$ npm install $ npm run dev # serve examples at localhost:8080
查看package.json dev命令,html
"dev": "node examples/server.js"
Counter with Hot Reload,
Shopping Cart,
FluxChat 這些每個有頗有表明性vue
vuex 只暴露出了6個方法java
export default { Store, install, mapState, mapMutations, mapGetters, mapActions }
vue.use() 裏會調用自動install方法node
function install (_Vue) { if (Vue) { console.error( '[vuex] already installed. Vue.use(Vuex) should be called only once.' ) return } Vue = _Vue applyMixin(Vue) } applyMixin(Vue){ // ... function vuexInit () { const options = this.$options // store injection if (options.store) { this.$store = options.store } else if (options.parent && options.parent.$store) { this.$store = options.parent.$store } } }
new Vue({store})傳進去一個store對象,在new Vue()的時候對options進行了處理react
vm.$options.store = store // 把傳入的對象除了$el都掛在了$options下 // 參考vue源碼對options處理部分
if (options.store) { // 這樣在 vue 裏全局裏經過 $store可以訪問store對象 this.$store = options.store }
class Store { constructor (options = {}) {assert(Vue, `must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance.`) assert(typeof Promise !== 'undefined', `vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser.`) // options解構賦值 const { state = {}, plugins = [], strict = false } = options // store internal state this._options = options this._committing = false this._actions = Object.create(null) this._mutations = Object.create(null) this._wrappedGetters = Object.create(null) this._runtimeModules = Object.create(null) this._subscribers = [] this._watcherVM = new Vue() // bind commit and dispatch to self const store = this // dispatch, commit 解構賦值 const { dispatch, commit } = this // dispatch改變this,使this爲store this.dispatch = function boundDispatch (type, payload) { return dispatch.call(store, type, payload) } // 同上 this.commit = function boundCommit (type, payload, options) { return commit.call(store, type, payload, options) } // 嚴格模式 // strict mode this.strict = strict // 對傳入module的處理 // init root module. // this also recursively registers all sub-modules // and collects all module getters inside this._wrappedGetters installModule(this, state, [], options) // initialize the store vm, which is responsible for the reactivity // (also registers _wrappedGetters as computed properties) resetStoreVM(this, state) // apply plugins plugins.concat(devtoolPlugin).forEach(plugin => plugin(this)) } }
get state () { //返回state,state掛在在stare.vm下 return this._vm.state } set state (v) { //不能被外部改變,私有變量 assert(false, `Use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`) }
installModule(this, state, [], options)github
function installModule (store, rootState, path, module, hot) { // 若是path爲[]那麼isRoot爲tree const isRoot = !path.length // 把傳入的options請求解構賦值, const { state, actions, mutations, getters, modules } = module // hot不存在並且path不爲[] // set state if (!isRoot && !hot) { const parentState = getNestedState(rootState, path.slice(0, -1)) const moduleName = path[path.length - 1] store._withCommit(() => { Vue.set(parentState, moduleName, state || {}) }) } if (mutations) { Object.keys(mutations).forEach(key => { registerMutation(store, key, mutations[key], path) }) } if (actions) { Object.keys(actions).forEach(key => { registerAction(store, key, actions[key], path) }) } if (getters) { wrapGetters(store, getters, path) } if (modules) { //注意 只有傳遞了modules 纔會執行if (!isRoot && !hot)後面的處理,這裏對path.concat(key)進行了處理 Object.keys(modules).forEach(key => { installModule(store, rootState, path.concat(key), modules[key], hot) }) } }
