
1,前臺使用input-file type按鈕提交文件到magento指定的控制器,controllers獲取.csv文件,由於magento是在zend框架上實現的,能夠使用以下代碼獲取文件的上傳信息:web

1    /**
2              * New zend File Uploader
3              */
4             $uploadsData = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http ();
5             $filesDataArray = $uploadsData->getFileInfo ();


 1  $currentDateTime = date ( "Ymd_His", Mage::getModel ( 'core/date' )->timestamp ( time () ) );
 3         foreach ( $filesDataArray as $key => $value ) {
 4             /**
 5              * Initilize file name
 6              */
 7             $filename = $key;
 9             /**
10              * Upload csv file
11              */
13             if ($key == 'bulk-product-upload-csv-file' && isset ( $filesDataArray [$filename] ['name'] ) && (file_exists ( $filesDataArray [$filename] ['tmp_name'] ))) {
14                 $csvFilePath = '';
15                 $csvFilePath = array ();
16                 $uploader = new Varien_File_Uploader ( $filename );
17                 $uploader->setAllowedExtensions ( array (
18                         'csv' 
19                 ) );
20                 $uploader->setAllowRenameFiles ( true );
21                 $uploader->setFilesDispersion ( false );
22                 $path = Mage::getBaseDir ( 'media' ) . DS . 'marketplace' . DS . 'bulk' . DS . 'product' . DS . 'csv' . DS;
24                 $uploader->save ( $path, 'seller_' . $sellerId . '_date_' . $currentDateTime . '.csv' );
25                 $csvFilePath = $path . $uploader->getUploadedFileName ();
26             }
28             /**
29              * Upload csv image
30              */
31             if ($key == 'bulk-product-upload-image-file' && isset ( $filesDataArray [$filename] ['name'] ) && (file_exists ( $filesDataArray [$filename] ['tmp_name'] ))) {
32                 $uploader = new Varien_File_Uploader ( $filename );
33                 $uploader->setAllowedExtensions ( array (
34                         'zip' 
35                 ) );
36                 $uploader->setAllowRenameFiles ( true );
37                 $uploader->setFilesDispersion ( false );
38                 $path = Mage::getBaseDir ( 'media' ) . DS . 'marketplace' . DS . 'bulk' . DS . 'product' . DS . 'image' . DS;
39                 /**
40                  * Uploader save
41                  */
42                 $uploader->save ( $path, 'seller_' . $sellerId . '_date_' . $currentDateTime . '.zip' );
43                 $imageFilePath = $path . $uploader->getUploadedFileName ();
45                 $ZipFileName = $imageFilePath;
46                 $homeFolder = Mage::getBaseDir ( 'media' ) . DS . 'marketplace' . DS . 'bulk' . DS . 'product' . DS . 'image' . DS . 'seller_' . $sellerId . '_date_' . $currentDateTime;
47                 /**
48                  * New Varien File
49                  */
50                 $file = new Varien_Io_File ();
51                 /**
52                  * Make Directory
53                  */
54                 $file->mkdir ( $homeFolder );
55                 Mage::helper ( 'marketplace/product' )->exportZipFile ( $ZipFileName, $homeFolder );
56             }
57         }



1  $uploader->save ( $path, 'seller_' . $sellerId . '_date_' . $currentDateTime . '.csv' );


$uploader->save ( $path, 'seller_' . $sellerId . '_date_' . $currentDateTime . '.zip' );
$imageFilePath = $path . $uploader->getUploadedFileName ();
$ZipFileName = $imageFilePath;

解壓zip圖片,用使用當前模塊中helper=>exportZipFile ( $ZipFileName, $homeFolder )對上傳的zip圖片進行解壓,代碼以下:框架

