Primer Fields視頻做者在BBS上的留言

I am the guy who made the Primer Fields video. Sorry for the length of this post, but is has to be long in order to address the issues I am seeing in some of the comments here. I just have time to make this post here and then back to work on the next videos and a paper for submission that covers my research. I hope to have PF2 up by Feb. 1. I will not be able to respond to any questions or comments here. I may read them and then address them in my upcoming videos for all to see and learn from.php

我就是製做了<初子場域>視頻的那我的。抱歉,接下來的帖子可能有點長,但爲了闡述清楚問題我必須這麼作。我如今正好有時間來發這個帖,而後緊接着製做初子場域視頻的第二部和發表一篇關於個人研究的論文。我但願能到 2 月 1 號前發表初子場域視頻的第二部。我將不會在這裏迴應任何關於這個理論的疑問和評論。我可能會閱讀它們並在接下來的視頻中迴應這些疑問和評論,以便全部人都能看見並學習。app

Regarding intrinsic magnetic fields. All matter has intrinsic magnetic fields to it. Research this. All I did was change the shape of the source of the intrinsic magnetic fields. My main focus of my work has NOT been astrophysics, but physics at the atomic and sub-atomic level. The particles of matter at the LHC are driven around the LHC by MAGNETIC FIELDS. They are able to do this because of the intrinsic magnetic fields in all matter. Think this through carefully. It is based on repeatably proven science fact and experiments. Magnetic fields are intrinsic to all matter structures and that is undeniable fact. Trying to prove where they come from would be like asking me to prove water is wet. Think this through.less

提到物質的固有磁場。全部物質都有固有磁場。研究它!我所作的只是改變了這個固有磁場的形狀。我工做的主要關注點不是天文物理,而是原子物理或亞原子物理級別的研究。在 LHC(大型強子對撞機)中運行並碰撞的物質粒子是由磁場驅動的。他們能這樣作,徹底是因爲全部物質都有固有磁場。仔細思考這點!這是被可重複的實驗事實證實了的。全部物質都有固有磁場,這是無可爭議的事實。試圖去驗證這些磁場究竟來自哪裏,就好像在驗證水爲何會是溼的同樣。仔細思考這點!ide

They are there and I don't have to prove that as it is already accepted as fact. If you think that they can be electrically generated just on what we find in space, then I challenge you to prove it and not just say it.This is what true scientists do, they prove their statements. In six years of experiments I find zero evidence that these intrinsic magnetic fields are driven or generated by external electrical currents. I have run many many experiments without my magnetic emitters and I have seen zero evidence of this happening. If you go back and look at Birkleland's experiments you will notice that he had to put a source of a magnetic field into his sphere to find his Birkeland currents. No magnetic field no Birkeland currents. So the magnetic fields have to be there before any electricity is provided. Therefore the electricity did not form the magnetic fields and without magnetic fields you get no Birkeland

它們(固有磁場)就在那裏而且我沒必要去驗證這個已經被看成事實來接受了的事情。若是你認爲它們(物質的固有磁場)能夠由電來生成,那麼我向你挑戰:你去證實它,而不是隻動動嘴。這是一個真正的科學家作的事情,他們會證實本身的聲明。通過六年多的實驗,我沒有發現任何證據來證實:這些固有磁場是由外部電流產生的。我作了很是很是多的實驗,若是沒有磁場發射器,那麼也就沒有任何現象會產生。若是你去看看伯克蘭(Kristian Olaf Birkeland)的實驗(terrella experiment),你會發現他不得不在他的圓球周圍放一個磁場,只有這樣作才能產生伯克蘭電流(Birkeland currents)。沒有磁場,也就沒有伯克蘭電流。因此,磁場必須在電流提供以前存在。所以,電不能產生磁而且沒有磁場也就沒有伯克蘭電流。學習

