python中處理excel表格,經常使用的庫有xlrd(讀excel)表、xlwt(寫excel)表、openpyxl(可讀寫excel表)等。xlrd讀數據較大的excel表時效率高於openpyxl,因此我在寫腳本時就採用了xlrd和xlwt這兩個庫。介紹及下載地址爲: 這些庫文件都沒有提供修改現有excel表格內容的功能。通常只能將原excel中的內容讀出、作完處理後,再寫入一個新的excel文件。windows
由於python的默認字符編碼都爲unicode,因此打印從excel中讀出的中文或讀取中文名的excel表或sheet時,程序提示錯誤UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)。這是因爲在windows中,中文使用了gb2312編碼方式,python將其看成unicode和ascii來解碼都不正確才報出的錯誤。使用VAR.encode('gb2312')便可解決打印中文的問題。(很奇怪,有的時候雖然能打印出結果,但顯示的不是中文,而是一堆編碼。)若要從中文文件名的excel表中讀取數據,可在文件名前加‘u’表示將該中文文件名採用unicode編碼。編碼
import xlrd def read(filename, sheetNo=0): book=xlrd.open_workbook(filename) sh=book.sheet_by_index(sheetNo) cols = sh.ncols rows = sh.nrows print 'cols=',cols, 'rows=',rows for r in range(rows): # cols and rows start from 0 value = sh.cell_value(rowx=r,colx=0)
# 最簡單的例子 import xlwt workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding = 'ascii') worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('My Worksheet') worksheet.write(0, 0, label = 'Row 0, Column 0 Value')'Excel_Workbook.xls') # 格式化cell的font font = xlwt.Font() # Create the Font = 'Times New Roman' font.bold = True font.underline = True font.italic = True style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create the Style style.font = font # Apply the Font to the Style worksheet.write(0, 0, label = 'Unformatted value') worksheet.write(1, 0, label = 'Formatted value', style) # Apply the Style to the Cell # Font對象的屬性 font.bold = True # May be: True, False font.italic = True # May be: True, False font.struck_out = True # May be: True, False font.underline = xlwt.Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE # May be: UNDERLINE_NONE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE_ACC, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_ACC font.escapement = xlwt.Font.ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT # May be: ESCAPEMENT_NONE, ESCAPEMENT_SUPERSCRIPT, ESCAPEMENT_SUBSCRIPT = xlwt.Font.FAMILY_ROMAN # May be: FAMILY_NONE, FAMILY_ROMAN, FAMILY_SWISS, FAMILY_MODERN, FAMILY_SCRIPT, FAMILY_DECORATIVE font.charset = xlwt.Font.CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN # May be: CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN, CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT, CHARSET_SYMBOL, CHARSET_APPLE_ROMAN, CHARSET_ANSI_JAP_SHIFT_JIS, CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_HANGUL, CHARSET_ANSI_KOR_JOHAB, CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_GBK, CHARSET_ANSI_CHINESE_BIG5, CHARSET_ANSI_GREEK, CHARSET_ANSI_TURKISH, CHARSET_ANSI_VIETNAMESE, CHARSET_ANSI_HEBREW, CHARSET_ANSI_ARABIC, CHARSET_ANSI_BALTIC, CHARSET_ANSI_CYRILLIC, CHARSET_ANSI_THAI, CHARSET_ANSI_LATIN_II, CHARSET_OEM_LATIN_I font.colour_index = 2 # 0:black, 1: white, 2: red, 3:light green, 4:blue font.get_biff_record = ? font.height = 0x00C8 # C8 in Hex (in decimal) = 10 points in height. = ? font.outline = ? font.shadow = ? # 設置cell的寬度 worksheet.write(0, 0, 'My Cell Contents') worksheet.col(0).width = 3333 # 3333 = 1" (one inch). # 向cell添加一個日期 style = xlwt.XFStyle() style.num_format_str = 'M/D/YY' # Other options: D-MMM-YY, D-MMM, MMM-YY, h:mm, h:mm:ss, h:mm, h:mm:ss, M/D/YY h:mm, mm:ss, [h]:mm:ss, mm:ss.0 worksheet.write(0, 0,, style) # 向cell添加一個Formula worksheet.write(0, 0, 5) # Outputs 5 worksheet.write(0, 1, 2) # Outputs 2 worksheet.write(1, 0, xlwt.Formula('A1*B1')) # Should output "10" (A1[5] * A2[2]) worksheet.write(1, 1, xlwt.Formula('SUM(A1,B1)')) # Should output "7" (A1[5] + A2[2]) # 向cell添加一個Hyperlink worksheet.write(0, 0, xlwt.Formula('HYPERLINK("";"Google")')) # Outputs the text "Google" linking to # 合併行列 worksheet.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 3, 'First Merge') # Merges row 0's columns 0 through 3. font = xlwt.Font() # Create Font font.bold = True # Set font to Bold style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style style.font = font # Add Bold Font to Style worksheet.write_merge(1, 2, 0, 3, 'Second Merge', style) # Merges row 1 through 2's columns 0 through 3. # 設置cell內部定位 alignment = xlwt.Alignment() # Create Alignment alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER # May be: HORZ_GENERAL, HORZ_LEFT, HORZ_CENTER, HORZ_RIGHT, HORZ_FILLED, HORZ_JUSTIFIED, HORZ_CENTER_ACROSS_SEL, HORZ_DISTRIBUTED alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_CENTER # May be: VERT_TOP, VERT_CENTER, VERT_BOTTOM, VERT_JUSTIFIED, VERT_DISTRIBUTED style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style style.alignment = alignment # Add Alignment to Style worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Cell Contents', style) # 添加cell的邊框 # Please note: While I was able to find these constants within the source code, on my system (using LibreOffice,) I was only presented with a solid line, varying from thin to thick; no dotted or dashed lines. borders = xlwt.Borders() # Create Borders borders.left = xlwt.Borders.DASHED # May be: NO_LINE, THIN, MEDIUM, DASHED, DOTTED, THICK, DOUBLE, HAIR, MEDIUM_DASHED, THIN_DASH_DOTTED, MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED, THIN_DASH_DOT_DOTTED, MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOTTED, SLANTED_MEDIUM_DASH_DOTTED, or 0x00 through 0x0D. borders.right = xlwt.Borders.DASHED = xlwt.Borders.DASHED borders.bottom = xlwt.Borders.DASHED borders.left_colour = 0x40 borders.right_colour = 0x40 borders.top_colour = 0x40 borders.bottom_colour = 0x40 style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style style.borders = borders # Add Borders to Style worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Cell Contents', style) # 設置cell的背景顏色 pattern = xlwt.Pattern() # Create the Pattern pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN # May be: NO_PATTERN, SOLID_PATTERN, or 0x00 through 0x12 pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 5 # May be: 8 through 63. 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta, 7 = Cyan, 16 = Maroon, 17 = Dark Green, 18 = Dark Blue, 19 = Dark Yellow , almost brown), 20 = Dark Magenta, 21 = Teal, 22 = Light Gray, 23 = Dark Gray, the list goes on... style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create the Pattern style.pattern = pattern # Add Pattern to Style worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Cell Contents', style) TODO: Things Left to Document - Panes -- separate views which are always in view - Border Colors (documented above, but not taking effect as it should) - Border Widths (document above, but not working as expected) - Protection - Row Styles - Zoom / Manification - WS Props? Source Code for reference available at: