轉自: http://andrewsturges.com/blog/jekyll/tutorial/2014/11/06/github-and-godaddy.htmlhtml
I own a custom domain through GoDaddy.com that I want to use for my user page at arsturges.github.io.git
Github.io offers a neat, free hosting option. I had no trouble setting up a site at arsturges.github.io, but I found the custom URL documentation to be unclear. Below, I'll explain how I set up my github.io user page with my GoDaddy.com domain name andrewsturges.com.github
In brief, the steps are as follows:dom
and "Points to" =
and "Points to" = arsturges.github.io
When the DNS updates, you should be able to navigate to your custom domain and see your pages.github.io page. You can check your work with the following command, and compare to my results:3d