
🎉🎉>歡迎參與Rust中文:Rust-weekly 參與入口,本文同步於Rust-weekly-2019-05-20html


  1. 爲何 Rust 連續 4 年獲「最受喜好編程語言」?
  2. wasm-bindgen v0.2.44 has support for futures 0.3 and async/await
  3. Rust in Avast
  4. 4 years of Rust
  5. GNOME+Rust Hackfest #5 in Berlin
  6. This Week in Rust 286
  7. Announcing Rust 1.34.2
  8. Security advisory for the standard library


  1. 使用 Rust 構建你本身的 Shell - Rust中文閱讀
  2. rust 開發編譯 Android 動態庫實踐
  3. 用Rust寫腳本語言(九):不是爲其餘人所完成的做品
  4. 用Rust寫腳本語言(十):邁向多線程的準備——中級階段
  5. Rust Async: 標準庫futures api解析
  6. [譯]用Rust寫操做系統(2)最小Rust內核
  7. Using Rust to Scale Elixir for 11 Million Concurrent Users
  8. Running WebAssembly on the Kernel
  9. Zero Cost Abstractions
  10. Creating C/C++ APIs in Rust
  11. Rust+GNOME Hackfest #5
  12. Programming Rust Fast, Safe Systems Development(譯) 表達式(第六章 完)
  13. Learning Rust while solving Advent of Code puzzles (a post mortem)
  14. How and why await should be a method afterall
  15. Rust Patterns: Enums Instead Of Booleans
  16. Implementing a Interpreted Language in Rust Part 1
  17. Learn Rust: Parsing command line arguments with StructOpt
  18. PAW
  19. Recursive iterators in Rust
  20. Some Thoughts on Rust's Async/Await Debate
  21. μAMP: Asymmetric Multi-Processing on microcontrollers
  22. Snips Open Sources Tract
  23. Creating a Static HTTP Server with Rust – Part 1
  24. Generating a GNOME library using gir crate
  25. Optional parameters in Rust
  26. Rust – Handling Executables and their Debug-Symbols
  27. Rust for OOP - Series Introduction
  28. Introducing Packem: a super fast experimental bundler written in Rust
  29. Build Rust environment for ESP32
  30. How to start Rust Chat App
  31. Terraform: generate 3-d models of geographic terrain
  32. Papers on Rust
  33. cross compiling and statically linking against Rust libraries
  34. Rust – Arrays? Make chains, not concat!
  35. My Project to write Embedded OS in Rust
  37. Momo · Get Back Some Compile Time From Monomorphization
  38. Scala Developer Journey into Rust - Part 5: Domain Models
  39. State of Machine Learning in Rust


  1. memory-profiler - A memory profiler for Linux
  2. cloud-hypervisor - Cloud Hypervisor is an open source Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) that runs on top of KVM. The project focuses on exclusively running modern, cloud workloads, on top of a limited set of hardware architectures and platforms.
  3. kubernetes-rust - Rust client for Kubernetes
  4. rust-hypervisor-firmware - a simple KVM firmware that is designed to be launched from anything that supports loading ELF binaries and running them with the Linux kernel loading standard.
  5. little - A framework for embedded graphical applications.
  6. neat - Neuro Evolution Of Augmenting Topologies(拓撲擴張的神經演化)算法庫


  1. Rust: A Language for the Next 40 Years - Carol Nichols
  2. Rust and WebAssembly Working Group Meeting 2019-05-16
  3. Elixir FFI with Rust · Hans Elias Bukholm Josephsen

One More Thing(有趣)

  1. Inko 0.4.0 released
  2. 谷歌限制華爲使用 Android
  3. WebAssembly in Redex
  4. Next Generation 3D Graphics on the Web
  5. Keep Betting On JavaScript
  6. Hermes 1.0 released
  7. Performance Improvements in .NET Core 3.0
  8. GraphQL vs REST: putting REST to rest
  9. The Web Developer's Guide to DNS
  10. Crux is an open source document database with bitemporal graph queries
  11. Build your own WebAssembly Compiler
  12. The future of Docker containers