using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AsyncBreakfast { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); Egg eggs = FryEggs(2); Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); Bacon bacon = FryBacon(3); Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); Toast toast = ToastBread(2); ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!"); Console.WriteLine($"totol time:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000}"); Console.ReadKey(); } private static Juice PourOJ() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring orange juice"); return new Juice(); } private static void ApplyJam(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting jam on the toast"); private static void ApplyButter(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting butter on the toast"); private static Toast ToastBread(int slices) { for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("Putting a slice of bread in the toaster"); } Console.WriteLine("Start toasting..."); Task.Delay(3000).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Remove toast from toaster"); return new Toast(); } private static Bacon FryBacon(int slices) { Console.WriteLine($"putting {slices} slices of bacon in the pan"); Console.WriteLine("cooking first side of bacon..."); Task.Delay(3000).Wait(); for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("flipping a slice of bacon"); } Console.WriteLine("cooking the second side of bacon..."); Task.Delay(3000).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Put bacon on plate"); return new Bacon(); } private static Egg FryEggs(int howMany) { Console.WriteLine("Warming the egg pan..."); Task.Delay(3000).Wait(); Console.WriteLine($"cracking {howMany} eggs"); Console.WriteLine("cooking the eggs ..."); Task.Delay(3000).Wait(); Console.WriteLine("Put eggs on plate"); return new Egg(); } private static Coffee PourCoffee() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring coffee"); return new Coffee(); } } class Coffee { } class Egg { } class Bacon { } class Toast { } class Juice { } }
同步準備的早餐大約花費了 30 分鐘,由於總耗時是每一個任務耗時的總和。這裏的total time只是用來表示記錄下程序運行的時間。ide
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AsyncBreakfast { class Program { static async void Main(string[] args) { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); Egg eggs = await FryEggsAsync(2); Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); Bacon bacon = await FryBaconAsync(3); Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); Toast toast = await ToastBreadAsync(2); ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!"); Console.WriteLine($"totol time:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000}"); Console.ReadKey(); } static async Task<Toast> MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(int number) { var toast = await ToastBreadAsync(number); ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); return toast; } private static Juice PourOJ() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring orange juice"); return new Juice(); } private static void ApplyJam(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting jam on the toast"); private static void ApplyButter(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting butter on the toast"); private static async Task<Toast> ToastBreadAsync(int slices) { for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("Putting a slice of bread in the toaster"); } Console.WriteLine("Start toasting..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Remove toast from toaster"); return new Toast(); } private static async Task<Bacon> FryBaconAsync(int slices) { Console.WriteLine($"putting {slices} slices of bacon in the pan"); Console.WriteLine("cooking first side of bacon..."); await Task.Delay(3000); for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("flipping a slice of bacon"); } Console.WriteLine("cooking the second side of bacon..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Put bacon on plate"); return new Bacon(); } private static async Task<Egg> FryEggsAsync(int howMany) { Console.WriteLine("Warming the egg pan..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine($"cracking {howMany} eggs"); Console.WriteLine("cooking the eggs ..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Put eggs on plate"); return new Egg(); } private static Coffee PourCoffee() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring coffee"); return new Coffee(); } } class Coffee { } class Egg { } class Bacon { } class Toast { } class Juice { } }
Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); Task<Egg> eggsTask = FryEggsAsync(2); Egg eggs = await eggsTask; Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); Task<Bacon> baconTask = FryBaconAsync(3); Bacon bacon = await baconTask; Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); Task<Toast> toastTask = ToastBreadAsync(2); Toast toast = await toastTask; ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!");
Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); Task<Egg> eggsTask = FryEggsAsync(2); Task<Bacon> baconTask = FryBaconAsync(3); Task<Toast> toastTask = ToastBreadAsync(2); Toast toast = await toastTask; ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Egg eggs = await eggsTask; Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); Bacon bacon = await baconTask; Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!");
而對於直接 Egg eggs = await FryEggsAsync(2); 的方式,適用於你只須要等待這一個異步操做結果,不須要進行其餘操做的時候。
static async Task<Toast> MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(int number) { var toast = await ToastBreadAsync(number); ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); return toast; }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); var eggsTask = FryEggsAsync(2); var baconTask = FryBaconAsync(3); var toastTask = MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(2); var eggs = await eggsTask; Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); var bacon = await baconTask; Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); var toast = await toastTask; Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!"); }
WhenAll 是其中的一個api , 它將返回一個其參數列表中的全部任務都已完成時猜完成的Task,
await Task.WhenAll(eggsTask, baconTask, toastTask); Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!");
另外一種選擇是 WhenAny, 它將返回一個,當其參數完成時猜完成的 Task<Task>。
var breakfastTasks = new List<Task> { eggsTask, baconTask, toastTask }; while (breakfastTasks.Count > 0) { Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(breakfastTasks); if (finishedTask == eggsTask) { Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); } else if (finishedTask == baconTask) { Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); } else if (finishedTask == toastTask) { Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); } breakfastTasks.Remove(finishedTask); }
處理已完成任務的結果以後,能夠從傳遞給 WhenAny
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AsyncBreakfast { class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { Coffee cup = PourCoffee(); Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready"); var eggsTask = FryEggsAsync(2); var baconTask = FryBaconAsync(3); var toastTask = MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(2); var breakfastTasks = new List<Task> { eggsTask, baconTask, toastTask }; while (breakfastTasks.Count > 0) { Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(breakfastTasks); if (finishedTask == eggsTask) { Console.WriteLine("eggs are ready"); } else if (finishedTask == baconTask) { Console.WriteLine("bacon is ready"); } else if (finishedTask == toastTask) { Console.WriteLine("toast is ready"); } breakfastTasks.Remove(finishedTask); } Juice oj = PourOJ(); Console.WriteLine("oj is ready"); Console.WriteLine("Breakfast is ready!"); } static async Task<Toast> MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(int number) { var toast = await ToastBreadAsync(number); ApplyButter(toast); ApplyJam(toast); return toast; } private static Juice PourOJ() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring orange juice"); return new Juice(); } private static void ApplyJam(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting jam on the toast"); private static void ApplyButter(Toast toast) => Console.WriteLine("Putting butter on the toast"); private static async Task<Toast> ToastBreadAsync(int slices) { for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("Putting a slice of bread in the toaster"); } Console.WriteLine("Start toasting..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Remove toast from toaster"); return new Toast(); } private static async Task<Bacon> FryBaconAsync(int slices) { Console.WriteLine($"putting {slices} slices of bacon in the pan"); Console.WriteLine("cooking first side of bacon..."); await Task.Delay(3000); for (int slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) { Console.WriteLine("flipping a slice of bacon"); } Console.WriteLine("cooking the second side of bacon..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Put bacon on plate"); return new Bacon(); } private static async Task<Egg> FryEggsAsync(int howMany) { Console.WriteLine("Warming the egg pan..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine($"cracking {howMany} eggs"); Console.WriteLine("cooking the eggs ..."); await Task.Delay(3000); Console.WriteLine("Put eggs on plate"); return new Egg(); } private static Coffee PourCoffee() { Console.WriteLine("Pouring coffee"); return new Coffee(); } } }
async 和 await的功能最好能作到:
便可以先把任務存儲到task,而後在後面須要用的時候,調用await task()方法。