ThinkPHP即將迎來最新版本6.0,針對目前愈來愈流行Swoole,thinkphp也推出了最新的擴展think-swoole 3.0
本文主要介紹在ThinkPHP-swoole 3.0當中所用到的沙盒技術。
public function onRequest($req, $res) { $this->app->event->trigger('swoole.request'); $this->resetOnRequest(); /** @var Sandbox $sandbox */ $sandbox = $this->app->make(Sandbox::class); $request = $this->prepareRequest($req); try { $sandbox->setRequest($request); $sandbox->init(); $response = $sandbox->run($request); $this->sendResponse($sandbox, $response, $res); } catch (Throwable $e) { try { $exceptionResponse = $this->app ->make(Handle::class) ->render($request, $e); $this->sendResponse($sandbox, $exceptionResponse, $res); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logServerError($e); } } finally { $sandbox->clear(); } }
//$sandbox->setRequest($request); public function setRequest(Request $request) { Context::setData('_request', $request); return $this; }
//$sandbox->init(); public function init() { if (!$this->config instanceof Config) { throw new RuntimeException('Please initialize after setting base app.'); } $this->setInstance($app = $this->getApplication()); $this->resetApp($app); }
//$this->setInstance($app = $this->getApplication()); public function getApplication() { $snapshot = $this->getSnapshot(); if ($snapshot instanceof Container) { return $snapshot; } $snapshot = clone $this->getBaseApp(); $this->setSnapshot($snapshot); return $snapshot; }
public function clear() { Context::clear(); $this->setInstance($this->getBaseApp()); }
<?php namespace think\swoole\coroutine; use Swoole\Coroutine; use think\Container; class Context { /** * The app containers in different coroutine environment. * * @var array */ protected static $apps = []; /** * The data in different coroutine environment. * * @var array */ protected static $data = []; /** * Get app container by current coroutine id. */ public static function getApp() { return static::$apps[static::getCoroutineId()] ?? null; } /** * Set app container by current coroutine id. * * @param Container $app */ public static function setApp(Container $app) { static::$apps[static::getCoroutineId()] = $app; } /** * Get data by current coroutine id. * * @param string $key * * @return mixed|null */ public static function getData(string $key) { return static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()][$key] ?? null; } /** * Set data by current coroutine id. * * @param string $key * @param $value */ public static function setData(string $key, $value) { static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()][$key] = $value; } /** * Remove data by current coroutine id. * * @param string $key */ public static function removeData(string $key) { unset(static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()][$key]); } /** * Get data keys by current coroutine id. */ public static function getDataKeys() { return array_keys(static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()] ?? []); } /** * Clear data by current coroutine id. */ public static function clear() { unset(static::$apps[static::getCoroutineId()]); unset(static::$data[static::getCoroutineId()]); } /** * Get current coroutine id. */ public static function getCoroutineId() { return Coroutine::getuid(); } }