首先上圖。經過Chrome 的F12 查看請求頭和響應頭的時候發現有以下警告。chrome
「CAUTION: provisional headers are shown」 in Chrome debugger瀏覽器
一、chrome瀏覽器中Provisional headers are shown提示,通常來講,若是看到這個提示,說明這個請求並無發送出去。具體緣由有多種,除了上面提到的狀況外,還多是請求被某些擴展如 Adblock 給攔截了,請求被牆了,走本地緩存或者 dataurl 的請求,也會這樣顯示。網絡
http://www.oschina.net/news/22254/12-google-chrome-commands/ 測試
I don't really know. The way I found about the extension that was blocking my resource was through theurl
tool in Chrome. spa
Just type that in the address bar and hit enter. .net
Then open the page that is showing problems.
Then go back to net-internals, click on events (###) and use the textfield to find the event related to your resource (use parts of the URL). Finally, click on it and see if the info shown tells you something.
2.1. chrome://net-internals
其中一個很重要的功能就是「測試」,若是你沒法訪問某個網址,那麼能夠使用 「chrome://net-internals」 -> 點擊「Tests」 tab -> 輸入網址,並點擊開始測試,Chrome 將報告具體的問題所在。