[gpadmin@master ~]$ gpstart -a
[gpadmin@master ~]$ gpperfmon_install --enable --password gpmon --port 2345
[gpadmin@master ~]$ gpstop -M fast -a
[gpadmin@master ~]$ gpstart -a
[gpadmin@master ~]$ ps -ef | grep gpmmon
[gpadmin@master ~]$ psql -d 'gpperfmon' -c 'select * from system_now;'
[gpadmin@master ~]$ gpssh -f /home/gpadmin/conf/hostlist => cd /data/greenplum-db [master1] [slave1] [slave2] [slave3] => mkdir greenplum-cc-web [master1] [slave1] [slave2] [slave3] => exit
[gpadmin@master ~]$ unzip greenplum-cc-web-4.0.0-LINUX-x86_64.zip [gpadmin@master ~]$ cd greenplum-cc-web-4.0.0-LINUX-x86_64 [gpadmin@master greenplum-cc-web-4.0.0-LINUX-x86_64]$ ./gpccinstall-4.0.0 #一直空格 I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE ABOVE PIVOTAL GREENPLUM DATABASE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT. Do you agree to the Pivotal Greenplum Command Center End User License Agreement? Yy/Nn (Default=Y) Where would you like to install Greenplum Command Center? (Default=/usr/local) /opt/greenplum/greenplum-cc-web What would you like to name this installation of Greenplum Command Center? (Default=gpcc) What port would you like gpcc webserver to use? (Default=28080) Would you like to enable kerberos? Yy/Nn (Default=N) Would you like enable SSL? Yy/Nn (Default=N) Installation in progress... Successfully installed Greenplum Command Center. We recommend ssh to standby master before starting GPCC webserver To start the GPCC webserver on the current host, run gpcc start
[gpadmin@master ~]$ vi .bash_profile #添加 source /opt/greenplum/greenplum-cc-web/greenplum-cc-web-4.0.0/gpcc_path.sh [gpadmin@master ~]$ source .bash_profile
[gpadmin@master ~]$ vi /data/greenplum-db/gpdata/gpmaster/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf #在最後一行添加這句 host all gpmon (本機的ip)/24 md5 [gpadmin@master ~]$ gpstop -M fast -a [gpadmin@master ~]$ gpstart -a [gpadmin@master ~]$ gpcc start
gpcc stopsql
gpcc start數據庫