npm install archiver --save
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// require modules var fs = require('fs'); var archiver = require('archiver'); // create a file to stream archive data to. var output = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/'); //設置壓縮格式爲zip var archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } // Sets the compression level. }); // listen for all archive data to be written // 'close' event is fired only when a file descriptor is involved output.on('close', function() { console.log(archive.pointer() + ' total bytes'); console.log('archiver has been finalized and the output file descriptor has closed.'); }); // This event is fired when the data source is drained no matter what was the data source. // It is not part of this library but rather from the NodeJS Stream API. // @see: output.on('end', function() { console.log('Data has been drained'); }); // good practice to catch this error explicitly archive.on('error', function(err) { throw err; }); // pipe archive data to the file archive.pipe(output); // append a file from stream var file1 = __dirname + '/file1.txt'; archive.append(fs.createReadStream(file1), { name: 'file1.txt' }); // append a file from string archive.append('string cheese!', { name: 'file2.txt' }); // append a file from buffer var buffer3 = Buffer.from('buff it!'); archive.append(buffer3, { name: 'file3.txt' }); // append a file archive.file('file1.txt', { name: 'file4.txt' }); // append files from a sub-directory and naming it `new-subdir` within the archive'subdir/', 'new-subdir'); // append files from a sub-directory, putting its contents at the root of archive'subdir/', false); // append files from a glob pattern archive.glob('subdir/*.txt'); // finalize the archive (ie we are done appending files but streams have to finish yet) // 'close', 'end' or 'finish' may be fired right after calling this method so register to them beforehand archive.finalize();
function download(files){ //下載文件的本地存檔地址 //示例 files = [{name: 'xxxx.js',url:'https://xx/xx/xxxx.js'}] let dirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '文件存放的本地位置') mkdir(dirPath); let tmps =,index) => { let stream = fs.createWriteStream(path.resolve(dirPath,; return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ try { request(item.url).pipe(stream).on("close", function (err) { console.log("文件[" + + "]下載完畢"); resolve({ url: path.resolve(dirPath,, name: }) }); } catch (e) { reject(e||'') } }) }); return new Promise((res,rej)=>{ Promise.all(tmps).then((result) => { console.log(result) res(result) }).catch((error) => { console.log(error||'') }) }) } //建立文件夾目錄 function mkdir(dirPath) { if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(dirPath); console.log("文件夾建立成功"); } else { console.log("文件夾已存在"); } }
將下載到本地的文件打包爲一個zip文件,能夠參照 Quick Start 中的api組合使用git
// append files from a sub-directory, putting its contents at the root of archive'subdir/', false); //要注意第二個參數false,這個參數表明打包後的文件相對於output的目錄結構,不寫這個參數表明按照第一個參數('subdir/')的目錄層級