最近在熟悉gitlab + gitlab-ci + slack,實現可持續集成,對開發流程實現自動化。
1. Ubuntu 16.04搭建GitLab服務器 參考:https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2018-01/150319.htm 2. This job is stuck, because the project doesn't have any runners online assigned to it. Go to Runners page 參考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53370840/this-job-is-stuck-because-the-project-doesnt-have-any-runners-online-assigned 3. 使用GitLab CI 持續集成 參考:http://www.fridayhaohao.com/articles/28/ 註冊runner,code .gitlab-ci.yml,使gitlab OK 4.生成Badges徽章 參考:https://about.gitlab.com/2016/11/03/publish-code-coverage-report-with-gitlab-pages/
1. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/linux
Don't forget to do a on other machines after deleting the remote branch on the server.
||| After deleting the local branch with and deleting the remote branch with
other machines may still have "obsolete tracking branches" (to see them do ).
To get rid of these do git fetch --all --prunegit branch -dgit push origin --deletegit branch -agit fetch --all --prune
git fetch origin develop:develop
git rebase develop
gitlab badge