ICCV'2001論文"Interactive graph cuts for optimal boundary and region segmentation of objects in N-D images"。
Graph Cut方法是基於顏色統計採樣的方法,所以對前背景相差較大的圖像效果較佳。
// Grabcut.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程序的入口點。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <iostream> #include "ComputeTime.h" #include "windows.h" using namespace std; using namespace cv; static void help() { cout << "\nThis program demonstrates GrabCut segmentation -- select an object in a region\n" "and then grabcut will attempt to segment it out.\n" "Call:\n" "./grabcut <image_name>\n" "\nSelect a rectangular area around the object you want to segment\n" << "\nHot keys: \n" "\tESC - quit the program\n" "\tr - restore the original image\n" "\tn - next iteration\n" "\n" "\tleft mouse button - set rectangle\n" "\n" "\tCTRL+left mouse button - set GC_BGD pixels\n" "\tSHIFT+left mouse button - set CG_FGD pixels\n" "\n" "\tCTRL+right mouse button - set GC_PR_BGD pixels\n" "\tSHIFT+right mouse button - set CG_PR_FGD pixels\n" << endl; } const Scalar RED = Scalar(0,0,255); const Scalar PINK = Scalar(230,130,255); const Scalar BLUE = Scalar(255,0,0); const Scalar LIGHTBLUE = Scalar(255,255,160); const Scalar GREEN = Scalar(0,255,0); const int BGD_KEY = CV_EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY; //Ctrl鍵 const int FGD_KEY = CV_EVENT_FLAG_SHIFTKEY; //Shift鍵 static void getBinMask( const Mat& comMask, Mat& binMask ) { if( comMask.empty() || comMask.type()!=CV_8UC1 ) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "comMask is empty or has incorrect type (not CV_8UC1)" ); if( binMask.empty() || binMask.rows!=comMask.rows || binMask.cols!=comMask.cols ) binMask.create( comMask.size(), CV_8UC1 ); binMask = comMask & 1; //獲得mask的最低位,其實是隻保留肯定的或者有可能的前景點當作mask } class GCApplication { public: enum{ NOT_SET = 0, IN_PROCESS = 1, SET = 2 }; static const int radius = 2; static const int thickness = -1; void reset(); void setImageAndWinName( const Mat& _image, const string& _winName ); void showImage() const; void mouseClick( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param ); int nextIter(); int getIterCount() const { return iterCount; } private: void setRectInMask(); void setLblsInMask( int flags, Point p, bool isPr ); const string* winName; const Mat* image; Mat mask; Mat bgdModel, fgdModel; uchar rectState, lblsState, prLblsState; bool isInitialized; Rect rect; vector<Point> fgdPxls, bgdPxls, prFgdPxls, prBgdPxls; int iterCount; }; /*給類的變量賦值*/ void GCApplication::reset() { if( !mask.empty() ) mask.setTo(Scalar::all(GC_BGD)); bgdPxls.clear(); fgdPxls.clear(); prBgdPxls.clear(); prFgdPxls.clear(); isInitialized = false; rectState = NOT_SET; //NOT_SET == 0 lblsState = NOT_SET; prLblsState = NOT_SET; iterCount = 0; } /*給類的成員變量賦值而已*/ void GCApplication::setImageAndWinName( const Mat& _image, const string& _winName ) { if( _image.empty() || _winName.empty() ) return; image = &_image; winName = &_winName; mask.create( image->size(), CV_8UC1); reset(); } /*顯示4個點,一個矩形和圖像內容,由於後面的步驟不少地方都要用到這個函數,因此單獨拿出來*/ void GCApplication::showImage() const { if( image->empty() || winName->empty() ) return; Mat res; Mat binMask; if( !isInitialized ) image->copyTo( res ); else { getBinMask( mask, binMask ); image->copyTo( res, binMask ); //按照最低位是0仍是1來複制,只保留跟前景有關的圖像,好比說可能的前景,可能的背景 } vector<Point>::const_iterator it; /*下面4句代碼是將選中的4個點用不一樣的顏色顯示出來*/ for( it = bgdPxls.begin(); it != bgdPxls.end(); ++it ) //迭代器能夠當作是一個指針 circle( res, *it, radius, BLUE, thickness ); for( it = fgdPxls.begin(); it != fgdPxls.end(); ++it ) //肯定的前景用紅色表示 circle( res, *it, radius, RED, thickness ); for( it = prBgdPxls.begin(); it != prBgdPxls.end(); ++it ) circle( res, *it, radius, LIGHTBLUE, thickness ); for( it = prFgdPxls.begin(); it != prFgdPxls.end(); ++it ) circle( res, *it, radius, PINK, thickness ); /*畫矩形*/ if( rectState == IN_PROCESS || rectState == SET ) rectangle( res, Point( rect.x, rect.y ), Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height ), GREEN, 2); imshow( *winName, res ); } /*該步驟完成後,mask圖像中rect內部是3,外面全是0*/ void GCApplication::setRectInMask() { assert( !mask.empty() ); mask.setTo( GC_BGD ); //GC_BGD == 0 rect.x = max(0, rect.x); rect.y = max(0, rect.y); rect.width = min(rect.width, image->cols-rect.x); rect.height = min(rect.height, image->rows-rect.y); (mask(rect)).setTo( Scalar(GC_PR_FGD) ); //GC_PR_FGD == 3,矩形內部,爲可能的前景點 } void GCApplication::setLblsInMask( int flags, Point p, bool isPr ) { vector<Point> *bpxls, *fpxls; uchar bvalue, fvalue; if( !isPr ) //肯定的點 { bpxls = &bgdPxls; fpxls = &fgdPxls; bvalue = GC_BGD; //0 fvalue = GC_FGD; //1 } else //機率點 { bpxls = &prBgdPxls; fpxls = &prFgdPxls; bvalue = GC_PR_BGD; //2 fvalue = GC_PR_FGD; //3 } if( flags & BGD_KEY ) { bpxls->push_back(p); circle( mask, p, radius, bvalue, thickness ); //該點處爲2 } if( flags & FGD_KEY ) { fpxls->push_back(p); circle( mask, p, radius, fvalue, thickness ); //該點處爲3 } } /*鼠標響應函數,參數flags爲CV_EVENT_FLAG的組合*/ void GCApplication::mouseClick( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* ) { // TODO add bad args check switch( event ) { case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: // set rect or GC_BGD(GC_FGD) labels { bool isb = (flags & BGD_KEY) != 0, isf = (flags & FGD_KEY) != 0; if( rectState == NOT_SET && !isb && !isf )//只有左鍵按下時 { rectState = IN_PROCESS; //表示正在畫矩形 rect = Rect( x, y, 1, 1 ); } if ( (isb || isf) && rectState == SET ) //按下了alt鍵或者shift鍵,且畫好了矩形,表示正在畫前景背景點 lblsState = IN_PROCESS; } break; case CV_EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: // set GC_PR_BGD(GC_PR_FGD) labels { bool isb = (flags & BGD_KEY) != 0, isf = (flags & FGD_KEY) != 0; if ( (isb || isf) && rectState == SET ) //正在畫可能的前景背景點 prLblsState = IN_PROCESS; } break; case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP: if( rectState == IN_PROCESS ) { rect = Rect( Point(rect.x, rect.y), Point(x,y) ); //矩形結束 rectState = SET; setRectInMask(); assert( bgdPxls.empty() && fgdPxls.empty() && prBgdPxls.empty() && prFgdPxls.empty() ); showImage(); } if( lblsState == IN_PROCESS ) //已畫了先後景點 { setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), false); //畫出前景點 lblsState = SET; showImage(); } break; case CV_EVENT_RBUTTONUP: if( prLblsState == IN_PROCESS ) { setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), true); //畫出背景點 prLblsState = SET; showImage(); } break; case CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: if( rectState == IN_PROCESS ) { rect = Rect( Point(rect.x, rect.y), Point(x,y) ); assert( bgdPxls.empty() && fgdPxls.empty() && prBgdPxls.empty() && prFgdPxls.empty() ); showImage(); //不斷的顯示圖片 } else if( lblsState == IN_PROCESS ) { setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), false); showImage(); } else if( prLblsState == IN_PROCESS ) { setLblsInMask(flags, Point(x,y), true); showImage(); } break; } } /*該函數進行grabcut算法,而且返回算法運行迭代的次數*/ int GCApplication::nextIter() { if( isInitialized ) //使用grab算法進行一次迭代,參數2爲mask,裏面存的mask位是:矩形內部除掉那些多是背景或者已經肯定是背景後的全部的點,且mask同時也爲輸出 //保存的是分割後的前景圖像 grabCut( *image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 1 ); else { if( rectState != SET ) return iterCount; if( lblsState == SET || prLblsState == SET ) grabCut( *image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 1, GC_INIT_WITH_MASK ); else grabCut( *image, mask, rect, bgdModel, fgdModel, 1, GC_INIT_WITH_RECT ); isInitialized = true; } iterCount++; bgdPxls.clear(); fgdPxls.clear(); prBgdPxls.clear(); prFgdPxls.clear(); return iterCount; } GCApplication gcapp; static void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param ) { gcapp.mouseClick( event, x, y, flags, param ); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { string filename; cout<<" Grabcuts ! \n"; cout<<"input image name: "<<endl; cin>>filename; Mat image = imread( filename, 1 ); if( image.empty() ) { cout << "\n Durn, couldn't read image filename " << filename << endl; return 1; } help(); const string winName = "image"; cvNamedWindow( winName.c_str(), CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvSetMouseCallback( winName.c_str(), on_mouse, 0 ); gcapp.setImageAndWinName( image, winName ); gcapp.showImage(); for(;;) { int c = cvWaitKey(0); switch( (char) c ) { case '\x1b': cout << "Exiting ..." << endl; goto exit_main; case 'r': cout << endl; gcapp.reset(); gcapp.showImage(); break; case 'n': ComputeTime ct ; ct.Begin(); int iterCount = gcapp.getIterCount(); cout << "<" << iterCount << "... "; int newIterCount = gcapp.nextIter(); if( newIterCount > iterCount ) { gcapp.showImage(); cout << iterCount << ">" << endl; cout<<"運行時間: "<<ct.End()<<endl; } else cout << "rect must be determined>" << endl; break; } } exit_main: cvDestroyWindow( winName.c_str() ); return 0; }
lazy snapping代碼實現:
// LazySnapping.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程序的入口點。 // /* author: zhijie Lee * home page: lzhj.me * 2012-02-06 */ #include "stdafx.h" #include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> #include "graph.h" #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef Graph<float,float,float> GraphType; class LasySnapping { public : LasySnapping(); ~LasySnapping() { if(graph) { delete graph; } }; private : vector<CvPoint> forePts; vector<CvPoint> backPts; IplImage* image; // average color of foreground points unsigned char avgForeColor[3]; // average color of background points unsigned char avgBackColor[3]; public : void setImage(IplImage* image) { this->image = image; graph = new GraphType(image->width*image->height,image->width*image->height*2); } // include-pen locus void setForegroundPoints(vector<CvPoint> pts) { forePts.clear(); for(int i =0; i< pts.size(); i++) { if(!isPtInVector(pts[i],forePts)) { forePts.push_back(pts[i]); } } if(forePts.size() == 0) { return; } int sum[3] = {0}; for(int i =0; i < forePts.size(); i++) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)image->imageData + forePts[i].x * 3 + forePts[i].y*image->widthStep; sum[0] += p[0]; sum[1] += p[1]; sum[2] += p[2]; } cout<<sum[0]<<" " <<forePts.size()<<endl; avgForeColor[0] = sum[0]/forePts.size(); avgForeColor[1] = sum[1]/forePts.size(); avgForeColor[2] = sum[2]/forePts.size(); } // exclude-pen locus void setBackgroundPoints(vector<CvPoint> pts) { backPts.clear(); for(int i =0; i< pts.size(); i++) { if(!isPtInVector(pts[i],backPts)) { backPts.push_back(pts[i]); } } if(backPts.size() == 0) { return; } int sum[3] = {0}; for(int i =0; i < backPts.size(); i++) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)image->imageData + backPts[i].x * 3 + backPts[i].y*image->widthStep; sum[0] += p[0]; sum[1] += p[1]; sum[2] += p[2]; } avgBackColor[0] = sum[0]/backPts.size(); avgBackColor[1] = sum[1]/backPts.size(); avgBackColor[2] = sum[2]/backPts.size(); } // return maxflow of graph int runMaxflow(); // get result, a grayscale mast image indicating forground by 255 and background by 0 IplImage* getImageMask(); private : float colorDistance(unsigned char* color1, unsigned char* color2); float minDistance(unsigned char* color, vector<CvPoint> points); bool isPtInVector(CvPoint pt, vector<CvPoint> points); void getE1(unsigned char* color,float* energy); float getE2(unsigned char* color1,unsigned char* color2); GraphType *graph; }; LasySnapping::LasySnapping() { graph = NULL; avgForeColor[0] = 0; avgForeColor[1] = 0; avgForeColor[2] = 0; avgBackColor[0] = 0; avgBackColor[1] = 0; avgBackColor[2] = 0; } float LasySnapping::colorDistance(unsigned char* color1, unsigned char* color2) { return sqrt(((float)color1[0]-(float)color2[0])*((float)color1[0]-(float)color2[0])+ ((float)color1[1]-(float)color2[1])*((float)color1[1]-(float)color2[1])+ ((float)color1[2]-(float)color2[2])*((float)color1[2]-(float)color2[2])); } float LasySnapping::minDistance(unsigned char* color, vector<CvPoint> points) { float distance = -1; for(int i =0 ; i < points.size(); i++) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)image->imageData + points[i].y * image->widthStep + points[i].x * image->nChannels; float d = colorDistance(p,color); if(distance < 0 ) { distance = d; } else { if(distance > d) { distance = d; } } } return distance; } bool LasySnapping::isPtInVector(CvPoint pt, vector<CvPoint> points) { for(int i =0 ; i < points.size(); i++) { if(pt.x == points[i].x && pt.y == points[i].y) { return true; } } return false; } void LasySnapping::getE1(unsigned char* color,float* energy) { // average distance float df = colorDistance(color,avgForeColor); float db = colorDistance(color,avgBackColor); // min distance from background points and forground points // float df = minDistance(color,forePts); // float db = minDistance(color,backPts); energy[0] = df/(db+df); energy[1] = db/(db+df); } float LasySnapping::getE2(unsigned char* color1,unsigned char* color2) { const float EPSILON = 0.01; float lambda = 100; return lambda/(EPSILON+ (color1[0]-color2[0])*(color1[0]-color2[0])+ (color1[1]-color2[1])*(color1[1]-color2[1])+ (color1[2]-color2[2])*(color1[2]-color2[2])); } int LasySnapping::runMaxflow() { const float INFINNITE_MAX = 1e10; int indexPt = 0; for(int h = 0; h < image->height; h ++) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)image->imageData + h *image->widthStep; for(int w = 0; w < image->width; w ++) { // calculate energe E1 float e1[2]={0}; if(isPtInVector(cvPoint(w,h),forePts)) { e1[0] =0; e1[1] = INFINNITE_MAX; } else if (isPtInVector(cvPoint(w,h),backPts)) { e1[0] = INFINNITE_MAX; e1[1] = 0; } else { getE1(p,e1); } // add node graph->add_node(); graph->add_tweights(indexPt, e1[0],e1[1]); // add edge, 4-connect if(h > 0 && w > 0) { float e2 = getE2(p,p-3); graph->add_edge(indexPt,indexPt-1,e2,e2); e2 = getE2(p,p-image->widthStep); graph->add_edge(indexPt,indexPt-image->width,e2,e2); } p+= 