這裏有個很重要的概念要理解,什麼是 path. vuex 的一個 store 實例能夠拆分紅不少個 module ,不一樣的 module 能夠理解成一個子代的 store 實例(事實上,module 確實和 store 具備同樣的結構),這是一種模塊化的概念。所以這裏的 path 能夠理解成是表示一種層級關係(樹狀),當你有了一個 root state 以後,根據這個 root state 和 path 能夠找到 path 路徑對應的一個 local state, 每個 module 下的 mutations 和 actions 改變的都是這個local state,而不是 root state.vuex
看一下 getNestedState方法npm
/* * state: Object, path: Array * 假設path = ['a', 'b', 'c'] * 函數返回結果是state[a][b][c] */ function getNestedState (state, path) { return path.length ? path.reduce(function (state, key) { return state[key]; }, state) : state }
這裏學習一下reduce的妙用 reduce不清楚的 mdn傳送門點我
/** handler是傳入的mutation[key]方法好比 increment (state) { state.count++ }, decrement (state) { state.count-- } type就是key increment, decrement **/ registerMutation函數 ---------------- function registerMutation (store, type, handler, path = []) { const entry = store._mutations[type] || (store._mutations[type] = []) entry.push(function wrappedMutationHandler (payload) { handler(getNestedState(store.state, path), payload) }) }
全部的 mutations 都通過處理後,保存在了 store._mutations 對象裏。 _mutations 的結構爲
_mutations: { increment: [function wrappedMutationHandler(payload){increment(store.state.modules){...}}, ...], decrement: [function wrappedMutationHandler(payload){decrement(store.state.modules, payload){...}}, ...], ... }
第二個參數就是payload 用戶自定義傳遞的參數
increment (state) state.count++ }, decrement (state) { state.count-- }
function registerAction (store, type, handler, path = []) { const entry = store._actions[type] || (store._actions[type] = []) const { dispatch, commit } = store entry.push(function wrappedActionHandler (payload, cb) { let res = handler({ dispatch, commit, getters: store.getters, state: getNestedState(store.state, path), rootState: store.state }, payload, cb) if (!isPromise(res)) { // 返回 Promise res = Promise.resolve(res) } if (store._devtoolHook) { return res.catch(err => { store._devtoolHook.emit('vuex:error', err) throw err }) } else { return res } }) }
_actions: { increment: [function wrappedActionHandler(payload){increment({ dispatch, commit, getters: store.getters, state: getNestedState(store.state, path), rootState: store.state }){...}}, ...], decrement: [function wrappedActionHandler(payload){decrement({ dispatch, commit, getters: store.getters, state: getNestedState(store.state, path), rootState: store.state }, payload){...}}, ...], ... }
const actions = { increment: ({ commit }) => commit('increment'), decrement: ({ commit }) => commit('decrement') }
commit (type, payload, options) { // check object-style commit if (isObject(type) && type.type) { options = payload payload = type type = type.type } const mutation = { type, payload } const entry = this._mutations[type] if (!entry) { console.error(`[vuex] unknown mutation type: ${type}`) return } this._withCommit(() => { entry.forEach(function commitIterator (handler) { handler(payload) }) }) if (!options || !options.silent) { this._subscribers.forEach(sub => sub(mutation, this.state)) } } dispatch (type, payload) { // check object-style dispatch if (isObject(type) && type.type) { payload = type type = type.type } const entry = this._actions[type] if (!entry) { console.error(`[vuex] unknown action type: ${type}`) return } return entry.length > 1 ? Promise.all(entry.map(handler => handler(payload))) : entry[0](payload) }
