create-react-app my-app --scripts-version=react-scripts-ts && cd my-app
這樣咱們就構建好一個react-typescript項目了,按照提示,在命令行輸入yarn start || npm start
import * as React from 'react'; import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { MyDecorator } from './Decorator'; // 這裏是定義傳入的參數類型 export interface DemoProps { helloString?: string; } // 這裏寫一個類 對其傳入參數類型也是有定義的第一個參數是props,第二個是state // props就是用剛纔上面咱們定義的那樣,state若是不傳就寫一個any就行了 export default class DecoratorTest extends React.Component<DemoProps, any> { static propTypes = { helloString: PropTypes.string, }; constructor(props) { super(props); } // 這是一個裝飾器,下面會附上裝飾器代碼,裝飾的做用就是給callDecorator // 這個屬性添加一個cancel屬性 // 若是不是很懂裝飾器的同窗能夠去typescript官網上查看詳細文檔 @MyDecorator() callDecorator() { console.log('I am in callDecorator'); } componentDidMount() { this.callDecorator(); (this.callDecorator as any).cancel(); } render() { return ( <div> {this.props.helloString} </div> ); } } // 裝飾器代碼 // 在寫裝飾器代碼的時候須要在tsconfig.json文件中的compilerOptions屬性添加一下代碼 // "experimentalDecorators": true export default function decoratorTest(fn) { console.log('in definingProperty'); const throttled = () => { fn(); }; (throttled as any).cancel = () => console.log('cancel'); return throttled; } export function MyDecorator() { return function(target, key, descriptor) { let fn = descriptor.value; let definingProperty = false; console.log('before definingProperty'); // 這個get函數會在類被實例化的時候就進行調用,因此就可以將這些屬性賦給外部的target // 也就是在this.callDecorator的時候 // 順帶說一下set函數 會在 this.callDecorator = something 的時候調用 return { configurable: true, // get: function()這樣的寫法也是能夠執行 get() { if (definingProperty || this === target.prototype || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return fn; } let boundFn = decoratorTest(fn.bind(this)); definingProperty = true; Object.defineProperty(this, key, { value: boundFn, configurable: true, writable: true, }); definingProperty = false; return boundFn; }, }; }; }
import * as React from 'react'; import Demo from './components/Demo'; import './App.css'; const logo = require('./logo.svg'); class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div className="App"> <div className="App-header"> <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" /> <h2>Welcome to React</h2> </div> <div className="App-intro"> <Demo helloString="Hello, react with typescript" /> </div> </div> ); } } export default App;
而後轉向瀏覽器 查看咱們寫的組件是否展現出來了,若是沒有展現出來,能夠去終端查看編譯錯誤。typescript