--Mysql:在MySQL中,空值(Null)與空字符(’’)是不相同的 select '' is null; +------------+ | '' is null | +------------+ | 0 | +------------+ select trim(' ')=''; +--------------+ | trim(' ')='' | +--------------+ | 1 | +--------------+ --因此在mysql中能夠這樣來判斷空串 select * from table where trim(col) = ''; --*************************** --而在oracle,則空值(Null)與空字符(’’)是同樣的 select * from table where trim(col) is null;
select * from dual; -- mysql執行會報錯 --oracle執行會查出以下: D - X
-- mysql delete a from hs_sett.fusettleholdsinfo a, hs_sett.fusettarg b where a.exchange_type = b.exchange_type and b.exchange_type = 'F1'; --oracle delete from hs_futuvip.fusettleholdsinfo a where exists(select 1 from hs_futuvip.fusettarg b where a.futu_exch_type = b.futu_exch_type and b.futu_exch_type = 'F1');
-- mysql update futransfertotal a, fusettarg b set a.clear_balance=0,a.active_flag='1' where a.exchange_type = b.exchange_type and b.asset_kind = '1'; -- oralce update futransfertotal a set a.clear_balance=0,a.active_flag='1' where exists(select 1 from fusettarg b where a.futu_exch_type = b.futu_exch_type and b.futu_exch_type = 'F1')