Session ::tensorflow\core\public\session.hide
DirectSession ::tensorflow\core\common_runtime\direct_session.h源碼分析
GrpcSession ::tensorflow\core\distributed_runtime\rpc\grpc_session.h設計
class DirectSession : public Session --->單機版sessionorm
class GrpcSession : public Session ---> 分佈式版session
tf對外提供了一套C API,負責給client語言使用。在tensorflow\c\c_api.h中,session的建立流程咱們從這裏開始。
NewSession (tensorflow\core\public\session.h)
1. NewSession實現 tensorflow\core\common_runtime\session.cc
Status NewSession(const SessionOptions& options, Session** out_session) {
SessionFactory* factory;
Status s = SessionFactory::GetFactory(options, &factory); // 經過SessionOptions來選擇不一樣的factory
s = factory->NewSession(options, out_session); // 調用對應的factory來建立對應的session,也就是建立DirectSession 還GrpcSession
2. 關於SessionOptions
這裏看一下該定義,省略掉其餘成員,僅僅看看target,註釋中說,若是target爲空,則建立DirectSession,若是target以 'grpc’開頭,則建立GrpcSession
/// Configuration information for a Session.
struct SessionOptions {
/// \brief The TensorFlow runtime to connect to.
/// If 'target' is empty or unspecified, the local TensorFlow runtime
/// implementation will be used. Otherwise, the TensorFlow engine
/// defined by 'target' will be used to perform all computations.
/// "target" can be either a single entry or a comma separated list
/// of entries. Each entry is a resolvable address of the
/// following format:
/// local
/// ip:port
/// host:port
/// ... other system-specific formats to identify tasks and jobs ...
/// NOTE: at the moment 'local' maps to an in-process service-based
/// runtime.
/// Upon creation, a single session affines itself to one of the
/// remote processes, with possible load balancing choices when the
/// "target" resolves to a list of possible processes.
/// If the session disconnects from the remote process during its
/// lifetime, session calls may fail immediately.
string target;
3. SessionFactory::GetFactory
bool AcceptsOptions(const SessionOptions& options) override {
return options.target.empty(); // target爲空則爲true
bool AcceptsOptions(const SessionOptions& options) override {
return str_util::StartsWith(options.target, kSchemePrefix); // const char* const kSchemePrefix = "grpc://"; target爲grpc開頭
class GrpcSessionFactory : public SessionFactory
class DirectSessionFactory : public SessionFactory