jqGrid 官方給的demo是http://www.guriddo.net/demo/guriddojs/javascript
<!--The type attribute gives the language of the script or format of the data. If the attribute is present, its value must be a valid MIME type. The charset parameter must not be specified. The default, which is used if the attribute is absent, is "text/javascript".--> <script src="scripts/jquery-2.2.3.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jqGrid-5.1.1/js/jquery.jqGrid.js"></script> <script src="scripts/jqGrid-5.1.1/js/i18n/grid.locale-cn.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="scripts/jquery-ui-1.11.4/jquery-ui.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="scripts/jqGrid-5.1.1/css/ui.jqgrid.css" />
<table id="jqGrid"></table> <div id="jqGridPager"></div>
<script> $(function () { $("#jqGrid").jqGrid({ url: 'http://trirand.com/blog/phpjqgrid/examples/jsonp/getjsonp.php?callback=?&qwery=longorders', mtype: "GET", datatype: "jsonp", colModel: [ { label: 'OrderID', name: 'OrderID', key: true, width: 75 }, { label: 'Customer ID', name: 'CustomerID', width: 150 }, { label: 'Order Date', name: 'OrderDate', width: 150 }, { label: 'Freight', name: 'Freight', width: 150 }, { label:'Ship Name', name: 'ShipName', width: 150 } ], viewrecords: true, width: 780, height: 250, rowNum: 20, pager: "#jqGridPager" }); }); </script>