函數詳細介紹 https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html?highlight=built#ord
1 import time 2 def consumer(name): 3 print('%s 我準備吃包子了'%name) 4 while True: 5 baozi = yield #保存當前狀態返回, 6 print('包子[%s]來了,被[%s]吃了'%(baozi,name)) 7 # c = consumer('houzi') 8 # c.__next__() 9 #b = '韭菜餡' 10 #c.send(b) # 調用yield 並傳值 11 #c.__next__() 12 def producer(name): 13 c = consumer('A') #生成 14 c2 = consumer('B') 15 c.__next__() 16 c2.__next__() 17 print('開始準備作包子了。。。。。。') 18 for i in range(10): 19 time.sleep(1) 20 print('作了2個包子!!!!') 21 c.send(i) 22 c2.send(i) 23 24 producer('houzi')
1 class Foo: 2 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): 3 print('call....') 4 def test(self):# 5 print('test....') 6 if __name__ == '__main__': 7 t = Foo()#實例化類 8 t.test()#正常調用實例方法 9 t()#直接調用實例化以後的對象
1 class Fuck(object): 2 def __init__(self, func): 3 self.func = func 4 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): 5 import time 6 start_time = time.time() 7 res = self.func(*args, **kwargs) 8 end_time = time.time() 9 print('the function "%s" run time is %s' % (self.func.__name__, 10 (end_time - start_time))) 11 return res 12 @Fuck 13 def run(name): 14 import time 15 time.sleep(1) 16 return 'sb_%s' % name 17 print(run('hyf'))