 1   /**
 2      *
 3      *
 4      *
 5      * Unzip uploaded images
 6      *
 7      * @param string $zipFileName            
 8      * @return boolean
 9      */
10     public function exportZipFile($zipFileName, $homeFolder) {
11         /**
12          * New ZIP archive
13          */
14         $zip = new ZipArchive ();
15         if ($zip->open ( $zipFileName ) === true) {
16             /**
17              * Make all the folders
18              */
19             for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i ++) {
20                 $onlyFileName = $zip->getNameIndex ( $i );
21                 $fullFileName = $zip->statIndex ( $i );
22                 if ($fullFileName ['name'] [strlen ( $fullFileName ['name'] ) - 1] == "/") {
23                     @mkdir ( $homeFolder . "/" . $fullFileName ['name'], 0700, true );
24                 }
25             }
27             /**
28              * Unzip into the folders
29              */
30             for($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i ++) {
31                 $onlyFileName = $zip->getNameIndex ( $i );
32                 $fullFileName = $zip->statIndex ( $i );
34                 if (! ($fullFileName ['name'] [strlen ( $fullFileName ['name'] ) - 1] == "/") && preg_match ( '#\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$#i', $onlyFileName )) {
35                     copy ( 'zip://' . $zipFileName . '#' . $onlyFileName, $homeFolder . "/" . $fullFileName ['name'] );
36                 }
37             }
38             $zip->close ();
39         } else {
40             Mage::getSingleton ( 'core/session' )->addError ( $this->__ ( "Error: Can't open zip file" ) );
41         }
42         return true;
43     }
View Code

把csv文件轉換爲數組形式,使用當前模塊中helper=>convertCsvFileToUploadArray ( $csvFilePath )進行轉換,代碼以下:ide

 1  /**
 2      *
 3      *
 4      *
 5      * Convert csv file to upload array
 6      *
 7      * @param string $csvFilePath            
 8      * @return array
 9      */
10     public function convertCsvFileToUploadArray($csvFilePath) {
11         $productInfo = array ();
12         if (! empty ( $csvFilePath )) {
13             /**
14              * Initializing new varien file
15              */
16             $csv = new Varien_File_Csv ();
17             $data = $csv->getData ( $csvFilePath );
18             $line = $lines = '';
20             $keys = array_shift ( $data );
22             /**
23              * Getting instance for catalog product collection
24              */
25             $productInfo = $createProductData = array ();
26             foreach ( $data as $lines => $line ) {
27                 if (count ( $keys ) == count ( $line )) {
28                     $data [$lines] = array_combine ( $keys, $line );
29                 }
30             }
32             if (count ( $data ) <= 1 && count ( $keys ) >= 1 && ! empty ( $line ) && count ( $keys ) == count ( $line )) {
33                 $data [$lines + 1] = array_combine ( $keys, $line );
34             }
36             $createProductData = $this->uploadProductData ( $data );
38             if (! empty ( $createProductData )) {
39                 $productInfo [] = $createProductData;
40             }
41         }
43         return $productInfo;
44     }
View Code

只要是獲取csv表格頭部的命名(數據庫字段)使用 $data [$lines] = array_combine ( $keys, $line ),轉換爲如下標爲字段名,對應爲值得二維數組ui


 2     /**
 3      *
 4      * @param string $imageFilePath            
 5      * @param array $productData            
 6      * @param string $homeFolder            
 7      * @param string $csvFilePath            
 8      * @return boolean
 9      */
10     public function bulkproductuploadfuncationality($imageFilePath, $productData, $homeFolder, $csvFilePath) {
11         if (file_exists ( $imageFilePath )) {
12             /**
13              * Delete images from temporary zip folder
14              */
15             unlink ( $imageFilePath );
16         }
18         if (isset ( $productData [0] )) {
19             $configurableAttributes = array ();
20             /**
21              * Get Configurable Products
22              */
23             $configurableAttributes = $this->getRequest ()->getPost ( 'configurable_attribute' );
24             Mage::helper ( 'marketplace/image' )->saveProductData ( $productData [0], $homeFolder, $configurableAttributes );
25             if (Mage::getStoreConfig ( 'marketplace/product/save_uploadfiles' ) != 1) {
26                 if (file_exists ( $csvFilePath )) {
27                     /**
28                      * Delete csv file
29                      */
30                     unlink ( $csvFilePath );
31                 }
33                 /**
34                  * Delete images from temporary zip folder
35                  */
36                 Mage::helper ( 'marketplace/image' )->rrmdir ( $homeFolder );
37             }
38             $this->_redirect ( 'marketplace/product/manage/' );
39         } else {
40             /**
41              * Add Notice
42              */
43             Mage::getSingleton ( 'core/session' )->addNotice ( Mage::helper ( 'marketplace' )->__ ( 'No data found' ) );
44             $this->_redirect ( 'marketplace/product/manage/' );
45             return true;
46         }
47     }
View Code

