<select id="selectCkspcb" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="java.util.Map"> SELECT COALESCE (pg.goodsid, 0) spbm, COALESCE (pg.goodsname, '') spmc, COALESCE ( ( SELECT classname FROM pub_goodsclass vv WHERE vv.classcode = ( SELECT CASE WHEN lent.len < 4 THEN '' ELSE substr(lent.classcode, 0, 5) END AS code FROM ( SELECT LENGTH (ccc.classcode) len, ccc.classcode ) lent LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0 ) ), '' ) zybm, COALESCE (pb.brandname, '') pp, COALESCE (pd.depotname, '') ck, COALESCE (pg.goodscode, '') spcode, COALESCE (ssgss.stockqty, 0) zmsl, COALESCE ( ( SELECT SUM (taxprice * ssgss.stockqty) FROM sp_st_batch WHERE stgoodsid = ssgg.stgoodsid AND depotid = ssgss.depotid ), 0 ) zmcb, CASE WHEN ssgss.stockqty > 0 THEN ( SELECT SUM (taxprice * ssgss.stockqty) / ssgss.stockqty FROM sp_st_batch WHERE stgoodsid = ssgg.stgoodsid AND depotid = ssgss.depotid ) ELSE '0' END cbjj, ssgg.stgoodsid, ssgss.depotid, ssgg.stayinqty, ssgg.stayoutqty, ssgg.presaleqty FROM sp_st_goodsstock ssgss LEFT JOIN sp_st_goods ssgg ON ssgss.stgoodsid = ssgg.stgoodsid LEFT JOIN pub_depot pd ON ssgss.depotid = pd.depotid LEFT JOIN pub_goods pg ON ssgg.goodsid = pg.goodsid LEFT JOIN pub_brand pb ON pg.brandid = pb.brandid LEFT JOIN pub_goodsclass ccc ON pg.goodsclassid = ccc.classid WHERE 1 = 1 AND ssgss.enterpriseid = #{enterpriseid,jdbcType=NUMERIC} <!-- 商品搜索框的商品編碼條件查詢 --> <if test="spbm != null and spbm!='' "> AND ssgg.stgoodsid=#{spbm,jdbcType=NUMERIC} </if> <!-- 倉庫編碼查詢 --> <!--<if test="ckbms != null and ckbms !='' ">不能進行空字符串判斷,否則報錯--> <if test="ckbms != null "> AND ssgss.depotid in <foreach collection="ckbms" item="ckbm" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{ckbm}</foreach> </if> <!-- 商品分類編碼查詢 --> <if test="zybms != null "> AND ccc.classid in <foreach collection="zybms" item="zybm" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">#{zybm}</foreach> </if> <!-- 品牌編碼查詢 --> <if test="pp != null and pp!='' "> AND pb.brandid=#{pp,jdbcType=NUMERIC} </if> <!-- 包括保管帳爲0 --> <if test=" isZero!=0"> AND ssgss.stockqty <> 0 </if> <!-- 分頁查詢 --> limit #{pageSize,jdbcType=NUMERIC} offset #{start,jdbcType=NUMERIC} </select>
@RequestMapping(value = { "reportform/queryData" }, method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) @ResponseBody public JsonResult queryData( ModelMap model, @RequestParam(value = "enterpriseid", required = false) Integer enterpriseid, @RequestParam(value = "pageSize", required = false,defaultValue ="4") Integer pageSize, @RequestParam(value = "pageNo", required = false,defaultValue="1") Integer pageNo, @RequestParam(value = "spbm", required = false) Long spbm, @RequestParam(value = "ckbm", required = false) String ckbm, @RequestParam(value = "zybm", required = false) String zybm, @RequestParam(value = "pp", required = false) Long pp, @RequestParam(value = "spmc", required = false) String spmc, @RequestParam(value = "ck", required = false) String ck, @RequestParam(value = "zmsl", required = false) Integer zmsl, @RequestParam(value = "zmcb", required = false) String zmcb, @RequestParam(value = "cbjj", required = false) String cbjj, @RequestParam(value = "jyfs", required = false) String jyfs, @RequestParam(value = "jglx", required = false) String jglx, @RequestParam(value = "spsx", required = false) String spsx, @RequestParam(value = "isZero", required = false) Integer isZero ) { JsonResult jrs=null; try { List<Integer> ckbms = tranStrToListOfInter(ckbm); List<Integer> zybms = tranStrToListOfInter(zybm); PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(pageNo-1, pageSize); Page<Map<String, Object>> resultList=spStGoodFacade.selectCkspcb(enterpriseid,pageRequest,ckbms,spbm,zybms,pp,spmc,ck,spsx,jglx,jyfs,zybm,isZero,zmsl); jrs=JsonResult.createSuccess(); jrs.addData(resultList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jrs; }
/** * 將前臺輸入框的多選字符串轉爲List * @param str * @return */ public List<Integer> tranStrToListOfInter(String str){ if(str!=null && str!=""){ String[] sx=str.split(","); List<Integer> listx=new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i=0;i<sx.length;i++){ listx.add(Integer.valueOf(sx[i])); } return listx; }else{ return null; }
public Page<Map<String, Object>> selectCkspcb(Integer enterpriseid,PageRequest pageRequest,List ckbms,Long spbm,List zybms,Long pp,String spmc,String ck,String spsx,String jglx,String jyfs,String zybm,Integer isZero,Integer zmsl){ Map<String, Object> dataMap= new HashMap<String, Object>(); int offset = pageRequest.getOffset(); int pageSize = pageRequest.getPageSize(); dataMap.put("pageSize", pageSize); dataMap.put("start",offset); dataMap.put("enterpriseid", enterpriseid); dataMap.put("ckbms",ckbms); dataMap.put("spbm",spbm); dataMap.put("zybms", zybms); dataMap.put("pp",pp); dataMap.put("ck", ck); dataMap.put("spmc", spmc); dataMap.put("isZero",isZero); dataMap.put("zybm",zybm); dataMap.put("jyfs",jyfs); dataMap.put("jglx",jglx); dataMap.put("spsx",spsx); Integer total= spStGoodDao.selectCkspcbTotalCount(dataMap);//獲取總單記錄數 List<Map<String, Object>> resultList= spStGoodDao.selectCkspcb(dataMap);//獲取總單記錄 List<Map<String, Object>> sum = spStGoodDao.selectCkspcbTotalZMSL(dataMap); resultList.addAll(sum); Page<Map<String, Object>> page=null; if(resultList!=null && resultList.size()>0 && total!=null){ page = new PageImpl<Map<String, Object>>(resultList, pageRequest, total); } return page; }