var XHRService = function(options) { this.options = options; this.reqTimer = null; }; XHRService.prototype = { constructor: XHRService, req: function(options) { var that = this, defer = $.Deferred(); clearTimeout(this.reqTimer); this.reqTimer = setTimeout(function() { that._req(options, defer); }, this.options.reqDelay); return defer.promise(); }, _req: function(options, defer) { var that = this; if (this.xhr) { this.xhr.abort(); } if (typeof this.options.before === 'function') { clearTimeout(this.loadingTimer); this.loadingTimer = setTimeout(function() { that.options.before(); }, this.options.loadingDelay); } this.xhr = $.ajax(options).done(function(data) { defer.resolve(data); }) .always(function(res, status, xhrObj) { clearTimeout(that.loadingTimer); if (typeof that.options.after === 'function') { that.options.after(); } if (xhrObj === that.xhr) { that.xhr = null; } }); } }; var xhr = new XHRService({ reqDelay: 10, loadingDelay: 10, before: function() { console.log('show loading...');//顯示loadingbar }, after: function() { console.log('hide loading...');//隱藏loadingbar } }); xhr.req({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data) { console.log('done!'); });