The EUT is mostly correct and absolutely more correct than current mainstream AP. But there is no proof as to the source of the electricity.I am very aware of magneto hydrodynamics and in fact my theories use it, but you still have to prove that MHD is the real source and I see no evidence for that when it comes to externally powered stars etc. In fact if you carefully observe my experiments you will see the variance between my electrically driven plasma formation and the formations in space. They are NOT the same. They are similar in that the plasma reveals the shape of the fields. The steel ball experiments I show in the videos also do this WITHOUT electricity. I do this to show that electricity is NOT the driver of the formations we see in space, but in fact is produced by the formations we see in space. I have to be careful in how I present this evidence because I have working technology based on these theories and I have patents in the works. But in PF2 I will present the mechanism by which electricity is produced by the Sun.I DO NOT AGREE with the current mainstream view of the Sun as being internally fusion powered and I find that all evidence and hard data point directly away from this concept. So I do understand the EUT frustrations with the blindness in the mainstream. But I am not the mainstream. So do not try and say things against what I am saying until you can prove it. That is what I did. I kept my mouth closed until I had hard repeatable data.ui

EUT(Electric Universe Theory,電宇宙理論)絕大部分是正確的而且比目前主流的 AP(Atomic Physics,原子物理)理論更正確。可是沒有證據代表電的來源。我很是關心磁流體力學,事實上個人理論中使用了它,可是你仍然須要證實MHD(Magnetohydrodynamics,磁流體)是真正的來源。在觀察外部驅動的恆星時,我沒有看到任何證據代表這點。事實上,若是你仔細觀察個人實驗,你會看到個人外加電極驅動的等離子形態和太空中的形態是有區別的。它們毫不相同!它們只是在等離子顯示了磁場外形方面是類似的。我作的那個鋼球實驗,一樣是噴射了物質,但卻沒必要外加電極。我作這個實驗是爲了說明:電並無驅動並運做咱們在太空中看到的形態,事實上電是被這種形態給製造出來的。我不得不謹慎的在實驗中演示這個證據,由於我有相關的專利科技是基於這個理論的。可是在<初子場域 2>中,我將會演示這種機制,太陽就是經過這種機制來產生電流的。我毫不贊同當前主流界認爲的,太陽是被內部的核聚變驅動並運行的理論,而且有明顯的觀測數據違背這一理論。因此,我很是能理解 EUT 工做者不被主流界接受時的沮喪心情。但我不是主流界的。因此,在你不能證實本身觀點是否正確時,請不要試圖說一些針對我理論的話,除非你能實驗驗證本身的觀點。這就是個人工做方式。在沒有明顯可重複數據支持時,我一般會緊閉個人嘴。this

But I do find that the Sun is fusion powered from the outside. Find the highest temperature and you have the place where fusion is greatest.Simple logic. Then as to the EUT, If the Sun were externally electrically powered we would not find these incredible temperature variances between the surface of the Sun and the corona-sphere. It would all be pretty much the same temperature. This is simple logic, backed by experiments. So in an externally powered Sun you have to explain the mechanism for the Solar interior being 5000K and the hottest areas in the corona-sphere being over 2 million K. IN fact you have to provide a mechanism for the interior of the Sun to be cooled as it is surrounded by the much hotter corona-sphere. That mechanism I cannot prove, but I do have a couple of ideas that I will expound on in my videos. Too much to discuss here.atom

可是我確實發現了太陽是在外部聚變的事實。找到了溫度最高的地方,你就找到了聚變發生的確切位置。很簡單的邏輯。接着說 EUT,若是太陽是被外部電極驅動的話,咱們將不會發現太陽光球區表層和日冕區之間很是巨大的溫差。它們之間的溫度將不會差太多。這是一個由我作實驗,進而得出的簡單邏輯。因此,若是你聲稱太陽是被外部電極驅動的話,你必須解釋爲何光球區表層溫度只有5000 開爾文,而日冕區卻高達 200 萬開爾文。事實上,你必須提供一個太陽外熱內冷的合理機制。這個機制我不能證實,但我確實有一些想法,我將會在接下來的視頻中闡述個人這個觀點。內容太多,以致在這裏不能講的太多。idea

My thinking that the Sun cannot be externally powered is also backed by experimental proof of little or no temperature variance in my experiments, which are indeed externally electrically driven. Therefore one must conclude that NASA et all is incorrect and the current EUT theory is incorrect based on repeatable experiments. Six years of experiments in fact.

