;;;The extent of the world (defparameter *width* 100) (defparameter *height* 30) (defparameter *jungle* '(45 10 10 10)) (defparameter *plant-energy* 80) ;;;Growing plants in our world ;;cons cells should be compared with equal (defparameter *plants* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ;;Grow new plants (defun random-plant (left top width height) (let ((pos (cons (+ left (random width)) (+ top (random height))))) (setf (gethash pos *plants*) t))) (defun add-plants () (apply #'random-plant *jungle*) (random-plant 0 0 *width* *height*)) ;;;Creating animals (defstruct animal x y energy dir genes) ;;x,y stand for the position ;;energy represent its energy,when the energy exhausted,it will die ;;dir is the direction it faced ;;genes decide the direction it will choose ;;Creating an animal in the center of the map (defparameter *animals* (list (make-animal :x;we only use list to traverse animal, ;its efficient enough. (ash *width* -1) :y (ash *height* -1) :energy 1000 :dir 0 :genes;genes represent the possiblity ;that an animal will choose (loop repeat 8 ;collect is OK?? collect (1+ (random 10)))))) ;;;Handling animal motion ;;;想一想九宮格 (defun move (animal) (let ((dir (animal-dir animal)) (x (animal-x animal)) (y (animal-y animal))) ;若是達到*width*,置0 (setf (animal-x animal) (mod (+ x (cond ((and (>= dir 2) (< dir 5)) 1) ((or (= dir 1) (= dir 5)) 0) (t -1)) *width*) *width*)) (setf (animal-y animal) (mod (+ y (cond ((and (>= dir 0) (< dir 3)) -1) ((and (>= dir 4) (< dir 7)) 1) (t 0)) *height*) *height*)) (decf (animal-energy animal)))) ;;;Handling animal turning (defun turn (animal) (let ((x (random (apply #'+ (animal-genes animal))))) ;;this was not easy to understand it, ;;當隨機數落在哪一個區間就哪一個方向的遞歸描述 (labels ((angle (genes x) (let ((xnu (- x (car genes)))) (if (< xnu 0) 0 (1+ (angle (cdr genes) xnu)))))) (setf (animal-dir animal) (mod (+ (animal-dir animal) (angle (animal-genes animal) x)) 8))))) ;;;Handling animal eating (defun eat (animal) (let ((pos (cons (animal-x animal) (animal-y animal)))) (when (gethash pos *plants*) (incf (animal-energy animal) *plant-energy*) (remhash pos *plants*)))) ;;;Handling animal reproduction ;;定義繁殖時須要能量 (defparameter *reproduction-energy* 200) (defun reproduce (animal) (let ((e (animal-energy animal))) (when (>= e *reproduction-energy*) (setf (animal-energy animal) (ash e -1)) (let ((animal-nu (copy-structure animal));淺複製命令 (genes (copy-list (animal-genes animal))) (mutation (random 8))) (setf (nth mutation genes) (max 1 (+ (nth mutation genes) (random 3) -1))) ;This means the gene value will change plus or minus one, or ;stay the same. (setf (animal-genes animal-nu) genes) (push animal-nu *animals*))))) ;;;Simulating a day in our world (defun update-world () (setf *animals* (remove-if (lambda (animal) (<= (animal-energy animal) 0)) *animals*)) (mapc (lambda (animal) (turn animal) (move animal) (eat animal) (reproduce animal)) *animals*) (add-plants)) ;;;Drawing our world ;;;This has low performance but will not matters (defun draw-world () (loop for y below *height* do (progn (fresh-line);outputs a newline only if the output-stream ;is not already at the start of a line (princ "|") (loop for x below *width* do (princ (cond ((some (lambda (animal) ;可能不止一個動物 (and (= (animal-x animal) x) (= (animal-y animal) y))) *animals*) #\M) ((gethash (cons x y) *plants*) #\*) (t #\space)))) (princ "|")))) ;;;Creating a user interface (defun evolution () (draw-world) (fresh-line) (let ((str (read-line))) (cond ((equal str "quit") ()) ;Recall Conrad’s Rule of Thumb for Comparing Stuff ;use eq for symbols ;use equal for everything else (t (let ((x (parse-integer str :junk-allowed t))) (if x (loop for i below x do (update-world) if (zerop (mod i 1000)) do (princ #\.)) (update-world)) (evolution))))))