在學習 React 事件系統的時候,在事件分發的 dispatch方法發現了調用了一個 pooledClass 方法,一時半會沒看明白這個方法的用意。數據庫
// step1 function TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping(topLevelType, nativeEvent) { this.topLevelType = topLevelType; this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent; this.ancestors = []; } Object.assign(TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping.prototype, { destructor: function() { this.topLevelType = null; this.nativeEvent = null; this.ancestors.length = 0; }, }); PooledClass.addPoolingTo( TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping, PooledClass.twoArgumentPooler ); // step2 var bookKeeping = TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping.getPooled( topLevelType, nativeEvent ); // bookKeeping 是 TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping 的實例 try { // Event queue being processed in the same cycle allows // `preventDefault`. ReactUpdates.batchedUpdates(handleTopLevelImpl, bookKeeping); } finally { //釋放 TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping.release(bookKeeping); }
那麼這裏爲何不直接 new 一個 TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping, 而要經過這個 PooledClass 來返回 TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping 的實例呢緩存
的時候都用 new TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping 來 new 一個對象,那麼當觸發不少次dispatch
將用過的對象保存起來,等下一次須要這種對象的時候,再拿出來重複使用,從而在必定程度上減小頻繁建立對象所形成的開銷。React 的 pooledClass.js 就是一個例子:性能
var invariant = require('invariant'); /** * Static poolers. Several custom versions for each potential number of * arguments. A completely generic pooler is easy to implement, but would * require accessing the `arguments` object. In each of these, `this` refers to * the Class itself, not an instance. If any others are needed, simply add them * here, or in their own files. */ var oneArgumentPooler = function(copyFieldsFrom) { var Klass = this; if (Klass.instancePool.length) { var instance = Klass.instancePool.pop(); Klass.call(instance, copyFieldsFrom); return instance; } else { return new Klass(copyFieldsFrom); } }; ... var standardReleaser = function(instance) { var Klass = this; invariant( instance instanceof Klass, 'Trying to release an instance into a pool of a different type.' ); instance.destructor(); if (Klass.instancePool.length < Klass.poolSize) { Klass.instancePool.push(instance); } }; var DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 10; var DEFAULT_POOLER = oneArgumentPooler; /** * Augments `CopyConstructor` to be a poolable class, augmenting only the class * itself (statically) not adding any prototypical fields. Any CopyConstructor * you give this may have a `poolSize` property, and will look for a * prototypical `destructor` on instances (optional). * * @param {Function} CopyConstructor Constructor that can be used to reset. * @param {Function} pooler Customizable pooler. */ var addPoolingTo = function(CopyConstructor, pooler) { var NewKlass = CopyConstructor; NewKlass.instancePool = []; NewKlass.getPooled = pooler || DEFAULT_POOLER; if (!NewKlass.poolSize) { NewKlass.poolSize = DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE; } NewKlass.release = standardReleaser; return NewKlass; }; var PooledClass = { addPoolingTo: addPoolingTo, oneArgumentPooler: oneArgumentPooler, twoArgumentPooler: twoArgumentPooler, threeArgumentPooler: threeArgumentPooler, fourArgumentPooler: fourArgumentPooler, fiveArgumentPooler: fiveArgumentPooler, }; module.exports = PooledClass;