// store增長一個 _wrappedGetters 屬性 function wrapGetters (store, moduleGetters, modulePath) { Object.keys(moduleGetters).forEach(getterKey => { const rawGetter = moduleGetters[getterKey] if (store._wrappedGetters[getterKey]) { console.error(`[vuex] duplicate getter key: ${getterKey}`) return } store._wrappedGetters[getterKey] = function wrappedGetter (store) { return rawGetter( getNestedState(store.state, modulePath), // local state store.getters, // getters store.state // root state ) } }) }
注意 這裏的全部 getters 都儲存在了全局的一個 _wrappedGetters 對象中,一樣屬性名是各個 getterKey ,屬性值一樣是一個函數,執行這個函數,將會返回原始 getter 的執行結果。
function resetStoreVM (store, state) { const oldVm = store._vm //... Object.keys(wrappedGetters).forEach(key => { const fn = wrappedGetters[key] // use computed to leverage its lazy-caching mechanism computed[key] = () => fn(store) Object.defineProperty(store.getters, key, { get: () => store._vm[key] }) }) //... store._vm = new Vue({ data: { state }, computed }) if (oldVm) { // dispatch changes in all subscribed watchers // to force getter re-evaluation. store._withCommit(() => { oldVm.state = null }) Vue.nextTick(() => oldVm.$destroy()) } }
store._vm = new Vue({ data: { state }, computed })
state是放在vue實例對象的 this.data.state 裏面的
這個 new Vue 和你日常的new Vue不同,這是兩個vue實例,數據不共用
computed:{ ...mapState(["count"]) },
就不能直接寫 template 裏寫{{count}} 而必須使用 this.$store.state.count
/* * 若是map是一個數組 ['type1', 'type2', ...] * 轉化爲[ * { * key: type1, * val: type1 * }, * { * key: type2, * val: type2 * }, * ... * ] * 若是map是一個對象 {type1: fn1, type2: fn2, ...} * 轉化爲 [ * { * key: type1, * val: fn1 * }, * { * key: type2, * val: fn2 * }, * ... * ] */ function normalizeMap (map) { return Array.isArray(map) ? map.map(function (key) { return ({ key: key, val: key }); }) : Object.keys(map).map(function (key) { return ({ key: key, val: map[key] }); }) }
normalizeMap 函數接受一個對象或者數組,最後都轉化成一個數組形式,數組元素是包含 key 和 value 兩個屬性的對象。
export function mapState (states) { const res = {} normalizeMap(states).forEach(({ key, val }) => { res[key] = function mappedState () { return typeof val === 'function' //是函數,執行返回結果 ? val.call(this, this.$store.state, this.$store.getters) : this.$store.state[val] // 不是,返回$store.state[val]值 } }) return res } export function mapMutations (mutations) { const res = {} normalizeMap(mutations).forEach(({ key, val }) => { res[key] = function mappedMutation (...args) { // 經過commit執行Mutation裏的函數和本身用$store.commit()執行結果是同樣,定義一個方法,用戶使用起來更方便 return this.$store.commit.apply(this.$store, [val].concat(args)) } }) return res } //這裏 getters 一樣接受一個數組,一樣返回一個對象 export function mapGetters (getters) { const res = {} normalizeMap(getters).forEach(({ key, val }) => { res[key] = function mappedGetter () { if (!(val in this.$store.getters)) { console.error(`[vuex] unknown getter: ${val}`) } return this.$store.getters[val] } }) return res } export function mapActions (actions) { const res = {} normalizeMap(actions).forEach(({ key, val }) => { res[key] = function mappedAction (...args) { // 同mapMutations return this.$store.dispatch.apply(this.$store, [val].concat(args)) } }) return res }
map* 方法,這四種方法能夠都返回一個對象,因此在vue裏咱們可以使用...
computed:{ ...mapState(["count"]) }
vuex 使用單一狀態樹——用一個對象就包含了所有的應用層級狀態。至此它便做爲一個「惟一數據源 (SSOT)」而存在。這也意味着,每一個應用將僅僅包含一個 store 實例。單一狀態樹可以直接地定位任一特定的狀態片斷,在調試的過程當中也能輕易地取得整個當前應用狀態的快照
每個 Vuex 應用的核心就是 store(倉庫)。「store」基本上就是一個容器,它包含着應用中大部分的狀態 (state)。Vuex 和單純的全局對象有如下兩點不一樣:
一、Vuex 的狀態存儲是響應式的。當 Vue 組件從 store 中讀取狀態的時候,若 store 中的狀態發生變化,那麼相應的組件也會相應地獲得高效更新
二、不能直接改變 store 中的狀態。改變 store 中的狀態的惟一途徑就是顯式地提交 (commit) mutation。這樣使得能夠方便地跟蹤每個狀態的變化,從而可以實現一些工具幫助更好地瞭解應用
Vuex 背後的基本思想,借鑑了 Flux、Redux和 The Elm Architecture