R - project : http://www.r-project.org/, 這樣安裝:sudo apt-get install r-baselinux
PSPP: http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/windows
gretl: http://gretl.sourceforge.net/session
Octave: http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/app
PSPP is particularly aimed at statisticians, social scientists and students requiring fast convenient analysis of sampled data.
【功能差距】主菜單Analyze與SPSS相比,SPSS(13.0)就有18項,而PSPP只有9項;缺失的主要功能項目是「通常線性模型、混合模型、時序分析、生存分析、多選分析、缺失值分析」;同時,PSPP的某些現存功能主項目也縮減了好些,例如「迴歸分析從10項壓縮到了2項,聚類分析從5項削減到了1項,Data Reduction也從3項拆減爲factor analysis,相關分析也從3項縮減爲Bivariate這1項」,因而可知,PSPP的功能總量大約是SPSS的30%;不過,缺失的通常線性模型與時序分析與混合模型主要是經濟學使用較多,而「生存分析」主要是醫學使用,多選分析與缺失值分析主要是社會學的調查問卷使用較多;整體來講,能讓文科師生在初級和中級和某些高級統計上實現代替SPSS的功能。
[1] 統計學初級中級學習與應用;
[2] 討厭SPSS的臃腫與繁瑣;
[3] 出國訪學或碩博論文中體現對(統計)軟件版權的尊重;
[4] 統計學課堂上,身爲教師,但願每一個學生都迅速無障礙地安裝上統計軟件;
[5] 當前電腦已經運行遲緩,不歡迎SPSS之類的高內存佔用的軟件;
數據導入(「Import Data」)時,請把「數據導入對話框」的底部的「Character Encoding」從「Automatically Detect」改成「Locale GBK」,就能順利導入txt或csv之類的文件了;[SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]因爲xls和xlsx文件格式[SIZE=4]都[/SIZE]是微軟公司的商業專利技術[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE],當你須要把xls或xlsx文件導入PSPP的時候,請在Excel中另存爲「逗號分隔的csv文件」或「製表符分隔的txt文件」這兩種格式就能導入PSPP了。
一旦安裝完成,你也能夠把C盤的Program Files文件夾的「PSPP」文件夾拷貝到優盤或其餘盤,就算卸載了C盤這份PSPP也能雙擊運行你拷貝出來的「PSPP」中的「bin」文件夾的「psppire.exe」這個文件而運行起來PSPP喲!可是,千萬注意,不要把PSPP這個便攜免裝包放到[B]名稱含了[SIZE=4]漢字[/SIZE]的文件夾[/B],由於它對中文還有點識別不良,若是你把它放到名稱含有漢字的文件夾,它就會一啓動就崩潰的……編輯器
【功能差距】主菜單Analyze與SPSS相比,SPSS(13.0)就有18項,而 PSPP只有9項;缺失的主要功能項目是「通常線性模型、混合模型、時序分析、生存分析、多選分析、缺失值分析」;同時,PSPP的某些現存功能主項目也縮減了好些,例如「迴歸分析從10項壓縮到了2項,聚類分析從5項削減到了1項,Data Reduction也從3項拆減爲factor analysis,相關分析也從3項縮減爲Bivariate這1項」,因而可知,PSPP的功能總量大約是SPSS的30%;不過,缺失的通常線性模型與時序分析與混合模型主要是經濟學使用較多,而「生存分析」主要是醫學使用,多選分析與缺失值分析主要是社會學的調查問卷使用較多;整體來講,能讓文科師生在初級和中級和某些高級統計上實現代替SPSS的功能。
[1] 統計學初級中級學習與應用;
[2] 討厭SPSS的臃腫與繁瑣;
[3] 出國訪學或碩博論文中體現對(統計)軟件版權的尊重;
[4] 統計學課堂上,身爲教師,但願每一個學生都迅速無障礙地安裝上統計軟件;
[5] 當前電腦已經運行遲緩,不歡迎SPSS之類的高內存佔用的軟件;
數據導入(「Import Data」)時,請把「數據導入對話框」的底部的「Character Encoding」從「Automatically Detect」改成「Locale GBK」,就能順利導入txt或csv之類的文件了;因爲xls和xlsx文件格式都是微軟公司的商業專利技術,當你須要把xls或xlsx文件導入PSPP的時候,請在Excel中另存爲「逗號分隔的csv文件」或「製表符分隔的txt文件」這兩種格式就能導入PSPP了。
一旦安裝完成,你也能夠把C盤的Program Files文件夾的「PSPP」文件夾拷貝到優盤或其餘盤,就算卸載了C盤這份PSPP也能雙擊運行你拷貝出來的「PSPP」中的「bin」文件夾的「psppire.exe」這個文件而運行起來PSPP喲!可是,千萬注意,不要把PSPP這個便攜免裝包放到[B]名稱含了[SIZE=4]漢字[/SIZE]的文件夾[/B],由於它對中文還有點識別不良,若是你把它放到名稱含有漢字的文件夾,它就會一啓動就崩潰的……ide
無選項參數(Non-option arguments)
輸出選項(Output options)
-o, --output=output-file
-O option=value
-O format=format
-O device=(terminal|listing)
-e, --error-file=error-file
語言選項(Language options)
-I, --include=dir
-I-, --no-include
-b, --batch
-i, --interactive
-r, --no-statrc
-a, --algorithm={compatible|enhanced}
-x, --syntax={compatible|enhanced}
信息選項(Informational options)
-h, --help
-V, --version
Other options
-s, --safer
Read and execute the named syntax file. If no syntax files are specified, PSPP prompts for commands. If any syntax files are specified, PSPP by default exits after it runs them, but you may make it prompt for commands by specifying 『-』 as an additional syntax file.