我認爲太陽不是被外部電極驅動的。這個觀點一樣是被實驗數據支持的,那就是:實驗中只有很小或者基本沒有溫度差別。所以,必需要得出一個結論,那就是:NASA 的電極理論所有是錯的而且當前的 EUT 理論也是錯誤的。他們的錯誤都是基於可重複的實驗證實了的。事實上,我作了六年的實驗。

But again I do agree with the concepts of the EUT more than I agree with BH, DM, and DE, which I find no reason to exist and in fact I find zero proof that any of them exist.

可是相比 BH(黑洞),DM(暗物質),DE(暗能量)等理論,我更加贊同 EUT 理論。由於,我發現它們(BH,DM,DE)沒理由存在,事實上我沒有發現任何證據代表它們存在。

Furthermore. I am a plasma physicist as you can see. I know very well what a Z-pinch is. Please do not make comments that I don't realize I made a Z-pinch. To those who actually worked with Z-pinches a comment like that makes the whole EUT look really bad. What I made is not a Z-pinch at all. NOT AT ALL. Trying to say it does makes you look really really bad. Sorry, but it does. It makes those who really know how a Z-pinch really works pay no attention to anything else you say.I am sorry, but that is how these guys think.

此外,我是一個等離子物理學家,正如你看到的那樣。我很是清楚什麼是 Z-pinch。請不要發表評論說我沒意識到我製做了一個 Z-pinch。對於那些真正工做在Z-pinch 領域的人來講,這樣的評論會讓整個 EUT 界感到尷尬。我作的這個,絕對不是 Z-pinch!根本不是!試圖說這樣的話會讓你感到很是很是尷尬。對不起,但確實是這樣。那些真正懂得 Z-pinch 到底如何工做的人,根本會無視你的評論。對不起,但這些人確實是這麼想的。

It would be like me telling you the moon is really made of cheese and then wondering why you won't listen to me. So really research what you believe, for your own sake.


I hope to work with the EU folks in the future and I have been in communication with them. But for now I must stand alone. There are currently some EU statements that are not scientifically backed by proven facts and indeed go against scientific fact. Z-pinchs are one of those statements, as is the externally powered Sun and stars.

我但願在從此和 EU(Electric Universe)界的人一塊兒工做,事實上我已經和他們中的一些人聯繫上了。可是如今,我必須獨自站隊。當前 EU 界的某些觀點,並無可靠的事實數據支撐,事實上違反了科學事實。Z-pinch 就是這樣的觀點,還有就是恆星和太陽是被外部電極驅動的觀點。

It is an electric universe and the electricity is generated around the stars. I can prove it. How do you generate electricity here on Earth. You move magnetic fields. This is what these intrinsic bowl shaped magnetic fields do, they cause magnetic fields to move very violently past each other, i.e. MHD, and guess what happens? You get electricity and the hottest points around the Sun are exactly where the greatest magnetic turbulence would take place. This in turn leads to fusion and the fusion provides the extra kick to keep it all going and generating electricity. So these theories account for where the electricity in the universe comes from and it all matches ALL the hard data. I really believe that endless clean power is near. Don't have it all worked out yet, but I do have tech that is based on these theories that is in over twelve countries right now. It works really well and it would not work if my theories were not correct. That technology has been the main focus of my research for the last six years. The AP stuff is just cool because it provides validation of my theories.

