npm install vditor -s
import Vditor from "vditor";
import "vditor/src/assets/scss/index.scss";
export default class Vditor extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { editValue: "" }; } componentDidMount = () => { //組件掛載完成以後調用 注意必定要在組件掛載完成以後調用 不然會找不到注入的DOM this.createVidtor({ value: this.state.editValue }); } //建立編輯器 下面會詳解 createVidtor = params => { let { value } = params; value = value ? value : " "; let that = this; const vditor = new Vditor("vditor", { height: 800, mode: "ir", //及時渲染模式 placeholder: "React Vditor", toolbar: [ "emoji", "headings", "bold", "italic", "strike", "link", "|", "list", "ordered-list", "check", "outdent", "indent", "|", "quote", "line", "code", "inline-code", "insert-before", "insert-after", "|", "upload", "table", "|", "undo", "redo", "|", "fullscreen", "edit-mode", { name: "more", toolbar: [ "both", "code-theme", "content-theme", "export", "outline", "preview", "devtools", "info", "help" ] }, "|", { hotkey: "⌘-S", name: "save", tipPosition: "s", tip: "保存", className: "right", icon: `<img style="height: 16px" src=''/>`, click() { that.saveDoc(); } }, { hotkey: "", name: "publish", tipPosition: "s", tip: "發佈文章", className: "right", icon: `<img style="height: 16px" src=''/>`, click() { that.publishDoc(); } } ], after() { vditor.setValue(value); }, blur() { that.saveDoc(); }, upload: { accept: "image/*", multiple: false, filename(name) { return name .replace(/[^(a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5\.)]/g, "") .replace(/[\?\\/:|<>\*\[\]\(\)\$%\{\}@~]/g, "") .replace("/\\s/g", ""); }, handler(files) { function callback(path) { let name = files[0] && files[0].name; let succFileText = ""; if (vditor && vditor.vditor.currentMode === "wysiwyg") { succFileText += `\n <img alt=${name} src="${path}">`; } else { succFileText += ` \n`; } document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, succFileText); } that.handleImageUpload(files, callback); }, url(files) { that.handleImageUpload(files); } } }); this.vditor = vditor; return vditor; }; //首先須要在render裏面注入DOM,可自定義注入DOM的ID,初始化編輯器的時候使用自定義的ID便可 render() { <div className="editorWrap"> <div id="vditor" /> </div> } }
示例: markdown
const vditor = new Vditor("vditor", ...option);
tip:只列舉一下經常使用參數,其餘的參數請參照 官方API
參數 | 說明 |
height | 配置編輯器高度 |
mode | 編輯器模式 wysiwyg:所見即所得2 ir:及時渲染 sv:分屏模式 |
placeholder | 佔位符 |
toolbar | 工具欄 |
tip:此爲源碼裏面copy 不用更改可直接使用,官方已定義好了快捷鍵和功能
toolbar: [ "emoji", "headings", "bold", "italic", "strike", "link", "|", "list", "ordered-list", "check", "outdent", "indent", "|", "quote", "line", "code", "inline-code", "insert-before", "insert-after", "|", "upload", "record", "table", "|", "undo", "redo", "|", "fullscreen", "edit-mode", { name: "more", toolbar: [ "both", "code-theme", "content-theme", "export", "outline", "preview", "devtools", "info", "help", ], }]
對應工具欄展現: 異步
let that = this; const vditor = new Vditor("vditor", { toolbar: [ { hotkey: "⌘-S", name: "save", tipPosition: "s", tip: "保存", className: "right", icon: `<img style="height: 16px" src=''/>`, click() { that.saveDoc(); } }, { hotkey: "", name: "publish", tipPosition: "s", tip: "發佈文章", className: "right", icon: `<img style="height: 16px" src=''/>`, click() { that.publishDoc(); } } ] }); //tip:在調用本類封裝的方法時提早把this賦值給其餘方法內的變量,在Vditor內部改變了this指向
參數 | 說明 |
hotkey | 熱鍵配置 |
name | 功能區分(惟一性) |
tip | 懸浮提示 |
className | UI展現 right靠右 |
icon | 按鈕圖標 |
click | 點擊事件 |
示例: 編輯器
saveDoc = () => { //在初始化時已經把vditor賦值到this對象上 可直接經過getValue方法獲取當前編輯器的值 let mdValue = this.vditor && this.vditor.getValue(); //獲取完值業務保存就行 這裏再也不詳細寫本人的保存方法了 ... }
let { value } = params; value = value ? value : " "; //若是是空值的話 最好給一個空格 以避免編輯器初始化時報錯 const vditor = new Vditor("vditor", { // value: value, after() { vditor.setValue(value); } }); //tip:雖然說官方也提供value直接賦值 可是在React裏面不生效,就須要在after裏面去調用setValue來完成賦值
const vditor = new Vditor("vditor", { upload: { accept: "image/*", multiple: false, filename(name) { return name .replace(/[^(a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5\.)]/g, "") .replace(/[\?\\/:|<>\*\[\]\(\)\$%\{\}@~]/g, "") .replace("/\\s/g", ""); }, handler(files) { function callback(path) { let name = files[0] && files[0].name; let succFileText = ""; if (vditor && vditor.vditor.currentMode === "wysiwyg") { succFileText += `\n <img alt=${name} src="${path}">`; } else { succFileText += ` \n`; } document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, succFileText); } that.handleImageUpload(files, callback); }, url(files, callback) { that.handleImageUpload(files, callback); } } }); //此接口裏面調用的是本身的圖片上傳 業務方自行實現 handleImageUpload = (file, callback) => { const reader = new FileReader(); let formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("files", file[0]); reader.onload = () => { // setTimeout 模擬異步上傳圖片 // 當異步上傳獲取圖片地址後,執行callback回調(參數爲imageUrl字符串),便可將圖片地址寫入markdown new Promise(resolve => { this.props.dispatch({ type: "docManager/imageUpload", payload: { resolve, username: myInfo.userId, formdata } }); }).then(res => { let imgurl = res.result.path; callback(imgurl); }); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file[0]); };
參數 | 說明 |
accept | 接收文件類型(我這邊只作了圖片上傳) |
multiple | 是否多選 |
filename | 格式化文件名 |
handler | 點擊數觸發方法 |
url | 配置此方法時可實現圖片粘貼並上傳 |
handler(files) { function callback(path) { let name = files[0] && files[0].name; let succFileText = ""; //上傳完成獲取當前編輯器模式 根據不一樣模式拼接不一樣的展現標籤 if (vditor && vditor.vditor.currentMode === "wysiwyg") { succFileText += `\n <img alt=${name} src="${path}">`; } else { succFileText += ` \n`; } //拼接完直接插入到鼠標選中位置 document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, succFileText); } that.handleImageUpload(files, callback); }