我在重啓SQL Server 2008服務的時候,忽然間報錯,服務起不來,錯誤:sql
The SQL Server (SQLSTARR) service terminated with service-specific error 126 (0x7E).網絡
以後我看了系統日誌,The SQL Server failed to initialize VIA support library [QLVipl.dll]. This normally indicates the VIA support library does not exist or is corrupted. Please repair or disable the VIA network protocol. Error: 0x7e.說把VIA網絡協議修復或禁用就能夠了,因而我就進入Start->Programs -> Microsoft Sql server 2008-> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager中的SQL Server Network Configuration下的Protocals for SQL 2008裏,不過卻發現VIA是禁用的,因而我又開啓了下SQL Server 2008服務,但仍是相同的錯誤,因而我把它開啓又禁用後,再從新開啓sql服務,這時成功開啓了。