(1)建立一個Single View Application類型的工程,命名爲2-20。spa
圖2.26 主視圖的效果開發
表2-6 設置主視圖io
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace Application
public partial class __20ViewController : UIViewController
…… //這裏省略了視圖控制器的構造方法和析構方法
#region View lifecycle
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UILabel label1 = new UILabel ();
label1.Frame = new RectangleF (2, 410, 155, 28);
label1.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; //設置標籤文本內容的對其方式
label1.Text = "碧玉妝成一樹高,"; //設置標籤的文本內容
this.View.AddSubview (label1);
UILabel label4 = new UILabel ();
label4.Frame = new RectangleF (2, 500, 155, 28);
label4.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
label4.Text = "二月春風似剪刀.";
this.View.AddSubview (label4);
…… //這裏省略了視圖加載和卸載先後的一些方法
圖2.27 運行效果
(1)建立一個Single View Application類型的工程,命名爲2-23。
(3)打開MainStoryboard.storyboard文件,從工具欄中拖動Image View圖像視圖到主視圖中,將此視圖的Image屬性設置爲1.jpg。
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace Application
public partial class __23ViewController : UIViewController
…… //這裏省略了視圖控制器的構造方法和析構方法
#region View lifecycle
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UILabel label = new UILabel ();
label.Frame = new RectangleF (20, 100, 280, 64);
label.Text = " 如何讓你碰見我,在我最美麗的時刻。爲這,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他讓咱們結一段塵緣。";
label.Lines = 3; //設置顯示文本的行數
this.View.AddSubview (label);
…… //這裏省略了視圖加載和卸載先後的一些方法
圖2.28 運行效果
表2-7 內容顯示的格式
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace Application
public partial class __33ViewController : UIViewController
…… //這裏省略了視圖控制器的構造方法和析構方法
#region View lifecycle
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UILabel label = new UILabel ();
label.Frame = new RectangleF (20, 100, 280, 64);
label.Text = " 如何讓你碰見我,在我最美麗的時刻。爲這,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他讓咱們結一段塵緣。";
label.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation; //設置內容顯示的格式
this.View.AddSubview (label);
…… //這裏省略了視圖加載和卸載先後的一些方法
圖2.29 運行效果