1. The story for Factory pattern java
Factory design pattern is used for creating an object based on different parameters. The example below is about creating human in a factory. If we ask the factory for a boy, the factory will produce a boy; if we ask for a girl, the factory will produce a girl. Based on different parameters, the factory produce different stuff. ide
2. Factory pattern class diagram spa
3. Factory pattern Java code code
interface Human { public void Talk(); public void Walk(); } class Boy implements Human{ @Override public void Talk() { System.out.println("Boy is talking..."); } @Override public void Walk() { System.out.println("Boy is walking..."); } } class Girl implements Human{ @Override public void Talk() { System.out.println("Girl is talking..."); } @Override public void Walk() { System.out.println("Girl is walking..."); } } public class HumanFactory { public static Human createHuman(String m){ Human p = null; if(m == "boy"){ p = new Boy(); }else if(m == "girl"){ p = new Girl(); } return p; } }4. Factory design pattern used in Java standard library
java.util.Calendar – getInstance()
java.util.Calendar – getInstance(TimeZone zone)
java.util.Calendar – getInstance(Locale aLocale)
java.util.Calendar – getInstance(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale) orm
java.text.NumberFormat – getInstance()
java.text.NumberFormat – getInstance(Locale inLocale) get
A simple example of Calendar.getInstance(): class
public static String getCurrentTime(){ Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance(); String hour="" + c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); String min="" + c.get(Calendar.MINUTE); String sec="" + c.get(Calendar.SECOND); if (hour.length() == 1) hour="0" + hour; if (min.length() == 1) min="0" + min; if (sec.length() == 1) sec="0" + sec; return hour + ":" + min+ ":"+ sec; }