Some sort in java

Lambda expression is the one of major change in Java 8.0 after Generics, Annotations in Java 5.0. Lambda expressions are anonymous method similar to anonymous classes in Java. One of great feature Java 8.0 is Lambda expression. JavaScript already has this functionality to create anonymous functions. Lambda expression allows us to create an anonymous methods in Java as well. Lets understand what is Lambda expression in Javajava

  1. It is a method without access modifier
  2. It is a method without return type declaration
  3. It is a method without name

For example (int x, int y) -> { return x * y; } is a Java Lambda expression which takes two parameters and return the multiplication of these two numbers. This expression does not have access modifier (private/protected/public or default), return type and its name. same expression can be written in JavaScript like (function (x, y) { return x * y; } ) The syntax to write Lambda expression is as (arg1, arg2, ...) -> { body of expression}. Optionally the type of argument also can be specified. e.g. (int x, int y) -> { return x * y; }express

Before moving further first let us understand Functional Interface. Java already has a Marker Interface which is an interface without any method in it. Similar to marker interface, Functional Interface can have only one abstract method. some of examples are Comparable which has exactly one method compareTo, Runnable which has only one method run. Java 8.0 introduced an annotation @FunctionalInterface which can be used to indicate an interface is Functional

We will create a simple test class to understand Lambda expression. Suppose we want to sort a list of Students List<Student> by rollNumberide package com.groupkt.lambda;ui

public class Student { private Integer rollNumber; private String name; private Integer age;this

 * @param rollNumber
 * @param name
 * @param age
public Student(Integer rollNumber, String name, Integer age) {
	this.rollNumber = rollNumber; = name;
	this.age = age;
 * @return the rollNumber
public Integer getRollNumber() {
	return rollNumber;
 * @param rollNumber the rollNumber to set
public void setRollNumber(Integer rollNumber) {
	this.rollNumber = rollNumber;
 * @return the name
public String getName() {
	return name;
 * @param name the name to set
public void setName(String name) { = name;
 * @return the age
public Integer getAge() {
	return age;
 * @param age the age to set
public void setAge(Integer age) {
	this.age = age;

public String toString() {
	return new StringBuilder()

} There are different ways to implement this requirement Solution 1: By Creating a class which implements Comparablecode


  • comparator to sort by Students list by roll number
    */ private static class StudentRollNumberComparator implements Comparator<Student> { @Override public int compare(Student student1, Student student2) { return student1.getRollNumber().compareTo(student2.getRollNumber()); } }


  • sort the list of students by using the Implementing class of
  • Comparable interface
  • @param students : list of student to be sorted */ private static void sort(List<Student> students) { Collections.sort(students, new StudentRollNumberComparator()); } Here we created a class StudentRollNumberComparator which implements Comparator interface. and creates a method sort which will sort the list. Complete class to sort the list by student's roll number by using a class which implements Comparator interface package com.groupkt.lambda;rem

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	List students = new ArrayList<Student>();
	// create a list of students
	students.add(new Student(2, "Amit", 16));
	students.add(new Student(4, "Kumar", 15));
	students.add(new Student(3, "Durgesh", 17));
	students.add(new Student(1, "Rajendra", 14));
	// call method to sort the list

 * comparator to sort by Students list by roll number  
private static class StudentRollNumberComparator implements Comparator<Student> {
	public int compare(Student student1, Student student2) {
		return student1.getRollNumber().compareTo(student2.getRollNumber());

 * sort the list of students by using the Implementing class of 
 * Comparable interface
 * @param students : list of student to be sorted
private static void sort(List<Student> students) {
	Collections.sort(students, new StudentRollNumberComparator());

} This approach will solve our purpose. Here we created a class which implements Comparator. Now let us try another approach to implement the requirement.

Solution 2: By using a anonymous class which implements Comparable

the method test can be replaced by the code as below, here we are not creating a class but directly creating an anonymous class. /**

  • sort the list of students by using anonymous class implementing
  • Comparable interface
  • @param students : list of student to be sorted */ private static void sort(List<Student> students) { Collections.sort(students,new Comparator<Student>() { @Override public int compare(Student student1, Student student2) { return student1.getRollNumber().compareTo(student2.getRollNumber()); } }); } This will also sort the students list, but here we have are using anonymous class. Actually this anonymous class is implementing Comparator interface which is FunctionalInterface, and so can be replaced with the Lambda expression.

Solution 3: By using a Lambda expression

Lambda expression can be used with any functional interface and Comparator is a functional interface, so this test method can be replaced with lambda expression as below private static void sort(List<Student> students) { Comparator<Student> rollNumberComparator = (student1, student2) -> student1.getRollNumber().compareTo(student2.getRollNumber());


} Here we have a lambda expression (student1, student2) -> student1.getRollNumber().compareTo(student2.getRollNumber()); which takes two student objects to compare the rollNumbers. In this expression we not specifying the type of student1 and student2 because compiler can determine the parameter types by the Comparator<Student>. In this Lambda expression

  1. we have not implemented any Interface,
  2. we have not created any class,
  3. without method name,
  4. without method return type,
  5. without parameters types

All of thee solutions will give same result [{rollNumber:1,name:Rajendra,age:14} , {rollNumber:2,name:Amit,age:16} , {rollNumber:3,name:Durgesh,age:17} , {rollNumber:4,name:Kumar,age:15} ] Solution 4: By using method reference studentList.sort(Comparator.comparing(Student::getRollNumber));
