Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 1 for Visual Studio 2008安裝失敗的解決方法之二

安裝Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 1 for Visual Studio 2008的時候又出了問題,點擊 silverlight_chainer.exe 仍然是那個變態的對話框,不讓你點下一步,給出提示:
(An Error Has Occurred:
Silverlight Tools cannot be installed because one or more of the following conditions is true:
1. Visual Studio 2008 RTM is not installed.(沒有VS2008誰裝Silverlight Tools for VS2008 )
2. The Web Authoring feature of Visual Studio is not installed.(不多用到這個)
3. A previous version of the Silverlight Runtime is installed.(默認的卸載程序會留下痕跡)
4. A previous version of the Silverlight SDK is installed..(這個問題上次說過了)
5. The Visual Studio Update KB949325 is installed.( 不知道 KB949325 是什麼更新)
6. A previous version of Silverlight Tools is installed. (For Vs2005的通常不會干擾,等因而廢話,除非微軟分不清楚Visual studio版本上的8和9)
To continue, please install or uninstall the appropriate products and run this installer again.)
,無奈就本身分析,搜索文件,全部系統相關文件夾下的帶silverlight的所有刪除,×:/Program files下搜到帶silverlight的刪除,註冊表中搜索到:
「HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ToolboxPages\Silverlight Components」這個鍵值刪除,點擊silverlight_chainer.exe順利完成安裝。