DRL中的when部分就是規則的條件(一般又叫作規則的左手邊,即:Left Hand Side(LHS))
rule "Always insert applicant" when // Empty then // Actions to be executed once insert( new Applicant() ); end // 規則在引擎內部會變成以下這樣: rule "Always insert applicant" when eval( true ) then insert( new Applicant() ); end
rule "Underage" when application : LoanApplication() Applicant( age < 21 ) then // Actions end // 在規則引擎內部是下面這樣,加上個and: rule "Underage" when application : LoanApplication() and Applicant( age < 21 ) then // Actions end
在規則的條件中定義模式並由規則去匹配,一個模式能夠匹配每個被插入到working memory中的fact,同時模式也能夠增長約束去限制哪些fact會被匹配上
Object() // Matches all objects in the working memory
Person( age == 50 )
Person( age == 50 ) // 這二者是同樣的 Person( getAge() == 50 )
Person( age == "10" ) // "10" 強制轉爲 10
// Person is at least 50 years old and weighs at least 80 kilograms: Person( age > 50, weight > 80 ) // Person is at least 50 years old, weighs at least 80 kilograms, and is taller than 2 meters: Person( age > 50, weight > 80, height > 2 )
// 不能用: Person( ( age > 50, weight > 80 ) || height > 2 ) // 應該這樣用: Person( ( age > 50 && weight > 80 ) || height > 2 )
rule "simple rule" when $p : Person() then System.out.println( "Person " + $p ); end
// 不能這樣用: Person( $age : age * 2 < 100 ) // 要這樣用: Person( age * 2 < 100, $age : age )
Person( name == "mark", address.city == "london", address.country == "uk" ) //或者寫成: Person( name == "mark", address.( city == "london", country == "uk") )
// Inline casting with subtype name: Person( name == "mark", address#LongAddress.country == "uk" ) // Inline casting with fully qualified class name: Person( name == "mark", address#org.domain.LongAddress.country == "uk" ) // Multiple inline casts: Person( name == "mark", address#LongAddress.country#DetailedCountry.population > 10000000 )
Person( name == "mark", address instanceof LongAddress, address.country == "uk" )
默認的日期格式是dd-mm-yyyy,你也能夠自定義格式經過系統屬性drools.dateformat="dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm"
Person( bornBefore < "27-Oct-2009" )
// Ungrouped property accessors: Person( name == "mark", address.city == "london", address.country == "uk" ) // Grouped property accessors: Person( name == "mark", address.( city == "london", country == "uk") )
// Inline casting with subtype name: Person( name == "mark", address#LongAddress.country == "uk" ) // Inline casting with fully qualified class name: Person( name == "mark", address#org.domain.LongAddress.country == "uk" ) // Multiple inline casts: Person( name == "mark", address#LongAddress.country#DetailedCountry.population > 10000000 )
!. 操做符至關於!=null
Person( $streetName : address!.street ) // This is internally rewritten in the following way: Person( address != null, $streetName : address.street )
[ ] 獲取list或map的值
// The following format is the same as `childList(0).getAge() == 18`: Person(childList[0].age == 18) // The following format is the same as `credentialMap.get("jdoe").isValid()`: Person(credentialMap["jdoe"].valid)
matches , not matches 正則匹配,與java中使用正則表達式相同
Person( country matches "(USA)?\\S*UK" ) Person( country not matches "(USA)?\\S*UK" )
contains , not contains 判斷值是否在Array或Collection中
// Collection with a specified field: FamilyTree( countries contains "UK" ) FamilyTree( countries not contains "UK" ) // Collection with a variable: FamilyTree( countries contains $var ) FamilyTree( countries not contains $var )
// Sting literal with a specified field: Person( fullName contains "Jr" ) Person( fullName not contains "Jr" ) // String literal with a variable: Person( fullName contains $var ) Person( fullName not contains $var )
memberOf , not memberOf 判斷字段值是否在Array或Collection中,它們必須是 變量
FamilyTree( person memberOf $europeanDescendants ) FamilyTree( person not memberOf $europeanDescendants )
soundslike 英語發音類似,使用 Soundex algorithm算法判斷(nubility)
// Match firstName "Jon" or "John": Person( firstName soundslike "John" )
str 判斷一個字符串是否已指定值開頭、結尾、以及長度是多少
// Verify what the String starts with: Message( routingValue str[startsWith] "R1" ) // Verify what the String ends with: Message( routingValue str[endsWith] "R2" ) // Verify the length of the String: Message( routingValue str[length] 17 )
in , not in
Person( $color : favoriteColor ) Color( type in ( "red", "blue", $color ) ) Person( $color : favoriteColor ) Color( type notin ( "red", "blue", $color ) )
DRL中的then部分就是規則觸發後的行爲(規則的右手邊Right Hand Side (RHS) ),基本上能夠概況爲向working memory中 insert、delete、或modify數據。
rule "Underage" when application : LoanApplication() Applicant( age < 21 ) then application.setApproved( false ); application.setExplanation( "Underage" ); end
set 設置字段值,和java相同
set<field> ( <value> )
$application.setApproved ( false ); $application.setExplanation( "has been bankrupt" );
modify 修改對象並告知engine
modify ( <fact-expression> ) { <expression>, <expression>, ... }
modify( LoanApplication ) { setAmount( 100 ), setApproved ( true ) }
update 更新對象並告知engine
update ( <object, <handle> ) // Informs the Drools engine that an object has changed update ( <object> ) // Causes `KieSession` to search for a fact handle of the object
LoanApplication.setAmount( 100 ); update( LoanApplication );
insert 插入一個新的fact
//用法: insert( new <object> ); //例: insert( new Applicant() );
insertLogical 邏輯插入一個新的fact,drools engine負責這個fact的建立和回收,當建立這個fact的條件爲false時,這個fact就會被engine自動回收掉
//用法: insertLogical( new <object> ); //例: insertLogical( new Applicant() );
delete 刪除一個對象,retract也能夠,可是建議使用delete
//用法 delete( <object> ); //例: delete( Applicant );
rule "Underage" // This is a single-line comment. when $application : LoanApplication() // This is an in-line comment. Applicant( age < 21 ) then /* This is a multi-line comment in the rule actions. */ $application.setApproved( false ); $application.setExplanation( "Underage" ); end