這是一個充滿電的宇宙而且電被產生出來並圍繞着恆星。我能證實它!你是怎麼在地球上產生電的呢。移動磁場。這就是這些固有磁場作的事情,它們致使磁場之間猛烈的相互運動,例如:MHD(Magnetohydrodynamics,磁流體),猜猜會發生什麼?你獲得了電流而且圍繞太陽周圍最熱的地方正是磁場擾動最厲害的區域。這依次又致使了聚變發生,而且聚變提供了額外的震動來讓這一切繼續發生而且產生電流。因此,這個理論證實了宇宙中的電從哪裏來,而且符合全部的觀測數據。我真的相信,無盡的清潔能源正在臨近。咱們尚未徹底作出來,可是我有基於這一理論的科技,能夠在 12 個國家當即實現。它工做的很是好,若是個人理論是錯的話,它將不會工做。在過去的六年裏,我研究的主要內容就是這項科技。原子物理界的人士也很是酷,由於它們提供了對我理論的驗證明驗。

Please carefully considered what you type here. I have. I have patiently waited six years to go public with what I have. That is six years of 80 hours per week. Everything I say is backed by experiments and I have not had one mainstream physics or AP attack on any of my theories that I am aware of. All I have heard is their silence. In fact I have physicists who totally back all I say.

請仔細考慮你寫下的每個字。我耐心的等待了六年後才走到前臺來公佈個人發現。這是六年的每週 80 小時的工做。我說的每個字都是有實驗作支撐的而且沒有任何主流物理界的人士或原子物理界的人士批判個人理論。我所聽到的就是那裏一片的寂靜。事實上,我有一些物理學家朋友,他們徹底能夠證實我此言不虛。

I know it is very frustrating to have the mainstream be so totally blind to some of the things the EUT calls for, but I am not mainstream and I am not your enemy. I am on your side more than I am on their side. I would suggest all of you take a step back and wait for the rest of my videos and my papers that I am working on as hard as I can. I only seek the truth and that is all. That is what every true scientist does.Just make sure you are seeking for the truth no matter where it leads, and not just trying to convince yourself that all you believe is true. That can be a very dangerous psychological trap that goes by the name of cognitive dissonance. This is the trap that I believe the mainstream has fallen into. I.E. our theories are correct and now we need patches to make our theories work.

我知道主流物理界對於 EUT 界的一些聲明徹底無視,這很是使人沮喪。但我不是主流界的,因此我不是大家的敵人。我更傾向於站在大家這邊,而不是主流界那邊。我建議大家退後一步並等待我努力製做和發佈的其他視頻和論文。我只是在尋找真理,僅僅是這樣。這正是每個真正的科學家作的事情。僅僅確保你在尋找真理,而無論它將致使何種結果,而不是僅僅試圖說服本身你認爲的就是對的。這會致使一個很是危險的心理陷阱,那就是認知不一致。這就是,我認爲的主流物理界目前正陷入的一個陷阱。例如:咱們的理論是正確的而且咱們只須要對這理論作若干修補就能夠了。

My approach is to try and shoot down my own theories and prove them incorrect. This approach has worked really well for me and any mistakes or problems are revealed when I do this. If I cannot prove something, I will not say it as a fact. If I say I believe that means I think that this is correct, but I cannot yet prove it, therefore it could be wrong. I think all of us should be like that, even NASA, even you, even me.

個人研究方法是試圖證實本身的理論是錯誤的。這個研究方法對我很是合適,而且任何錯誤或疑問會被呈現出來當我作它的時候。若是我不能證實一些事情,我不會把它看成一個事實來講。若是我說「我相信」,那意味着:我認爲它是對的,可是我尚未驗證它,所以它可能會錯。我認爲咱們你們應該會喜歡這樣的,甚至是 NASA,甚至是你,甚至是我。

I hope you all understand where I am coming from.


Cheers to all,


David is well

上圖來自 G+賬號: Rausch Zoltán
附上一些 wiki

Kristian Olaf Birkeland(克里斯蒂安·伯克蘭):
MHD 和 Hannes Alfvén(漢尼斯·阿爾文):