讀取並執行被命名的語法文件(Syntax file)。若是沒有指定語法文件,PSPP會提示命令。若是有任何語法文件被制定,PSPP默認會在它運行完畢後退出,可是您能夠使用『-』來增長新的語法文件,繼續命令行。
Write output to output-file. PSPP has several different output drivers that support output in various formats (use --help to list the available formats). Specify this option more than once to produce multiple output files, presumably in different formats. Use 『-』 as output-file to write output to standard output. If no -o option is used, then PSPP writes output to standard output in plain text format.
Sets an option for the output file configured by a preceding -o. Most options are specific to particular output formats. A few options that apply generically are listed below.
PSPP uses the extension of the file name given on -o to select an output format. Use this option to override this choice by specifying an alternate format, e.g. -o pspp.out -O html to write HTML to a file named pspp.out. Use --help to list the available formats.
- -O device={terminal|listing}
Sets whether PSPP considers the output device configured by the preceding -o to be a terminal or a listing device. This affects what output will be sent to the device, as configured by the SET command's output routing subcommands (see SET). By default, output written to standard output is considered a terminal device and other output is considered a listing device.
Disables output entirely, if neither -o nor -O is also used. If one of those options is used, --no-output has no effect.
- -e error-file
- --error-file=error-file
Configures a file to receive PSPP error, warning, and note messages in plain text format. Use 『-』 as error-file to write messages to standard output. The default error file is standard output in the absence of these options, but this is suppressed if an output device writes to standard output (or another terminal), to avoid printing every message twice. Use 『none』 as error-file to explicitly suppress the default.
Appends dir to the set of directories searched by INCLUDE (see INCLUDE) and INSERT (see INSERT).
Clears all directories from the include path, including directories inserted in the include path by default. The default include path is . (the current directory), followed by .pspp in the user's home directory, followed by PSPP's system configuration directory (usually /etc/pspp or /usr/local/etc/pspp).
- -b
- --batch
- -i
- --interactive
These options forces syntax files to be interpreted in batch mode or interactive mode, respectively, rather than the default 「auto」 mode. See Syntax Variants, for a description of the differences.
Disables running rc at PSPP startup time.
- -a {enhanced|compatible}
- --algorithm={enhanced|compatible}
With enhanced, the default, PSPP uses the best implemented algorithms for statistical procedures. With compatible, however, PSPP will in some cases use inferior algorithms to produce the same results as the proprietary program SPSS. Some commands have subcommands that override this setting on a per command basis.
- -x {enhanced|compatible}
- --syntax={enhanced|compatible}
With enhanced, the default, PSPP accepts its own extensions beyond those compatible with the proprietary program SPSS. With compatible, PSPP rejects syntax that uses these extensions. --syntax-encoding=encoding Specifies encoding as the encoding for syntax files named on the command line. The encoding also becomes the default encoding for other syntax files read during the PSPP session by the INCLUDE and INSERT commands. See INSERT, for the accepted forms of encoding.
Prints a message describing PSPP command-line syntax and the available device formats, then exits.
Prints a brief message listing PSPP's version, warranties you don't have, copying conditions and copyright, and e-mail address for bug reports, then exits.
Disables certain unsafe operations. This includes the ERASE and HOST commands, as well as use of pipes as input and output files.
Invoke heuristics to assist with testing PSPP. For use by make check and similar scripts.