雖然沒有正式的Release模塊(Types in the Qt.labs module are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.
此外,還有一個開發者寫的非官方文檔可供瞭解gesture模塊開發的背景及主要接口、屬性及函數:Getting in touch with Qt Quick: Gestures and QML。函數
但,咱們依然要注意,在qt文檔中給出以下說明: Warning: GestureArea is an experimental element whose development has been discontinued. PinchArea is available in QtQuick 1.1 and handles two finger gesture input.
Note: This element is only functional on devices with touch input.
此外,附上一個git網址,裏面全是Qt libs特性的實驗項目,你能夠找到本身須要的模塊。不過有一些項目已經好久沒有更新了。例如這裏討論的gestures。 因此,在實際項目中,須要權衡一下,或者找到替代方案!!!code
實驗特性實現文件在qt5當中的路徑爲:xxx/qt5.3.1/qtbase/qml/Qt/labs。 目前只有2個內置特性模塊:settings和folderlistmodel。orm
另外:Qt Sensor Gestures也有與手勢相關的傳感器的內容。htm
。 目錄下面有3個例子:一個是關於gesture的,一個是鼠標域(MouseArea)的,一個是彈碰域(PinchArea)的。blog
<!-- lang: js --> import QtQuick 1.0 import Qt.labs.gestures 1.0 // Only works on platforms with Touch support. Rectangle { id: rect width: 320 height: 180 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: "Tap / TapAndHold / Pan / Pinch / Swipe\nOnly works on platforms with Touch support." horizontalAlignment: Text.Center } GestureArea { anchors.fill: parent focus: true // Only some of the many gesture properties are shown. See Gesture documentation. onTap: console.log("tap pos = (",gesture.position.x,",",gesture.position.y,")") onTapAndHold: console.log("tap and hold pos = (",gesture.position.x,",",gesture.position.y,")") onPan: console.log("pan delta = (",gesture.delta.x,",",gesture.delta.y,") acceleration = ",gesture.acceleration) onPinch: console.log("pinch center = (",gesture.centerPoint.x,",",gesture.centerPoint.y,") rotation =",gesture.rotationAngle," scale =",gesture.scaleFactor) onSwipe: console.log("swipe angle=",gesture.swipeAngle) onGesture: console.log("gesture hot spot = (",gesture.hotSpot.x,",",gesture.hotSpot.y,")") } }