Oracle 11g R2 Client(64bit)的下載與安裝(圖文詳解), 物理內存檢查失敗解決步驟spring
listener.ora、sqlnet.ora、tnsnames.ora 配置 tnsping 服務名數據庫
sqlnet.ora 配置oracle
PLSQL13.0.0.1882 註冊碼:ide
產品號/product code: 4vkjwhfeh3ufnqnmpr9brvcuyujrx3n3le
序列號/serial Number:226959
密碼/password: xs374caoop
kfsvzt6zh2exaxzxgjk44rv5kp2yp68vgk 、186220、xs374ca
plsql v12漢化包下載地址:可漢化12.0及以上版本(安裝到plsqldev.exe同級目錄下)
ORA-12541:TNS:no listener 解決方法 cmd: lsnrctl start
將兩個文件中的 HOST=固然這個是個人地址),全改成 " HOST=localhost " 。
listener.ora 文件修改後,以下圖:
tnsnames.ora 文件修改後,以下圖:
以上兩個配置文件修改完成後,Ctrl + R 在彈出框中輸入 " SERVICES.MSC " ,找到Oracle的服務(OracleService)和 Oralce 監聽服務 (OracleOraDb10g_homeTNLListener)
一、查詢oracle中全部用戶信息 select * from dba_users; 二、只查詢用戶和密碼 select username,password from dba_users; 三、查詢當前用戶信息 select * from dba_ustats; 四、查詢用戶能夠訪問的視圖文本 select * from dba_varrays; 五、查看用戶或角色所擁有的角色 select * from dba_role_privs; select * from user_role_privs; 六、查看用戶或角色系統權限(直接賦值給用戶或角色的系統權限) select * from dba_sys_privs; select * from user_sys_privs; (查看當前用戶所擁有的權限)
oracle 建新用戶
sqlplus/ as sysdba
-- create new user CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY t123; -- grant priviledges GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, DBA TO test; --alter password alter user test identified by t123; --oracle對錶空間 USERS 無權限 alter user 用戶名 quota unlimited on users; --刪除用戶 drop user 用戶名 cascade; ---cascade 級聯 --授予權限 -- 分配用戶 Sam 建立表,建立序列,建立存儲過程和建立視圖的權限 grant create table,create sequence,create view,create procedure, update to test --去除用戶權限 -- 去除用戶 Sam 建立視圖的權限 revoke create view from test;
CREATE TABLE order_items ( order_id NUMBER( 12, 0 ) , -- fk item_id NUMBER( 12, 0 ) , product_id NUMBER( 12, 0 ) NOT NULL , -- fk quantity NUMBER( 8, 2 ) NOT NULL , unit_price NUMBER( 8, 2 ) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT pk_order_items PRIMARY KEY( order_id, item_id ), CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_products FOREIGN KEY( product_id ) REFERENCES products( product_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_orders FOREIGN KEY( order_id ) REFERENCES orders( order_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE );
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Name : OT (Oracle Tutorial) Sample Database -- Link : -- Version : 1.0 -- Last Updated: July-28-2017 -- Copyright : Copyright ?2017 by All Rights Reserved. -- Notice : Use this sample database for the educational purpose only. -- Credit the site explitly in your materials that -- use this sample database. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- disable FK constraints ALTER TABLE order_items DISABLE CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_products; ALTER TABLE order_items DISABLE CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_orders; -------------------------------------------------------- -- OT -------------------------------------------------------- REM INSERTING into OT.ORDER_ITEMS SET DEFINE OFF; Insert into OT.ORDER_ITEMS (ORDER_ID,ITEM_ID,PRODUCT_ID,QUANTITY,UNIT_PRICE) values (70,7,32,132,469.99); Insert into OT.ORDER_ITEMS (ORDER_ID,ITEM_ID,PRODUCT_ID,QUANTITY,UNIT_PRICE) values (73,5,192,124,519.99); -- enable FK constraints ALTER TABLE order_items ENABLE CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_products; ALTER TABLE order_items ENABLE CONSTRAINT fk_order_items_orders;
1、標準update語法(經常使用、速度可能最慢) -- 當更新的表示單個或者被更新的字段不須要關聯錶帶過來,此法是最好的選擇。 update a set a.c2= (select b.c2from b where a.c1=b.c1) where exists (select 1 from b where a.c1=b.c1) 2、內聯視圖更新(關聯主鍵字段,速度較快) -- inline view更新法就是更新一個臨時創建的視圖。 -- 方案:更新一個臨時創建的視圖。要求B表的主鍵字段必須在where條件中,而且是以=號來關聯被更新表。 update (select a.c2 as ac2,b.c2 as bc2 from a, b where a.c1=b.c1 and a.c3=’2011’) as M set ac2=bc2 3、merge更新法 (關聯字段非主鍵時,速度較快) merge是oracle特有的語句,語法以下: MERGE INTO table_name alias1 --主表,即須要被修改的表 USING (table | view | sub_query) alias2 --從表,即來源表 ON (join condition) --鏈接條件 WHEN MATCHED THEN --在匹配的記錄中進行 UPDATE table_name SET col1 = col_val1, col2 = col2_val --更改主表信息 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN --在不匹配的狀況下,篩選從表記錄插入到主表【可選】 INSERT (column_list) VALUES (column_values); merge into a using b on (a.c1=b.c1 and a.c3=’2011’) when matched then update a.c2=b.c2 4、快速遊標更新法(複雜邏輯時,效率很高) begin for cur in (select a.rowid ,b.c2 from a, b where a.c1=b.c1 and a.c3=’2011’ ) loop UPDATE a set c2=cur.c2 where rowid=cur.rowid; end loop; end;
# 刪表 DROP TABLE ot.order_items; # 刪行 delete from 表名 where 條件
constraint ca_pk primary key() constraint c2 foreign key () references b() select a,b, row_number() over(partition by a order by b) as c from aaa group by a select a,b,rownum as id from aaa update AAA set B=B*0.1; commit; update aaa set b=rownum where a='x'; commit; update a set (x,y)=(select x,f from a,b where where exists(select 1 from a,b where merge into a using b on when matched then update b set when not matched then insert () values() insert into aaa(a,b) values( 'z', 1); commit; insert into aaa(a,b) ( select a, (select avg(b) from aaa) from aaa where a <> 'x' ); commit;
-- 查找與001號同窗所學課程徹底相同的其餘同窗的學號和姓名 select t4.sid, from ( select sid, count(1) c1 from course t where c1.sid <> '001' group by c1.sid ) t1, ( select sid, count(1) as c2 from course t where cid in (select cid from course where sid='001') group by sid ) t2, ( select count(1) c3 from course t where sid='001' ) t3, ( select sid, name from student t ) t4 where t1.sid = t2.sid and t1.c1 = t2.c2 and t1.c1 = t3.c3 and t1.sid = t4.sid
ORACLE 中的union(去重並集),union all(不去重並集),intersect(交集),minus(減集)