3; indexPt ++; } } return graph->maxflow(); } IplImage* LasySnapping::getImageMask() { IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image),8,1); int indexPt =0; for(int h =0; h < image->height; h++) { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)gray->imageData + h*gray->widthStep; for(int w =0 ;w <image->width; w++) { if (graph->what_segment(indexPt) == GraphType::SOURCE) { *p = 0; } else { *p = 255; } p++; indexPt ++; } } return gray; } // global vector<CvPoint> forePts; vector<CvPoint> backPts; int currentMode = 0;// indicate foreground or background, foreground as default CvScalar paintColor[2] = {CV_RGB(0,0,255),CV_RGB(255,0,0)}; IplImage* image = NULL; char* winName = "lazySnapping"; IplImage* imageDraw = NULL; const int SCALE = 4; void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* ) { if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP ) { if(backPts.size() == 0 && forePts.size() == 0) { return; } LasySnapping ls; IplImage* imageLS = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width/SCALE,image->height/SCALE), 8,3); cvResize(image,imageLS); ls.setImage(imageLS); ls.setBackgroundPoints(backPts); ls.setForegroundPoints(forePts); ls.runMaxflow(); IplImage* mask = ls.getImageMask(); IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image),8,1); cvResize(mask,gray); // edge cvCanny(gray,gray,50,150,3); IplImage* showImg = cvCloneImage(imageDraw); for(int h =0; h < image->height; h ++) { unsigned char* pgray = (unsigned char*)gray->imageData + gray->widthStep*h; unsigned char* pimage = (unsigned char*)showImg->imageData + showImg->widthStep*h; for(int width =0; width < image->width; width++) { if(*pgray++ != 0 ) { pimage[0] = 0; pimage[1] = 255; pimage[2] = 0; } pimage+=3; } } cvSaveImage("t.bmp",showImg); cvShowImage(winName,showImg); cvReleaseImage(&imageLS); cvReleaseImage(&mask); cvReleaseImage(&showImg); cvReleaseImage(&gray); } else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN ) { } else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && (flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON)) { CvPoint pt = cvPoint(x,y); if(currentMode == 0) {//foreground forePts.push_back(cvPoint(x/SCALE,y/SCALE)); } else {//background backPts.push_back(cvPoint(x/SCALE,y/SCALE)); } cvCircle(imageDraw,pt,2,paintColor[currentMode]); cvShowImage(winName,imageDraw); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { //if(argc != 2) //{ // cout<<"command : lazysnapping inputImage"<<endl; // return 0; // } string image_name; cout<<"input image name: "<<endl; cin>>image_name; cvNamedWindow(winName,1); cvSetMouseCallback( winName, on_mouse, 0); image = cvLoadImage(image_name.c_str(),CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); imageDraw = cvCloneImage(image); cvShowImage(winName, image); for(;;) { int c = cvWaitKey(0); c = (char)c; if(c == 27) {//exit break; } else if(c == 'r') {//reset image = cvLoadImage(image_name.c_str(),CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); imageDraw = cvCloneImage(image); forePts.clear(); backPts.clear(); currentMode = 0; cvShowImage(winName, image); } else if(c == 'b') {//change to background selection currentMode = 1; }else if(c == 'f') {//change to foreground selection currentMode = 0; } } cvReleaseImage(&image); cvReleaseImage(&imageDraw); return 0; }
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