當用C ++覆蓋一個類(使用虛擬析構函數)時,我在繼承類上再次將析構函數實現爲虛擬,可是我是否須要調用基本析構函數? 函數
若是是這樣,我想它就是這樣...... this
MyChildClass::~MyChildClass() // virtual in header { // Call to base destructor... this->MyBaseClass::~MyBaseClass(); // Some destructing specific to MyChildClass }
我對嗎? spa
不,你永遠不會調用基類析構函數,它老是像其餘人指出的那樣自動調用,但這裏是結果的概念證實: code
class base { public: base() { cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } ~base() { cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } }; class derived : public base { public: derived() { cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } ~derived() { cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } // adding call to base::~base() here results in double call to base destructor }; int main() { cout << "case 1, declared as local variable on stack" << endl << endl; { derived d1; } cout << endl << endl; cout << "case 2, created using new, assigned to derive class" << endl << endl; derived * d2 = new derived; delete d2; cout << endl << endl; cout << "case 3, created with new, assigned to base class" << endl << endl; base * d3 = new derived; delete d3; cout << endl; return 0; }
輸出是: 繼承
case 1, declared as local variable on stack base::base derived::derived derived::~derived base::~base case 2, created using new, assigned to derive class base::base derived::derived derived::~derived base::~base case 3, created with new, assigned to base class base::base derived::derived base::~base Press any key to continue . . .
若是將基類析構函數設置爲虛擬的,那麼案例3的結果將與案例1和2相同。 ci
不,您不須要調用基礎析構函數,派生析構函數老是爲您調用基礎析構函數。 請在此處查看個人相關答案以瞭解銷燬順序 。 get
要了解爲何要在基類中使用虛擬析構函數,請參閱如下代碼: it
class B { public: virtual ~B() { cout<<"B destructor"<<endl; } }; class D : public B { public: virtual ~D() { cout<<"D destructor"<<endl; } };
當你這樣作時: io
B *pD = new D(); delete pD;
而後,若是B中沒有虛擬析構函數,則只調用~B()。 可是由於你有一個虛擬的析構函數,因此先調用~D()而後調用~B()。 class
不,析構函數會按照相反的構造順序自動調用。 (基礎課最後)。 不要調用基類析構函數。
其餘人說了什麼,但也注意到你沒必要在派生類中聲明析構函數virtual。 一旦聲明瞭析構函數virtual,就像在基類中那樣,全部派生的析構函數都是虛擬的,不管你是否聲明它們。 換一種說法:
struct A { virtual ~A() {} }; struct B : public A { virtual ~B() {} // this is virtual }; struct C : public A { ~C() {} // this is virtual too };