Given an integer array nums
, find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product.git
Example 1:github
Input: [2,3,-2,4] Output: Explanation: [2,3] has the largest product 6. 6
Example 2:數組
Input: [-2,0,-1] Output: 0 Explanation: The result cannot be 2, because [-2,-1] is not a subarray.
給定一個整數數組 nums
示例 1:spa
輸入: [2,3,-2,4] 輸出: 解釋: 子數組 [2,3] 有最大乘積 6。 6
示例 2:code
輸入: [-2,0,-1] 輸出: 0 解釋: 結果不能爲 2, 由於 [-2,-1] 不是子數組。
1 class Solution { 2 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 3 guard nums.count > 0 else { return 0 } 4 5 var minValue = nums[0], maxValue = nums[0], finalValue = nums[0] 6 7 for i in 1..<nums.count { 8 if nums[i] > 0 { 9 maxValue = max(nums[i], maxValue * nums[i]) 10 minValue = min(nums[i], minValue * nums[i]) 11 }else { 12 var tmp = maxValue 13 maxValue = max(nums[i], minValue * nums[i]) 14 minValue = min(nums[i], tmp * nums[i]) 15 } 16 finalValue = max(finalValue, maxValue) 17 } 18 19 return finalValue 20 } 21 }
1 class Solution { 2 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 3 return getResult(nums) 4 } 5 6 private func getResult(_ array: [Int]) -> Int { 7 var result = array[0] 8 var previousMin = array[0] 9 var previousMax = array[0] 10 var currentMin = array[0] 11 var currentMax = array[0] 12 13 for el in array.dropFirst() { 14 currentMax = max(max(previousMax * el, previousMin * el), el) 15 currentMin = min(min(previousMax * el, previousMin * el), el) 16 result = max(currentMax, result) 17 previousMax = currentMax 18 previousMin = currentMin 19 } 20 21 return result 22 } 23 }
1 class Solution { 2 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 3 guard !nums.isEmpty else { return 0 } 4 5 var ret = nums.first! 6 var (iMin, iMax) = (nums.first!, nums.first!) 7 8 for n in nums.dropFirst() { 9 if n < 0 { 10 (iMin, iMax) = (iMax, iMin) 11 } 12 13 iMin = min(n, iMin * n) 14 iMax = max(n, iMax * n) 15 16 ret = max(ret, iMax) 17 } 18 19 return ret 20 } 21 }
1 class Solution { 2 3 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 4 guard nums.count > 0 else { 5 return 0 6 } 7 8 var minimum = 1 9 var maximum = 1 10 var oldMax = maximum 11 var globalMax = nums[0] 12 13 for num in nums { 14 if num < 0 { 15 oldMax = maximum 16 maximum = max(num, minimum*num) 17 minimum = min(num, oldMax*num) 18 } else { 19 maximum = max(num, maximum*num) 20 minimum = min(num, minimum*num) 21 } 22 globalMax = max(globalMax, maximum) 23 } 24 25 return globalMax 26 } 27 }
1 class Solution { 2 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 3 var lhs = 1 4 var rhs = 1 5 var maxhs = nums[0] 6 7 for i in 0..<nums.count { 8 lhs *= nums[i] 9 rhs *= nums[nums.count - i - 1] 10 maxhs = max(maxhs, lhs, rhs) 11 12 if lhs == 0 { lhs = 1} 13 if rhs == 0 { rhs = 1} 14 15 } 16 return maxhs 17 } 18 }
1 class Solution { 2 func maxProduct(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int { 3 guard nums.count > 0 else { 4 return 0 5 } 6 7 var maxN = nums[0], maxT = 1, minT = 1 8 for i in 0..<nums.count { 9 let tmp1 = maxT * nums[i] 10 let tmp2 = minT * nums[i] 11 maxN = max(maxN, tmp1, tmp2) 12 maxT = max(tmp1, tmp2, 1) 13 minT = min(tmp1, tmp2, 1) 14 } 15 return maxN 16 } 17 }