1 # -*- conding:utf-8 -*-
2 __author__ = 'dsh'
3 # How to read from an Excel using xlrd module
4 import xlrd
5 # 關聯指定路徑中的xls文件,獲得book對象
6 file_name = "name.xls"
7 #打開指定文件,建立文件對象
8 book = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name)
9 # 經過sheet索引得到sheet對象
10 sheet1 = book.sheet_by_index(0)
11 # # 得到指定索引的sheet名
12 # sheet1_name = book.sheet_names()[0]
13 # print(sheet1_name)
14 # # 經過sheet名字得到sheet對象
15 # sheet1 = book.sheet_by_name(sheet1_name)
16 # 得到行數和列數
17 # 總行數
18 nrows = sheet1.nrows
19 #總列數
20 ncols = sheet1.ncols
21 # 遍歷打印表中的內容
22 for i in range(nrows):
23 for j in range(ncols):
24 cell_value = sheet1.cell_value(i, j)
25 cell_str = str(cell_value).split('.')[0] #若是excel單元格是數字,讀取後去除小數點
26 print(cell_str, end = "\t")
27 print("")
1 # -*- conding:utf-8 -*-
2 __author__ = 'dsh'
3 #How to write to an Excel using xlwt module
4 import xlwt
5 #建立一個Wordbook對象,至關於建立了一個Excel文件
6 book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding = "utf-8", style_compression = 0)
7 #建立一個sheet對象,一個sheet對象對應Excel文件中的一張表格
8 sheet = book.add_sheet("sheet1", cell_overwrite_ok = True)
9 #向表sheet1中添加數據
10 sheet.write(0, 0, "EnglishName") #其中,"0, 0"指定表中的單元格,"EnglishName"是向該單元格中寫入的內容
11 sheet.write(1, 0, "MaYi")
12 sheet.write(0, 1, "中文名字")
13 sheet.write(1, 1, "螞蟻")
14 #最後,將以上操做保存到指定的Excel文件中
15 book.save("name.xls")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xlrd
import xlwt
import sys
import os
__author__ = 'dsh'
file_name = "1111.xls"
book_read = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name)
sheet_read = book_read.sheet_by_index(0)
nrows_read = sheet_read.nrows
ncols_read = sheet_read.ncols
book_write = xlwt.Workbook(encoding = "utf-8",style_compression = 0)
sheet_write = book_write.add_sheet("sheet1",cell_overwrite_ok = True)
for i in range(nrows_read):
cell_value = sheet_read.cell_value(i,0)
for i in range(nrows_read):
cell_value = sheet_read.cell_value(i,10)