對於zip的圖片文件進行刪除,並使用saveProductData($productData, $imagePath, $configurableAttributes) 對存儲數據的結果進行消息返回提示,在此之中會提示重複的sku,gtin碼的驗證結果及是否重複,或者上傳成功產品數量,此方法中使用saveBulkUploadProduct ( $productData, $imagePath,$configurableAttributes, $rowcountForImport )對產品信息存入數據庫,代碼以下:spa

  1   /**
  2      * Save bulk upload product
  3      *
  4      * @param array $productData            
  5      * @param array $imagePath            
  6      * @param array $configurableAttributes            
  7      * @param number $rowcountForImport            
  8      * @return array $productCountArray
  9      */
 10     public function saveBulkUploadProduct($productData, $imagePath, $configurableAttributes, $rowcountForImport) {
 11         $countries = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getContriesValue ();
 12         /**
 13          * Initilize website ids
 14          */
 15         $websiteIds = array (
 16                 Mage::app ()->getStore ( true )->getWebsite ()->getId () 
 17         );
 18         $importProductsCount = 0;
 19         $existSkuCounts = 0;
 20         $existGtinCounts = 0;
 21         $notValidGtinsCounts = 0;
 22         $existGtinLists = array();
 23         $notValidGtinsArr=array();
 24         $productCountArray = array ();
 25         foreach ( $productData ['sku'] as $key => $value ) {
 26             $flag = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->checkRequiredFieldForBulkUpload ( $productData, $key );
 27             if ($flag == 1) {
 28                 $images = array ();
 29                 $checkSkuAndGtinModel= Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/product' );
 30                 $productSkuForCheck =$checkSkuAndGtinModel->getIdBySku ( $productData ['sku'] [$key] );
 31                 if ($productSkuForCheck) {
 32                     $existSkuCounts = $existSkuCounts + 1;
 33                     continue;
 34                 }
 35                 $gtinCode= $productData ['gtin'] [$key];
 36                 $collection =$checkSkuAndGtinModel->getCollection ()->addAttributeToFilter ( 'gtin', $gtinCode );
 37                 $count = count ( $collection );
 38                 if($count){
 39                     $existGtinLists[]=$gtinCode;
 40                     $existGtinCounts=$existGtinCounts+1;
 41                     continue;
 42                 }
 43                 if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]{12,13}$ /', $gtinCode)){
 44                     $notValidGtinsArr[]=$gtinCode;
 45                     $notValidGtinsCounts=$notValidGtinsCounts+1;
 46                     continue;
 47                 }
 48                 $orFlag = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->checkProductTypeForBulkUpload ( $productData, $key );
 49                 if ($orFlag == 1) {
 50                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/product' );
 51                     $categoryIds = array ();
 52                     /**
 53                      * Multi row product data
 54                      */
 55                     $attributeSetName = $productData ['_attribute_set'] [$key];
 56                     $sku = $productData ['sku'] [$key];
 57                     $name = $productData ['name'] [$key];
 58                     $gtin = $productData ['gtin'] [$key];
 59                     $description = $productData ['description'] [$key];
 60                     $shortDescription = $productData ['short_description'] [$key];
 61                     $price = $productData ['price'] [$key];
 62                     $type = $productData ['_type'] [$key];
 63                     $weight = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getWeightForBulkUpload ( $productData, $key, $type );
 64                     /**
 65                      * Getting special price values
 66                      */
 67                     $specialPrice = $productData ['special_price'] [$key];
 68                     $specialDate = array ();
 69                     $specialDate ['special_from_date'] = $productData ['special_from_date'] [$key];
 70                     $specialDate ['special_to_date'] = $productData ['special_to_date'] [$key];
 71                     /**
 72                      * Fetch images info for product
 73                      */
 74                     $images = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getImagesForBulkProduct ( $key, $productData );
