我發現這個過程常常會出現停滯的狀況,並且速率較慢,諮詢CCB Support後,他們給了以下回復
2019-03-26 09:30:30,373 ERROR - Request failed, retrying in 1600 msec, 1 attempts left
The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.app
Please make sure that there are no antivirus / firewall software on the machine or its network environment preventing connections to / for:
TCP ports: 80, 443
Addresses : ide
所以我感受是Great Firewall的阻擋致使的,所以我改了設定,將EC2建在美國區,用SFTP服務將中國區的數據同步過來,再用CCB傳入S3,這樣修改後,傳輸速率大爲改觀。this
2019-02-21 10:02:08,632 WARN - Path is not found: \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy41442\En\Ra\SM\IS\Singlelog\Error\ISP-FAIL_20190221_095154.txt
Could not find file '\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy41442 \En\Ra\SM\IS\Singlelog\Error\ISP-FAIL_20190221_095154.txt'.同步
This error relates to VSS. We suspect that Backup Source "G:\En\" is possibly a mapped EFS Volume, which is essentially a network share.
Unfortunately VSS does not work on network shares, so there are now much that could be done in this case.it
One possible workaround would be make sure that there are no users working with the files on this network share, because it may be locked because of this. Try to reschedule the backups to no working hours.io
也就是說這個fast NTFS scan不支持EC2 EBS加載的磁盤,而只能是本地盤event