一、 Download NDKphp
二、Install NDKhtml
$ tar xvf android-ndk-r8e-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C ~/Software/Android/
$ cd Android
$ mv android-ndk-r8e/ ndk/
三、add PATHlinux
$ vim ~/.bashrc //----------------- add the following text ---------------------- export NDK_HOME=/home/linx/Software/Android/ndk export PATH=${NDK_HOME}:$PATH //------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ source ~/.bashrc
四、test the ndkandroid
$ pwd ~/Software/Android/ndk/samples/hello-gl2 $ ndk-build Compile++ thumb : gl2jni <= gl_code.cpp StaticLibrary : libstdc++.a SharedLibrary : libgl2jni.so Install : libgl2jni.so => libs/armeabi/libgl2jni.so
the object file is "libs/armeabi/libgl2jni.so"vim
the ndk install success.bash
then add the ndk to IDE.eclipse
Eclipse :ui
一、download CDTthis
1) offlinespa
2) online
Help -> Install New Software
add the URL
then the CDT install automatic.
二、run ndk-build in the project exist
$ pwd ~/Software/Android/ndk/samples/hello-jni $ ndk-build
三、Import the project first
File -> New -> Project.. -> Android Project from Existing Code
browse form the project root directory.
四、config the NDK in IDE
1) File -> Properties
2) builders -> New -> Program -> OK
3)in Edit Configuration
Name : hellojni (the project you want to build)
Table Main :
Location : /bin/bash Working Directory : /bin Arguments : -c "cd ~/Software/Android/ndk/samples/hello-jni/ && ndk-build"
Table Refresh :
click on "Refresh resources upon completion." then choose the "Specific resources" finally choose the "libs" in "Specific resources" and Finish it
Table Build Options :
click on everything in "Run in builder" then choose the "Specify Resources" finally choose the "jni" in "Specify Resources"
Android Studio :
ok, there is a FAQ answered this question:
Is it planned to support NDK development in Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA? We have recently announced that we’re starting work on an IDE for C++, and we plan to eventually support NDK development as part of that effort. As for NDK development support in Android Studio, Google hasn’t announced anything so far.
so just run ndk-build in terminal.