前面瞭解的無序鏈表和有序數組在性能方面至少在線性級別,沒法用於數據量大的場合。接下來要學習的二叉查找樹能夠將鏈表插入的靈活性和有序數組查找的高效性結合起來,是計算機科學中最重要的算法之一。 一個二叉查找樹(Binary Search Tree)是一顆二叉樹,其中每一個結點都含有一個Comparable的鍵,以及相關聯的值,且每一個結點的鍵都大於其左子樹中任意結點的鍵,小於右子樹中任意結點的鍵。算法
在二叉查找樹中查找時,若是樹是空的,則查找未命中;若是被查找的鍵和根結點的鍵相等,查找命中,不然就遞歸地在子樹中繼續查找,若是被查找的鍵小於根結點,就選擇左子樹,不然選擇右子樹。 查找算法的代碼實現爲:數組
public class BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> { private Node root; private class Node { private Key key; private Value val; private Node left, right; public int size; public Node(Key key, Value val, int size) { this.key = key; this.val = val; this.size = size; } } public Value get(Key key) { return get(root, key); } private Value get(Node x, Key key) { if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("calls get() with a null key"); if (x == null) return null; int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp > 0) { return get(x.right, key); } else if (cmp < 0) { return get(x.left, key); } else { return x.val; } } }
public void put(Key key, Value val) { root = put(root, key, val); } private Node put(Node x, Key key, Value val) { if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("calls put() with a null key"); if (x == null) return new Node(key, val, 1); int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp < 0) x.left = put(x.left, key, val); else if (cmp > 0) x.right = put(x.right, key, val); else { x.val = val; } x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1; return x; }
插入操做的代碼與查找相似,但插入操做會更新結點值或添加新結點,而且會更新結點計數器。 x.left = put(x.left, key, val); 相似這樣的代碼利用遞歸的特性簡潔地實現告終點的添加。在遞歸調用時,至關於根據二分查找的邏輯,沿着樹的某個分支一直向下查找,若是找到,就終止遞歸,更新結點的值,若是到了樹的最底層也沒找到,此時key==null成立,遞歸也會終止,同時新初始化的結點也已經被掛在x.left或者x.right了。 在遞歸推出的過程當中,至關於沿着樹向上爬,每爬一層,*x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;*都會被執行,這樣在添加結點後,相關路徑上的全部結點的size都獲得了更新。測試
插入新結點和未命中的查找都須要從整顆樹的根結點搜索到樹的最底層,因此二叉查找樹的性能與樹的形狀有關,由於樹的形狀決定了樹的深度。在最好的狀況下,一個含有N個結點的樹是徹底平衡的,全部的空連接都在最底層,距離根結點的距離爲LgN;而在最壞的狀況下,樹的形狀變成了一條鏈表,樹的深度爲N,將元素按順序逐個插入到二叉查找樹時,就能夠形成這種狀況。在通常的狀況下,獲得的樹的形狀與最好狀況更加接近,二叉查找樹的性能在對數級別。 英文原版《雙城記》中大於7個字符的單詞一共14350個,這些單詞中不一樣的單詞有5737個,將這些單詞做爲鍵來測試不一樣符號表實現的性能,結果以下: 圖中橫座標表示插入單詞的數量,縱座標表示插入時的比較次數,灰點表示某次插入的實際比較次數,紅點表示平均比較次數(比較總數/插入單詞數量),前面學習過基於無序鏈表和有序數組的實現,平均次數分別爲2246和484次,能夠看到二叉查找樹不管在單詞比較次數仍是平均次數方面,都有了跨越數量級的進步。this
public Key min() { if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("calls min() with empty symbol table"); return min(root).key; } private Node min(Node x) { if (x.left == null) return x; else return min(x.left); } public Key max() { if (isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("calls max() with empty symbol table"); return max(root).key; } private Node max(Node x) { if (x.right == null) return x; else return max(x.right); }
public Key floor(Key key) { Node n = floor(root, key); if (n == null) { return null; } else { return n.key; } } private Node floor(Node x, Key key) { if (x == null) { return null; } int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp == 0) return x; if (cmp < 0) return floor(x.left, key); Node n = floor(x.right, key); if (n == null) { return x; } else { return n; } } public Key ceiling(Key key) { if (n == null) { return null; } else { return n.key; } } private Node ceiling(Node x, Key key) { if (x == null) { return null; } int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp == 0) return x; if (cmp > 0) return ceiling(x.right, key); Node n = ceiling(x.left, key); if (n == null) { return x; } else { return n; } }
public Key select(int k) { return select(root, k).key; } private Node select(Node x, int k) { if (x == null) { return null; } int t = size(x.left); if (t > k) { return select(x.left, k); } else if (t < k) { return select(x.right, k - t - 1); } else { return x; } }
public int rank(Key key) { return rank(key, root); } private int rank(Key key, Node x) { if (x == null) { return 0; } int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp > 0) { return size(x.left) + rank(key, x.right) + 1; } else if (cmp < 0) { return rank(key, x.left); } else { return size(x.left); } }
public void keys(Node x, Queue<Key> queue, Key lo, Key hi) { if (x == null) return; int cmplo = lo.compareTo(x.key); int cmphi = hi.compareTo(x.key); if (cmplo < 0) keys(x.left, queue, lo, hi); if (cmplo <= 0 && cmphi >= 0) queue.enqueue(x.key); if (cmphi > 0) keys(x.right, queue, lo, hi); }
public void deleteMin() { root = deleteMin(root); } private Node deleteMin(Node x) { if (x.left == null) return x.right; x.left = deleteMin(x.left); x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1; return x; } public void deleteMax() { root = deleteMax(root); } private Node deleteMax(Node x) { if (x.right == null) return x.left; x.right = deleteMax(x.right); x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1; return x; }
在不斷深刻左子樹的時候,除非碰見空連接,deleteMin(Node x)方法都返回結點x,只有最後一次遞歸纔將上個結點指向x.right,遞歸退出時,會更新路徑上的結點計數器。
public void delete(Key key) { root = delete(root, key); } private Node delete(Node x, Key key) { if (x == null) return null; int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key); if (cmp < 0) x.left = delete(x.left, key); else if (cmp > 0) x.right = delete(x.right, key); else { if (x.right == null) return x.left; if (x.left == null) return x.right; Node t = x; x = min(t.right); x.right = deleteMin(t.right); x.left = t.left; } x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1; return x; }