 75                     $categoryIds = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getCategoryIdsForBulk ( $key, $productData );
 76                     $customOptions = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getCustomOptionsForBulk ( $key, $productData, $rowcountForImport );
 77                     $dataForBulkUpload = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getDataForBulkProduct ( $key, $productData );
 78                     /**
 79                      * Fetch attribute set id by attribute set name
 80                      */
 81                     $entityTypeId = Mage::getModel ( 'eav/entity' )->setType ( 'catalog_product' )->getTypeId ();
 82                     $attributeSetId = Mage::getModel ( 'eav/entity_attribute_set' )->getCollection ()->setEntityTypeFilter ( $entityTypeId )->addFieldToFilter ( 'attribute_set_name', $attributeSetName )->getFirstItem ()->getAttributeSetId ();
 84                     if (empty ( $attributeSetId )) {
 85                         $attributeSetId = Mage::getModel ( 'eav/entity_attribute_set' )->getCollection ()->setEntityTypeFilter ( $entityTypeId )->addFieldToFilter ( 'attribute_set_name', 'Default' )->getFirstItem ()->getAttributeSetId ();
 86                     }
 88                     $product->setSku ( $sku );
 89                     $product->setName ( $name );
 90                     $product->setGtin ( $gtin );
 91                     $product->setDescription ( $description );
 92                     $product->setShortDescription ( $shortDescription );
 93                     $product->setPrice ( $price );
 94                     /**
 95                      * Set product data for bulk product upload
 96                      */
 97                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->setProductDataForBulkProductUpload ( $product, $specialPrice, $specialDate, $type, $weight, $attributeSetId, $categoryIds );
 98                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->setProductInfoForBulkProductUpload ( $dataForBulkUpload, $productData, $key, $product, $websiteIds, $countries );
 99                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->setImagesAndCustomOptionForBulkProductUpload ( $product, $images, $imagePath, $customOptions );
100                     /**
101                      * Fetch configurable product options
102                      */
103                     $configurableProductsDataBulk = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->getConfigurableProductDataForBulkUpload ( $key, $type, $productData );
104                     $attributeIds = $configurableProductsDataBulk ['attribute_ids'];
105                     $configurableProductsData = $configurableProductsDataBulk ['configurable_products_data'];
106                     $superProductsSkus = $configurableProductsDataBulk ['super_products_skus'];
107                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->setConfigurableProductDataForBulkUpload ( $product, $attributeIds, $type, $attributeSetId, $configurableProductsData );
108                     $product = Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->setProductConfigData ( $productData, $product, $configurableAttributes, $key );
110                     /**
111                      * Initialize configurable product options
112                      */
113                     $product->save ();
114                     Mage::getModel ( 'marketplace/bulk' )->saveSimpleProductForBulkUpload ( $type, $superProductsSkus, $product );
116                     Mage::getSingleton ( 'catalog/product_option' )->unsetOptions ();
117                     $importProductsCount = $importProductsCount + 1;
118                 }
119             }
120         }
121         /**
122          * Initilize rpoduct count array
123          */
124         $productCountArray ['import_products_count'] = $importProductsCount;
125         $productCountArray ['exist_sku_counts'] = $existSkuCounts;
126         $productCountArray ['exist_gtin_counts'] = $existGtinCounts;
127         $productCountArray ['exist_gtin_lists'] = $existGtinLists;
128         $productCountArray ['not_valid_gtin_counts'] = $notValidGtinsCounts;
129         $productCountArray ['not_valid_gtin_lists'] = $notValidGtinsArr;
130         return $productCountArray;
131     }
View Code


