Crafty 使用 Event 來完成消息傳遞。this
// Create a red squarevar square = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, Color") .attr({x:10,y:10, w:30, h:30}) .color("blue");// When a "Blush" event is triggered, turn pinksquare.bind("Blush", function() { // the function will be called in the context of the entity this.color("pink") });// Trigger the event, causing the square to turn pinksquare.trigger("Blush");
例如,咱們定義一個 ChangeColor 事件對象
square.bind("ChangeColor", function(color) { this.color(color); }); square.trigger("ChangeColor", "pink"); // Turn pink
當你使用 trigger 方法觸發事件時,第二個參數將做爲事件的參數傳遞到對象中。此外,還能夠定義更復雜的參數類型,例如:事件
// Assume that color is an objectsquare.bind("ChangeColor", function(color) { this.color(color.r, color,g, color.b); })// Specify the RGB values corresponding to pinksquare.trigger("ChangeColor", {r:255, g:192, b:203});
var turnPink = function() { this.color("pink"); }// Bind the function to an eventsquare.bind("Blush", turnPink);// Immediately unbind it!square.unbind("Blush", turnPink);
固然,若是你只但願事件被執行一次,可使用 one 方法替代 trigger。it
// Use the .one() method instead of .bind()"JumpRight", function() { // Move 10 px to the right this.x += 100; });// If we trigger the event twice, the bound function will be called only the first timesquare.trigger("JumpRight"); square.trigger("JumpRight");
Crafty 內置了不少事件,經常使用的如 2D 組件中的 「Move」 事件,每當對象的位置發生變化,這個事件都會被觸發,事件參數包含了其移動前得位置。io
// Bind a function to the "Move" event// It will log the initial and new x position anytime the entity movessquare.bind("Move", function(oldPosition) { console.log(oldPosition._x, this.x); }); square.x = 100; // Will print "10, 100"
在 Grafty API 中,綠色高亮部分都是內置 Crafty 事件console
// Define two entities at x=5 and x=10var varrick = Crafty.e("2D").attr({x:5});var xhuli = Crafty.e("2D").attr({x:10});// Bind to an event called "Thing"varrick.bind("Thing", function() { this.x += 20; }); xhuli.bind("Thing", function() { this.x += 10; });// Do the thing!// varrick and xhuli will *both* move to the rightCrafty.trigger("Thing");// You can still trigger the same events directly on an entityxhuli.trigger("Thing");
咱們也能夠直接將事件綁定到 Crafty 上。
Crafty.bind("Thing", function() { console.log("Crafty does the thing.") });
這個方法的上下文既是 Crafty 對象自己 (this === Crafty
Crafty 對象同時也包括了 Crafty.unbind() 和 方法。
"EnterFrame" 時 Crafty 中的一個很重要的事件,之後會作重點介紹。