UGUI 按鈕監聽事件


UIEventListener.Get(button).onClick = OnClickAction;


Supported Events

The Eventsystem supports a number of events, and they can be customised further in user custom user written InputModules.

The events that are supported by the StandaloneInputModule and TouchInputModule are provided by interface and can be implemented on a MonoBehaviour by implementing the interface. If you have a valid EventSystem configured the events will be called at the correct time.

IPointerEnterHandler – OnPointerEnter – Called when a pointer enters the object
IPointerExitHandler – OnPointerExit – Called when a pointer exits the object
IPointerDownHandler – OnPointerDown – Called when a pointer is pressed on the object
IPointerUpHandler – OnPointerUp – Called when a pointer is released (called on the original the pressed object)
IPointerClickHandler – OnPointerClick – Called when a pointer is pressed and released on the same object
IBeginDragHandler – OnBeginDrag – Called on the drag object when dragging is about to begin
IDragHandler – OnDrag – Called on the drag object when a drag is happening
IEndDragHandler – OnEndDrag – Called on the drag object when a drag finishes
IDropHandler – OnDrop – Called on the object where a drag finishes
IScrollHandler – OnScroll – Called when a mouse wheel scrolls
IUpdateSelectedHandler – OnUpdateSelected – Called on the selected object each tick
ISelectHandler – OnSelect – Called when the object becomes the selected object
IDeselectHandler – OnDeselect – Called on the selected object becomes deselected
IMoveHandler – OnMove – Called when a move event occurs (left, right, up, down, ect)
ISubmitHandler – OnSubmit – Called when the submit button is pressed
ICancelHandler – OnCancel – Called when the cancel button is pressed

使用接口時須要引用命名空間using UnityEngine.EventSystems; 


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class ItemClickAction : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler

    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Test: MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject button;

	void Start () {
            Button btn = button.GetComponent<Button>();

	void OnClickAction(GameObject obj){


爲何要使用匿名委託? 因爲AddListener的參數是UnityAction,這個委託的聲明以下:public delegate void UnityAction(); 因此咱們之間傳參的時候只能傳void類型的方法。因此,當咱們的監聽事件須要傳參的時候,可使用匿名委託去實現。spa


努力! 奮鬥!接口



補充一點,Unity自己容許事件函數能夠帶一個參數,參數類型爲bool,float,int,string,Object 這5種。倘若須要傳遞多個參數且這些參數都有關聯的話,可使用一個類來封裝傳遞,例如GameObject。在Button組件裏的OnClick列表裏,也能拖拽GameObject物體到這個參數。